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Assassin's Creed Mirage

The Calling - All Mysterious Shard Locations - Assassin's Creed Mirage

Scott Peers
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The Calling is a mission in Assassin’s Creed Mirage which becomes available once you complete The Old Wounds mission, where Basim reunites with Nehal in Anbar. Nehal will tell you about her quest to uncover mysterious shards, which she has been studying ever since you parted ways, and this leads to The Ancient Place mission, which requires you to find “the hidden place” north of the Aqarquf Dunes. Once you’ve visited the chamber there for the first time, you’ll be able to start collecting mysterious shards from members of the Order of the Ancients. On this page, we’ll show you where to find all 10 mysterious shards, and the rewards you gain access to by bringing them to the chamber.

Basim after killing his first Order of the Ancients member, Assassin’s Creed Mirage.

The Ancient Place - Where to Find the Hidden Chamber

The first thing you’ll need to do before you can begin searching for the mysterious shards is find the hidden place (also known as The Ancient Place) which, in the simplest terms, is an old Isu chamber that contains three pieces of unique loot. These are The Samsaama dagger, the Shamshir-e Zomorrodnegar sword, and Milad’s Outfit. We’ll tell you more about the stats that each of these items offer later on, but for now the main thing you need to know is that the dagger can be retrieved by offering two mysterious shards, the sword with three, and the armor with five. So, if you want to obtain all three of these items, you’ll need to collect all ten mysterious shards.

Hidden Place Location

To find the hidden place, travel directly east from the small town of Anbar, which can be found in the far northwest of the map. You’ll soon come across the Northern Oasis, which is a large pool of water that’s difficult to miss. So long as you have The Calling mission active, you should be prompted to explore the area using your falcon. However, you may also need to read Al Ghul’s Letter first, which can be found on a table not far from the pool. The letter is being protected by a couple of guards, so be sure to kill them first.

Once you’ve read Al Ghul’s Letter, The Calling mission should update, noting that there’s a secret chamber under the Northern Oasis. You can now use your falcon to scout the pool, highlighting the entrance to the underwater chamber. All that remains is for you to dive in and follow the mission icon to the underwater entrance. You need to swim through this before emerging on the other side, where you can follow the linear path until you reach the Isu chamber. As soon as you enter the chamber, the mission will update by prompting you to collect 10 mysterious shards.

(1 of 5) Travel to the Northern Oasis in the northwest of the map, directly east of Anbar.

Where to Find the Mysterious Shards in AC Mirage

Now that you’ve reached the point where you can begin collecting the mysterious shards, we’ll show you where to find them throughout Baghdad and the surrounding wilderness. There are two mysterious shards in each of the five major regions: Abbasiyah, Harbiyah, Karkh, Round City, and the Wilderness. You can keep track of how many you’ve found in each by hovering over the regions on the map, where you’ll now see the mysterious shards listed as collectibles.

If you find yourself struggling to find the NPC with a mysterious shard in a specific region, just keep running around the area and use your falcon or Eagle Vision to scout it. As you approach one of the NPCs with a shard, you’ll be able to see a gold icon representing a mysterious shard above their head. You can also see this on the compass or on the map (when you’re fully zoomed in) if they’re close.

Once you find the NPC who is carrying a mysterious shard, you’ll need to pickpocket it from them, or assassinate them to obtain it. In most cases, you’ll probably end up having to kill them since they’re highly alert to any potential thief. If you get too close, they’ll begin attacking you immediately, so it’s generally a good idea to just assassinate them first, then run for cover to escape the guards. You can always tear down some Wanted Posters or bribe a Munadi NPC to decrease your notoriety before moving on to the next mysterious shard.

Location of the Mysterious Shards in Abbasiyah

The first region we’ll cover is Abbasiyah, in the southwest part of Baghdad. You’ll find one of the mysterious shards on an Order of the Ancients NPC in the northern part of the region, around the Yasiriyah district, as highlighted on the map below. Just take the shard by stealing it from the NPC, or assassinate and loot them.

(1 of 2) Look for the NPC in this area of the Abbasiyah region.

Look for the NPC in this area of the Abbasiyah region. (left), You’ll see a gold icon representing a mysterious shard above the relevant NPC. (right)

The second mysterious shard in the Abbasiyah region can be found in the southern part, around the Haylanah district, as shown on the map below.

(1 of 2) The general location of the second NPC with a mysterious shard in the Abbasiyah region.

The general location of the second NPC with a mysterious shard in the Abbasiyah region. (left), Steal from or assassinate the NPC to obtain the shard. (right)

Location of the Mysterious Shards in Harbiyah

Now we’ll cover the location of the two mysterious shards in the Harbiyah region. The first can be found in the southwest part, just north of Abbasiyah, as shown in the screenshot below. As before, you may need to roam the region for a while before you find the NPC with the shard.

(1 of 2) The location of the first mysterious shard in the Harbiyah region.

The location of the first mysterious shard in the Harbiyah region. (left), Kill or steal from the NPC to obtain the shard. (right)

The second mysterious shard in the Harbiyah region can be found in the Khuld district, which is in the eastern part of Harbiyah, as shown in the screenshot below.

(1 of 2) The general location of the second mysterious shard in the Harbiyah region.

