Gontr Mael Longbow
Gontr Mael blasted from the corpse of the Steehuatcher Titan: a bow formed from the boiling slag and weird whispering gyros inherent to the mechanical giant. It must have acted as the Titan’s abdomen, exchanging muscle far immaculate steel.
Location / Where to Find
- Location: Steel Watch Foundry
- Quest:
Disable the Steel Watch
- Dropped by: Steel Watcher Titan
Effects/Special Abilities
- Promised Victory: On a hit, possibly inflict
Guiding Bolt upon the target.
Gontr Mael: Glowing: This object shines with a glowing light in a radius of 6m.
Proficiencies Required


Equipment Features
Promised Victory
Equipment Features


Weapon Class
Ranged Weapon
Will Encumber The Dark Urge
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