Maiming Strike Weapon Actions
Introduction: Maiming Strike is a formidable weapon action that can be employed by those proficient in wielding a
Thermodynamo Axe or
Selûne’s Spear of Night in their main hand. This strike targets an opponent’s mobility, potentially causing the Maimed condition which severely hampers their movement and agility.
Description: When wielding a Thermodynamo Axe or Selûne’s Spear of Night, a skilled combatant can execute the Maiming Strike weapon action. Upon a successful hit, the target might become Maimed, rendering them unable to move and drastically reducing their effectiveness in combat. It’s worth noting that this condition doesn’t affect flying creatures, as they are not subject to movement impairments like those that operate on the ground.
Effects/Special Abilities
- Action: Weapon Action
- Damage: 1d4 (1~4) + Strength Modifier
Bludgeoning Damage
- Attack Roll: Attack Roll required
- Range: 1.5 meters / 5 feet
- Recharge: Requires a Short Rest to recharge
Maimed: If the target is Maimed, their movement speed is reduced to 0, and they suffer Disadvantage on Dexterity Saving Throws. The Maimed condition lasts for 2 turns and can be removed through healing effects.
Proficiency Required

Used by

1.5m Range
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