Casting Table Crafting Station
In-game Description
“They were statues, apparently of iron, black and shining as if continually polished. They were life-sized, depicting tall, lithely powerful men, with cruel hawk-like faces… Conan rang his hilt against one of the images. “Iron”, he pronounced. “But Crom! In what molds were they cast?” - Shadows in the Moonlight.
The casting table is stocked with a variety of specialty tools and materials including a furnace, mold boxes, and the vessel required to hold heated liquids called a “crucible”. Experts in the art of casting create and fill molds to mass-produce copies of myriad simple objects such as coins and flasks.
The Casting Table can be crafted using x100 Wood and x25
Iron Bars.
You can use the Casting Table to produce a number of prestige items such as circlets, flasks, anklets, earrings, and bracelets. all of which can be worn to enhance your appearance. In addition, you can craft the simple Glass Flask at the Casting Table, which is incredibly useful for storing liquids such as water, alcohol, and poisons.
The Casting Table is especially useful for those who are trying to build their wealth for the Purge treasure hoard, since you can use it to craft Gold and
Silver coins.
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