Bat Demon Demons
A large demon bat, often associated with the Unnamed City and surrounding desert landmarks.
Possible Loot
Demon Blood
- Batskin -Best with a Skinning Knife
Feral Flesh - bes with a Cleaver
Bat Demon Head
You can find an Albino version of this creature at the Tower of Bats, alongside a boss version in the Aviary in the Unnamed City.
Bat Demon Head, Bat Skin,
Demon Blood,
Feral Flesh
Interactive Map Locations

1. Conan Exiles Map - The Exiled Lands
X: 3196 Y: 8823
Around 6 Demon Bats patrol the upper edge of the Aviary in the Unnamed City.

2. Conan Exiles Map - The Exiled Lands
X: 3122 Y: 8862
Around three more bats on the very outer upper edge

3. Conan Exiles Map - The Exiled Lands
X: 3282 Y: 8844
around three more bats on the outer edge of the aviary.
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