Paem, the Chivalrous Thief Side Quests
Request Notes (Start)
Palamena has been tasked with delivering a message to
Paem, the Chivalrous Thief of Illystana. Many mysteries surround the honorable burglar; however, the true identify of this crime-fighting vigilante is none other than Palamena herself! Her task this time is to retrieve some valuables that were stolen by a monster. Make your way to
Pritta Ridge to look for the items and return them to their owners.
Request Notes (End)
After several requests for Paem to recover stolen belongings, you discovered that the perpetrator behind the recurring thefts was a
Succube. You swiftly defeated her and put an end to her thieving ways. Inspired, somehow, by words of advice from her friends,
Palamena devised a plan to recruit additional people to become keepers of justice. Perhaps soon the day will come when several of these phantom-like thieves will uphold the peace in Illystana by themselves.
Interactive Map Locations

1. Manadore Continent
Automatically begins when approaching Gem Appraiser Gerome at the bottom of the steps here.
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