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Assassin's Creed Mirage

Tips for Mastering Stealth in Assassin's Creed Mirage

Scott Peers
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The combat system in Assassin’s Creed Mirage puts stealth back at the heart of gameplay for the franchise. This will be good news for many players who enjoyed the first few games in the series, but it may be difficult for those more familiar with the RPG-like Odyssey and Valhalla to adjust. You can no longer expect to rush into a crowd of enemies and slaughter them mindlessly. Instead, you need to carefully consider when and where to strike, while remaining unseen for as long as possible. On this page, we’ll guide you through some of the best ways to master the stealth system in AC Mirage, with tips for how to assassinate groups of enemies from the shadows.

How to Stealth in Assassin’s Creed Mirage. Pictured: Basim, Roshan, and Fuladh.

How Stealth Combat Works in AC Mirage

The stealth system in AC Mirage is similar to how it worked in some of the older games in the franchise, but there are a number of new mechanics that you can make use of here. You won’t be able to rely solely on your prowess with melee weapons, such as swords and daggers, but you can make good use of your toolkit when things get tough. We’ll talk more about that later, but for now, you need to understand the basics of where you can remain in stealth without being seen.

Hide in Bushes, Trees, and Other Foliage

One of the most common ways in which you can use stealth to your advantage in AC Mirage is by hiding in foliage, such as bushes and trees. You’ll find these conveniently situated throughout much of Baghdad, so you’ll rarely be far from one to make use of. In general, whenever you’re approaching a dangerous area such as one where there are multiple guards on the lookout, you should seek cover from their gaze in foliage. You may be able to stand up and remain unseen if the foliage is high enough, but it’s a good idea to crouch whenever you can since you’ll be less visible in general, and you’ll make fewer sounds while moving.

One of the best reasons to favor stealthing in foliage over other forms of stealth is that you can wait there until a guard comes close enough for you to grab them and perform a stealth kill. If you time it correctly, Basim should pull the guard into the foliage with him, so that other patrolling guards won’t be able to see their dead comrade, thereby alerting more enemies to your presence. It’s good practice to take up position in a patch of foliage where you can see the patrol routes of guards, then wait for the right moment to pounce.

(1 of 4) You can hide inside wooden huts of various sizes which are marked by this type of fabric.

Hide in Wooden Huts

Another form of stealth can be found in wooden huts. These are located throughout Baghdad, and they’re generally distinguished from other structures by the fabric present at their entrances. It has a particular pattern and color so you’ll know what to look for (see the screenshot above). You’ll find wooden huts of different sizes; some as small latrines, others as larger recreational huts. Either way, all you need to do is jump into them to take up the hiding spot for however long you need. They’re best used to escape guards who are chasing you, but you can also enter them before whistling for a nearby guard to come closer, then execute a stealth kill which will drag them inside.

If you’re having trouble locating wooden huts or any other objects of interest, try using Eagle Vision by pressing V-Key on PC or DualSense-DPad-Left on controllers. This will highlight anything nearby that you can interact with, while also revealing the location of most hostile enemies in the vicinity.

Crouch Behind Objects

If there are no wooden huts or patches of foliage nearby, the best way that you can remain undetected is by crouching around objects. You’ll often see the direction that guards are facing by the red light emitting from their faces, but even without this, it’s usually easy to tell which way they’re looking. All you need to do is avoid coming into their line of sight, and if you remain crouched they shouldn’t be able to hear you, even if you’re directly behind them.

The method of crouching and hiding behind objects such as small buildings, fences, walls, furniture, or any other object that will block the line of sight from an enemy, is best used as you’re infiltrating a guarded area. It will give you an opportunity to wait and observe the patrol patterns of guards without being seen, and if any guards happen to wander too close, you should be able to assassinate them without raising the alarm.

Blend in With Crowds

If you’re in a busy area such as a market or town square, you can make use of crowds by blending in with them. You’ll see a white line around Basim’s character model whenever you’re successfully blending in with a group of people, in the same way that it does when you’re hidden within foliage. The trick here is to keep walking with the group so that you’re not left behind and exposed. You shouldn’t need to use this method too often, but it’s a great way of entering a restricted area through the main entrance, for example.

You can also blend in with civilian life by sitting down on benches or finding basic tasks to perform. You can find the former dotted throughout Baghdad, but the latter are rarer. Your best chance of finding relevant tasks to blend in with is in markets, where you’ll encounter tanning racks or blacksmith anvils. Not all such objects can be used however, so it’s among the least reliable methods.

How to Get Assassin’s Focus in AC Mirage

Assassin’s Focus is an advanced ability that you’ll unlock during the First Order main story mission after you assassinate the first target there, named Al-Ghul. You’ll then be presented with a brief guide for how to use it by chain killing two guards. From then on, you can use Assassin’s Focus to target multiple enemies before entering a fight, then quickly kill them with chain assassinations without being seen. You’ll need a sufficient amount of Focus to do this, which you can earn by performing stealth kills while remaining undetected.

How to Eavesdrop in AC Mirage

There’s one more mechanic outside of stealth combat that you can make use of when you’re in stealth: eavesdropping. This is a new mechanic that allows you to focus in on the conversation of guards or other important NPCs when they’re discussing something relevant to one of your quests. You can do this by getting close enough to them while remaining unseen, then pressing MouseMiddleButton on PC or DualSense-Stick-R on controllers.

How to Use Tools in AC Mirage

The toolkit in AC Mirage is one of your most valuable assets in combat. It’s possible to get by without using it in some situations, but everything will be much more difficult if it’s neglected. There are six main tools that you can utilize: the Torch, Throwing Knife, Noisemaker, Trap, Smoke Bomb, and Blowdart. Some of these tools will be familiar from previous Assassin’s Creed games, such as the Smoke Bomb, so if you’re a veteran of the series you’ll know how to use them effectively. Either way, we’ll go through each in more detail below.


