Grist to the Mill Side Quests
Request Notes (Start)
You run into Oroshi, the master windmill maker, with his two apprentices by the old windmill on Mt. Gala. He’s in need of some crimsonite and azurite in order to fix the all-important spur wheel inside the dilapidated windmill. If you happen upon any such ore on your travels, be sure to hand it over to him.
Request Notes (End)
You managed to find the two rare ores that Oroshi needed to repair the windmill. When you handed them over to him, he revealed that fixing the old building would likely be his last job before retiring for good. The day when the windmill is fully repaired is one that everyone is surely looking forward to.
Interactive Map Locations

1. Trynia Continent
X: 9535 Y: 8168
Given by Windmill Maker Oroshi, an NPC who appears here after completing the
Thanks a Mill and
Find and Replace quests.
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