Gudju Came Back Side Quests
Request Notes (Start)
You find Watts in Gudju, rather preoccupied with the letter written by Higgly. You make an educated guess that she might be at the
Log’grattzo Dark Archives, and Watts asks you to go see if you can find her.
Request Notes (End)
Higgly and Joo-ah finally reached Gudju and announced that they came all the way from Log’grattzo to rebuild the village. Watts, perhaps not unexpectedly, was moved to tears by their willingness to help. The day when Gudju is returned to its former glory may not be as far away as one might imagine.
Interactive Map Locations

1. Jutu'ona Continent
X: 7868 Y: 8041
After completing Gone But Not Forgotten, leave and re-enter the area to get this quest from
Watts, an NPC standing in the middle of the village.
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