The Torch is a basic tool that you’ll have access to from the beginning of the game. It doesn’t have much use in combat initially, other than providing a way to distract guards by throwing it towards them. However, once you gain access to the Smoke Bomb, you can combine it with the Flammable Smoke perk to create explosions that are capable of killing multiple enemies at once.

Throwing Knife

The Throwing Knife is another tool that you’ll have access to from the beginning of the game. It will be a staple of combat throughout the story, allowing you to quickly assassinate enemies by aiming at their head, but also gradually damage tougher enemies once you unlock the Armor Piercing perk. In addition to inflicting direct damage, you can also use the throwing knife to hit objects such as suspended cargo, causing it to fall on enemies below, or to pierce spice bags which distract and briefly incapacitate enemies, allowing you to close in for a stealth kill.

(1 of 2) Look for this icon above NPCs when an eavesdropping opportunity presents itself.

Look for this icon above NPCs when an eavesdropping opportunity presents itself. (left), You can use your throwing knife to hit suspended cargo, causing it to fall and kill guards. (right)


The Noisemaker is an entirely new tool that can be used to distract enemies or inflict minor damage to them. You won’t be able to kill most enemies at full health if you throw a Noisemaker at them, but it can be a good way to finish off a group of enemies on low health. Arguably, the best way to use the Noisemaker is by throwing it beneath a trap, such as suspended cargo, which will draw the attention of nearby guards to the area. You can then hit the rope holding the cargo up, causing it to come crashing down on the group and killing them instantly.


The Trap tool does what you might expect: you can set it up on the ground in a specific location, and then wait for it to be sprung by a patrolling guard. It will inflict a decent amount of damage in its default state, but once you upgrade it with perks, it can be used to cause a deadly explosion. You can even upgrade the trap with the Whistle Trigger perk, which allows you to set off the trap by whistling, rather than waiting for an enemy to walk within its proximity.

Smoke Bomb

An old favorite for veterans of the series, the Smoke Bomb makes a welcome return in AC Mirage. It can be used to create a cloud of smoke in the target area, briefly incapacitating enemies so that you can move in for stealth kills. You can also use it as you’re running away from enemies, allowing you to escape their line of sight more quickly. The Smoke Bomb is made even more versatile by upgrading it with perks, which can do things like heal Basim when he enters the smoke while damaging enemies caught in it, or create explosions if you throw it near a fire source (such as your thrown Torch).


The Blowdart has been seen in previous Assassin’s Creed games in different forms, but it makes a return here in its most useful capacity yet. In the default state, you can use a Blowdart to silently put enemies to sleep by firing at them, allowing you to pass by without alerting enemies. However, once upgraded, you can use the Blowdart to poison enemies or send them into a fit of rage, causing them to hit their allies. You’ll want to save Blowdarts for the most difficult scenarios where remaining undetected is crucial.

Other Methods of Distraction

Now that we’ve covered most of the ways in which you can utilize stealth and sneaky combat techniques to your advantage, we’ll cover a few of the external methods that you can make use of. We’ve already mentioned one of these in the form of suspended cargo, which you’ll mostly find in areas where there are plenty of guards present. Hitting the rope to cause it to fall is one of the best ways to instantly kill groups of enemies, especially if you draw their attention there with the Noisemaker.

Spice Bags

As briefly mentioned above, you can make good use of spice bags to create distractions. You’ll often find these positioned around guard patrols or stations, and you can cause them to explode by throwing a knife at them. The cloud of spice will confuse nearby enemies, allowing you to move in for stealth kills, or just sneak by without being seen. If you’re having trouble distinguishing spice bags from regular ones, just use Eagle Vision to highlight them.

(1 of 3) Mercenaries can be used to help defeat or distract nearby guards.


As you wander through the streets of Baghdad, you may encounter groups of mercenaries that you can hire to attack nearby guards. This can be useful to distract groups of enemies as you enter a restricted area, or just as a way to help you kill the guards quickly. You can locate mercenaries by checking your map for a sword icon, and you’ll also see this icon above their heads in person. You will need a Power Token to hire mercenaries, which you can earn by completing contracts, and quests, or by stealing them from civilians.

Merchant Groups

As with mercenaries, merchant groups can be hired using tokens, but this time you’ll need Merchant Tokens. They’re obtained in the same way that you acquire any other favor (aka Khidmah) token, so be sure to complete plenty of contracts or steal from civilians if you need some. Once you hire a merchant group, they’ll follow you for a while, allowing you to blend in with them and enter restricted areas without being seen by the guards.

Musicians / Street Performers

Another type of NPC that you can hire, this time using Scholar Tokens, you can use musicians to distract crowds of people or guards by performing on the streets. Any nearby guards will be drawn to the musician, but it won’t be long before they’re sent on their way, so you’ll need to act quickly if you want to take advantage of the distraction.

More Assassin’s Creed Mirage Guides

If you’re looking for more Assassin’s Creed Mirage guides, be sure to check the links below.

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    iOS, PC, PS4, PS5, XB One, XB X|S
  • Genre
    Action Adventure
  • Guide Release
    4 October 2023
  • Last Updated
    29 December 2023
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Assassin’s Creed Mirage is a return to the classic style for the series, with Basim Ibn Ishaq as the protagonist, who was first introduced in Assassin’s Creed Valhalla. It will showcase the humble beginnings of Basim as a street thief, to his rise as a member of the Hidden Ones, and an assassin.

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