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V Rising

V Rising Boss List

Ben Chard
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The V Blood Carriers are a major part of V Rising, killing them will not only get you new powers and skills, but you’ll also learn new recipes needed to progress. This page offers an overview on all V Rising Bosses and notes on them.

Raziel is just one of the many bosses you will encounter in V Rising.

If you’re looking for Boss from a specific act, hit the links below:

How to Find V Blood Carriers

Although you can just happen across V Blood Carriers through natural exploration, the game does give you a tool to make life easier for yourself. By pressing the “K” key, you can access the V Blood menu, where you can see a list of all the carriers in the game for each of the four Acts. You’re then free to choose one and begin tracking it, just remember to pay attention to the level of said boss!

When you look at a particular Carrier in thsi menu, you’ll be able to see what structures and recipes they may unlock, along with spell points for a particular school. Once you track the boss, you will see a blood trail that will direct you to where you may find the chosen boss. Alternatively, and far easier, you can consult this page and our V Rising Interactive Map to show you where they are, saving on precious travel time.

All V Rising Bosses by Act

The following list of tables will show you all of the V Blood Carriers in each of Vardoran’s regions sorted by the Act (of which there are four). It will also show you the Powers that you can unlock and the recipes and structures that come from absorbing their V Blood.

Act I Bosses

There are a whopping 14 bosses to find in the first Act of V Rising, and defeating them will unlock the majority of the game’s core systems needed for starting your castle build and unlocking some vital spells and forms.

Act II Bosses

By now, you should have a full grasp of how the game works, and be well on your way to establishing your vampire kingdom. You’ll find a total of 17 bosses in Act II, and you’ll start unlocking more of the higher Tier spells at this point.

Act III Bosses

Once you reach this stage of the game, you should have access to powerful spells and mighty equipment. You’ll only encounter nine bosses in this Act, but all of them are fearsome and will put your knowledge of V Rising to the test.

Act IV Bosses

The final Act in V Rising contains another 17 bosses for you to take down, and with them, gain some important unlocks such as Bat Form! What’s more, at the end of this Act, Dracula himself awaits you as the ultimate test of everything you’ve learned and mastered.

Icon Name (Level) Map Marker Powers (Tier) Unlocks
MagnusOverseer.png "Sir Magnus the Overseer" iconSir Magnus the Overseer (66) Map Marker Stunlock_Icon_SpellPoint_Frost2.png Frost Spell Point (T2) Assortment of Wide Storage Shelves, "Phantom's Veil" iconPhantom’s Veil
BaronSommelier.png "Baron du Bouchon the Sommelier" iconBaron du Bouchon the Sommelier (70) Map Marker Stunlock_Icon_SpellPoint_Blood2.png Blood Spell Point (T2) Rural Garden Fencing, Barrel Disguise, Blood Merlot, Blood Merlot Amulet
MorianStormwingMatriarch.png "Morian the Stormwing Matriarch" iconMorian the Stormwing Matriarch (70) Map Marker Stunlock_Icon_SpellPoint_Chaos2.png Chaos Spell Point (T2) Flawless Gems
MairwynElementalist.png "Mairwyn the Elementalist" iconMairwyn the Elementalist (70) Map Marker Stunlock_Icon_SpellPoint_Storm2.png Storm Spell Point (T2) Holy Resistance Flask, Greater Jewels
HenryProfessor.png "Henry Blackbrew the Doctor" iconHenry Blackbrew the Doctor (74) Map Marker Stunlock_Icon_SpellPoint_Storm3.png Storm Spell Point (T3) Athenaeum, Luminescent Mushroom Terrarium, "Schematic" iconSchematic
MatkaCurseWeaver.png "Matka the Curse Weaver" iconMatka the Curse Weaver (74) Map Marker Stunlock_Icon_SpellPoint_Illusion2.png Illusion Spell Point (T2) Advanced Loom, "Ghost Yarn" iconGhost Yarn, "Mosquito" iconMosquito
TerrorclawOgre.png "Terrorclaw the Ogre" iconTerrorclaw the Ogre (77) Map Marker Stunlock_Icon_SpellPoint_Frost3.png Frost Spell Point (T3) Advanced Tannery
AzarielSunbringer.png "Azariel the Sunbringer" iconAzariel the Sunbringer (77) Map Marker Stunlock_Icon_SpellPoint_Chaos2.png Chaos Spell Point (T2) Ostentatious Carpets, "Gold Ingot" iconGold Ingot
VoltatiaSergeantRailgunner.png "Voltatia the Power Master" iconVoltatia the Power Master (77) Map Marker Stunlock_Icon_SpellPoint_Storm2.png Storm Spell Point (T2) "Power Core" iconPower Core, EMP
SimonBelmont.png "Simon Belmont the Vampire Hunter" iconSimon Belmont the Vampire Hunter (80) Map Marker "Sanguine Whip" iconSanguine Whip
NightmarshalStyxSunderer.png "Lord Styx the Night Champion" iconLord Styx the Night Champion (83) Map Marker Bat_Form_Skills_V_Rising.png Bat Form "Onyx Tear" iconOnyx Tear, Blood Key
GorecrusherBehemoth2.png "Gorecrusher the Behemoth" iconGorecrusher the Behemoth (83) Map Marker Stunlock_Icon_SpellPoint_Illusion2.png Illusion Spell Point (T2) "Bat Leather" iconBat Leather, "Bat Leather" iconBat Leather Bag
ValenciaBloodCommander.png "General Valencia the Depraved" iconGeneral Valencia the Depraved (83) Map Marker Stunlock_Icon_SpellPoint_Blood3.png Blood Spell Point (T3) Coat of Arms, Shadow Weave, Primal Jewels
SolarusImmaculate.png "Solarus the Immaculate" iconSolarus the Immaculate (86) Map Marker Pedestal of Solarus, "Soul Shard of Solarus" iconSoul Shard of Solarus, Dracula’s Boots
TalzurWingedHorror2.png "Talzur the Winged Horror" iconTalzur the Winged Horror (86) Map Marker Pedestal of the Winged Horror, "Soul Shard of the Winged Horror" iconSoul Shard of the Winged Horror, Dracula’s Gloves
Adam.png "Adam the Firstborn" iconAdam the Firstborn (88) Map Marker Pedestal of the Monster, "Soul Shard of the Monster" iconSoul Shard of the Monster, Dracula’s Leggings
Dracula.png "Dracula the Immortal King" iconDracula the Immortal King (90) Map Marker Pedestal of Dracula, "Soul Shard of Dracula" iconSoul Shard of Dracula, Dracula’s Chestguard

There you have it, you now know where to find every V Blood Carrier in V Rising and what unlocks you will obtain from it. These are not one-time battles, you can choose to track them and fight them whenever you’re ready for a challenge.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Stunlock Studios
  • Platforms,
    PC, Steam
  • Genre
    MMORPG, Survival
  • Guide Release
    23 May 2022
  • Last Updated
    13 June 2024
    Version History
  • Guide Author

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V Rising is an survival game developed by Stunlock Studios. First announced on May 5, 2021 for Windows, early access started on May 17, 2022.

This guide for V Rising features everything you need to know to get an advantage over the other Vampires and currently contains the following:

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