Black Rhino Mini-Boss
Black Rhinos are creatures players can find in the wild, particularly around the Savanna mini region in the north west side of the desert. It has thick, folded skin, and one or two horns on its nose, and mainly eats plants. Black Rhinos typically are the strongest and most durable of all Rhinos, having the highest HP, and some of the toughest armor. These creatures will require expertise, skill and gear to take down. The only thing stronger than it is a Greater Rhino.
Player can also raise their own Black Rhino by raising a Rhino Calf inside your Animal Pen. They have small chance to spawn from:
Bark (10%)
- Desert Berries (10%)
- Shadespiced Bark (15%)
Basic Location
Black Rhino Head,
Exotic Flesh,
Thick Hide, Rhino
Interactive Map Locations

1. Conan Exiles Map - The Exiled Lands
The Black Rhino can be seen to the left of the image. It is a 1 skull mini boss quality Rhino.
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