The general location of the second mysterious shard in the Harbiyah region. (left), As ever, just steal from or kill the NPC to obtain the shard. (right)

Location of the Mysterious Shards in Karkh

We’ll now move on to the locations of the mysterious shards in the Karkh region, which is in the southeast part of Baghdad. The first can be found in the northernmost part of the region, within the Sharqiyah district, as shown in the screenshot below.

(1 of 2) The location of the first NPC with a mysterious shard in the Karkh region.

The location of the first NPC with a mysterious shard in the Karkh region. (left), You may need to roam the main streets to find the NPC wandering alongside some guards. (right)

The second NPC with a mysterious shard in the Karkh region can be found in its southern part, within the Tabik district, as shown in the screenshot below.

(1 of 2) The general location of the NPC with a mysterious shard in the southern part of the Karkh region.

The general location of the NPC with a mysterious shard in the southern part of the Karkh region. (left), Once again, you may need to roam the area for a while before you find the relevant NPC. (right)

Location of the Mysterious Shards in the Round City

Next, we’ll go through the locations of the mysterious shards in the Round City region of Baghdad. The first can be found in the Residential District, which is in the southern part of the Round City, as shown in the screenshot below.

(1 of 2) Look for the NPC with the mysterious shard in the Residential District of the Round City.

Look for the NPC with the mysterious shard in the Residential District of the Round City. (left), This one may be found in narrower side streets. (right)

The second NPC with a mysterious shard in the Round City can be found in the Administrative District, which is in the northwest part of the region, as shown in the screenshot below.

(1 of 2) The general location of the NPC with a mysterious shard in the Administrative District of the Round City.

The general location of the NPC with a mysterious shard in the Administrative District of the Round City. (left), Wander the streets until you locate the NPC, or until the icon appears on your compass or map. (right)

Location of the Mysterious Shards in the Wilderness

Finally, there are two NPCs who carry mysterious shards located in different parts of the Wilderness region, which surrounds Baghdad on all sides. The first can be found in the area to the southeast of Baghdad, around the small town of Jarjaraya, as shown in the screenshot below. You can find a synchronization point in Jarjaraya which will reveal most of the relevant area.

(1 of 2) The general location of the NPC with a mysterious shard in the southern part of the Wilderness region.

The general location of the NPC with a mysterious shard in the southern part of the Wilderness region. (left), This one can be found wandering across a fairly wide area, but mostly around the town of Jarjaraya. (right)

The other NPC with a mysterious shard in the Wilderness region can be found wandering through the streets of Anbar, which is located in the far northwest of the map, directly west of the Northern Oasis where you found the hidden Isu chamber. The NPC can also be found wandering the area around the town, so be sure to check there as well.

(1 of 2) The general area where the NPC with a mysterious shard can be found around Anbar.

The general area where the NPC with a mysterious shard can be found around Anbar. (left), Look for the NPC outside the walls of the town if you can’t find them inside. (right)

The Ancient Place - Mysterious Shard Rewards

Now that we’ve covered where you can find each of the ten mysterious shards in and around Baghdad, we’ll briefly show you the rewards that you can get for returning them to the hidden Isu chamber located beneath the Northern Oasis.

The Samsaama Dagger

The Samsaama Dagger offers a significant upgrade to your damage if you unlock it early on in the game, and it also comes with a perk which allows you to heal for 10% of your health for each fifth hit that you land.

Stats Perk Description Cost
Dmg: 27; Def. Dmg: 47 Every fifth Hit heals Basim for 10% of his health. Ancient magic steals life force for the wielder. 2 Mysterious Shards

Shamshir-e Zomorrodnegar Sword

The Shamshir-e Zomorrodnegar will serve as a powerful weapon at any stage of Basim’s journey, but like the dagger, it’s particularly useful as a massive upgrade early on. The sword comes with a catch, however; your max damage is increased by 50%, at the cost of a 50% reduction to your max health.

Stats Perk Description Cost
Dmg: 46; Def. Dmg: 78 Maximum Health is lowered by 50%, but damage is increased by 50%. The Isu sacrificed much to destroy their foes. 3 Mysterious Shards

Milad’s Outfit

The Milad’s Outfit provides no additional armor stats, but it comes with a perk which allows you to set off a flash of lightning to disorient nearby NPCs within a 15m radius whenever you perform a successful Air Assassination.

Stats Perk Description Cost
N/A Successful Air Assassinations set off a flash of lightning to disorient bystanders within a 15 m radius. Unseen Isu energies overwhelm the weak-minded. 5 Mysterious Shards

You can see the appearance for each of these items in the screenshots below.

(1 of 3) The appearance of The Samsaama dagger.

More Assassin’s Creed Mirage Guides

If you’re looking for more AC Mirage guides, be sure to check the links below.

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  • Platforms,
    iOS, PC, PS4, PS5, XB One, XB X|S
  • Genre
    Action Adventure
  • Guide Release
    4 October 2023
  • Last Updated
    29 December 2023
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Assassin’s Creed Mirage is a return to the classic style for the series, with Basim Ibn Ishaq as the protagonist, who was first introduced in Assassin’s Creed Valhalla. It will showcase the humble beginnings of Basim as a street thief, to his rise as a member of the Hidden Ones, and an assassin.

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