Brimstone Rocknose Demons
A Brimstone Rocknose is a special type of
Rocknose with a yellow body.
- This creature has significantly higher chances to award the player
Brimstone when a player uses a pickaxe on its corpse.
The special move of this creature emits a brimstony breath, which is similar to a fire breath in a straight line, lie what Red Dragon hatchlings do. You will need to dodge it to avoid taking damage.
You can commonly find the location of Brimstone Rocknose in the
Shattered Springs.
Interactive Map Locations

4. Conan Exiles Map - The Exiled Lands
X: 2152 Y: 6990
Three Brimstone Rocknose guarding this region of the springs.

5. Conan Exiles Map - The Exiled Lands
X: 2282 Y: 6883
- Yellow = 2x
Brimstone Rocknose
- Purple = 2X
Crystal Rocknose

6. Conan Exiles Map - The Exiled Lands
X: 2362 Y: 6810
- Yellow = 3x
Brimstone Rocknose
- Purple = 1x
Crystal Rocknose

9. Conan Exiles Map - The Exiled Lands
X: 2100 Y: 6647
Yellow circles indicate Brimstone Rocknose spawns.

10. Conan Exiles Map - The Exiled Lands
X: 2098 Y: 6719
4 Brimstone Rocknoses spawn in the northwest and west area of the
Shattered Springs.

11. Conan Exiles Map - The Exiled Lands
X: 2169 Y: 6744
- Yellow =
Brimstone Rocknose
- Purple =
Crystal Rocknose
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