After presenting your invite and handing over your weapons you can investigate the area. The Audio File: Lucky Quinn 02 can be found in the room next to the bedroom and you can hack the access point on the ceiling for a scene behind locked doors.
Grab the Lucky Quinn 02 audio log in the computer room (left) and continue through the auction to meet up with Quinn and Iraq (right).
Exit out the door on the other side of the hall and then follow the host to a stairwell, but take a moment to listen in on some of the buyer conversations if you want. Now continue up the stairs toward Quinn for a scene.
Hack Iraq’s dogtags when given the chance and when you finally gain control again you’ll need to escape without being detected. There is no way you can go out the way you came, so head straight and enter the office. Takedown the guard silently and then hack the Audio File: Lucky Quinn 01 at the bottom of the stairs before heading down when the coast is clear. Ignore the main room and head down into the sewer system, where another guard can be taken down.
Head through the sewer, taking out another guard and climb up the other side and take cover asap. A guard patrols down the hall here, so make sure he is walking away with plenty of cover between him and the other men when you take him down and then continue around the outside of the area. You can avoid the next guard or take him out when he isn’t looking and then head up the stairs to arm yourself again.
Hop down into the sewers and take cover to avoid detection (left) and make sure to take out guards as you continue (right).
Use the camera to unlock the gate and then head through the construction area for a scene. When you finally have control you can hack the junction box for a massive explosion that takes out all the enemies in the area, but don’t think you are done yet. Two guards on an upper level will begin to pellet you with fire, so move into cover on that side and then take them out with some well placed shots.
With a bit of a breather, craft up any weapons for the upcoming fight and hack the door open to continue. If you have a Spec-Ops weapon, which have a silencer, this area will be fairly easy, as you only need to take out the enemies and they move forward to investigate. If not, you will find the area difficult due to the high number of enemies and the height advantage they have over you. Make the men on the catwalks above a priority first and move around the containers as needed. You can also use the cameras to get a better view of the area and explode some environmental objects.
Focus on the enemies on the upper catwalk (left) and make sure to take the sniper out in the back (right).
Once the area is clear you should gather up the ammo and prepare for the next fight. As you progress an Enforcer may come out to play. He has a big ass gun to kill Aiden in a heartbeat, so use the open container on the left side of the alley to block his attacks and take him down with either IED’s, Frag Grenades, or the Enforcer Takedown ability.
Continue into the next area for a scene and take cover for another battle. Ignore the nearest guy and hack the camera on the wall nearby to get a view of the area where the enemies exited into. You should be able to use the ground panel to explode one of the men and if you are lucky the Enforcer will head in to investigate, allowing you to drop the crane on him.
Use the environment to destroy enemies (left) and take out the sniper at the back (right).
Be careful about getting into the open as more enemies, including an Enforcer, will come from the second floor of the building ahead and either use a Proximity IED or the junction boxes to take out the group and then head down the stairs.
The red building has a sniper, and the enemies mentioned before if you go in before they come out, as well as plenty of crafting materials and ammo. If you killed most of the enemies already you will simply need to deal with the sniper and gather up supplies before heading for the door.
Don’t rush out when you open the door because there is an Enforcer and more enemies outside. Instead, take cover before you open the door and be ready to throw out an IED or grenade. With the Enforcer down you can easily deal with the final two enemies and drive out of the zone in the Viceroy car.
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