Niccolo's Last Request Side Quests
Request Notes (Start)
When you visit the emporium, you find Niccolo looking quite distraught once again. He needs something that none of his mercantile contacts are able to supply. He’s considering a trip to the
Zawhak Desert to obtain it, but the task is far too dangerous for him. Head there on his behalf and bring back some
Bulette horns.
Request Notes (End)
You returned to the emporium with the horns, only to find the Three Merchant Sisters and all of Niccolo’s children gathered there. Without a moment’s delay, Niccolo took the
Bulette horns and disappeared into a back room with the others… When they returned, Niccolo presented a traditional talisman to each of the alms—necklaces carved of horn, all with a unique engraving. As the alms clutched their protective charms, they swore to treasure them till the very end of their pilgrimage.
Interactive Map Locations

1. Manadore Continent
Given by Niccolo inside
Niccolo’s Emporium after completing
No Rest for the Wicked.
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