Tinker's Bench Crafting Station
In-game Description
*“I have felt the foul presence of Set’s neophyte… I have called you to me, to give you a weapon against him and his hell-hound pack.” *- The Phoenix on the Sword.
The tinker’s bench is where ordinary weapons and armor pieces are altered to increase utility, concealability, or serve a special function. Serrations added to “catch” enemy blades, quillons removed to hide a dagger within a belt, armor joints padded to decrease sound when moving. The tools of the tinker’s bench are often unique to a given bench and specialty the modifications that tinker provides.
To craft the TInker’s Bench you’ll need x100 Wood and x25
Iron Bars.
The Tinker’s Bench can be used to craft all sorts of armor and weapon modifications that will improve things such as durability, weight, damage output, and add new types of damage such as concussive damage to existing weapons. You can also use the Tinker’s Bench to craft tools that will repair damaged armor and weapons.
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