Never-Ending Nightmares Side Quests
Request Notes (Start)
Ever since he unwisely entered Castle Cresceno on his way back to Gudju, Hoppee has been tortured nightly by visions of the gruesome
Beholders he encountered there. Head to the castle, defeat the monsters, and ensure the man may sleep soundly once more.
Request Notes (End)
You informed Hoppee that the Beholders are no more. Though the dark bags under his eyes weigh heavy, he cannot help but crack a little smile at the prospect of a long-awaiting sleep, undisturbed by the nightmares that once haunted him.
Interactive Map Locations

1. Jutu'ona Continent
X: 7910 Y: 8065
Given by Sleepless Hoppee, an NPC sitting by the cliff’s edge.
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