Name | Description |
Ghost in the Cemetery | Get through Scotland cemetery combat encounter without killing or being seen |
Butterfingers :
This requires you to make 10 enemies drop their grenades by shooting them right as they are about to toss the grenade. This can be done anywhere in the game where you start at a checkpoint near enemies. Simply defeat all the enemies except one and then wait for the final one to begin tossing a grenade before you shoot.
Boom Country :
This requires you to defeat 4 enemies with one explosion, whether it is from a environmental item like a propane tank or a weapon. The best place for this is the showdown encounter in Chapter 20, when the turret truck arrives and some additional enemies jump down from the ledge. Make sure to pick up the RPG before the enemies arrive and then shoot them when they jump down.
Defeat 10 in 60 - China Lake GL :
As the name implies you’ll need to defeat 10 enemies in 60 seconds with the China Lake GL weapon. This is easy to achieve in the ship graveyard encounter in Chapter 20 with the infinite ammo Bonus unlocked.

Defeat 10 in 60 - China Lake GL
Defeat 10 enemies in 60 seconds with the China Lake Grenade Launcher

Hang Tough! :
This requires you to destroy 10 vehicles while being dragged from a rope in Chapter 11. Make sure you’re on the lowest difficulty to allow Nate to take all the incoming damage and then focus on destroying the vehicles instead of pulling yourself up from the rope.
Run the Table :
This requires you to defeat an enemy with a stealth attack, melee attack, headshot, and explosive - in that order - within 15 seconds. This can be difficult due to the fact that it must be done quickly, so use lock-on aim to aid you. A good place for this is the bridge encounter in Chapter 8.

Run the Table
Defeat enemies with a stealth attack, melee attack, headshot, and explosives, in that order, in 15 seconds

Hitting a Brick Wall :
This requires you to defeat 5 enemies with only melee attacks. The best place to farm this is at the Avery’s tower encounter in Chapter 10, as there are two armored units right at the beginning. Simply defeat these two enemies and then restart the checkpoint.
Name | Description |
Peaceful Resolution | After being marooned, leave everyone alive until the Treasury |
Wingman :
This requires you to perform 10 buddy takedowns by defeating an enemy holding your ally, having your ally attack an enemy holding you, or by attacking an enemy with your ally. The best place for this is the laundry fight in Chapter 2 and is rather easy to achieve on the first playthrough of the game.
Cliffhanger :
This requires you to defeat 20 enemies by pulling them off a ledge with Square. You may achieve this in your first playthrough of the game if you stick to stealth, but you can also gain this by repeating the evasion encounter in Chapter 7.
Ludonarrative Dissonance :
This requires you to defeat 1,000 enemies, which requires multiple playthroughs of the game. You will likely achieve this while going for the platinum if you don’t constantly avoid enemies.
Name | Description |
Don’t Feed the Animals | Play with the lemur in the market and let it steal your apple |
I Accidentally All the Guns :
This requires you to use every weapon in the game, including explosive environmental items. You can do this anytime after your first playthrough of the game by giving yourself any weapon via the Bonus menu. Please use the following checklist:
Aegis 9mm
Fossa R-81
Barok .44
Para .45
Long Guns: -
Mettler M-30
Copperhead SR7
Mazur LDR
M14 Custom
Spezzotti 12 Gauge
China Lake GL
In addition there are 7 weapons/items that can’t be given via the Bonus menu: -
Grenade - Almost anywhere
Propane Tank & Dynamite: Bridge - Chapter 8
Turret & Explosive Barrel: The Tunnels - Chapter 9
Powder Keg: Ship Graveyard - Chapter 20
DShK: Dropped by enemies in Ship Graveyard - Chapter 20
Name | Description |
Not a Cairn in the World | Knock over all rock cairns in Madagascar |
I Can See My House From Here! | Climb to the very top of the Clocktower in the City |
Trials and Tribulations | Solve the first Trial in Scotland in 10 moves or less |
Best Score! | Beat the best score in the retro videogame |
Gift of Gab | Listen to all optional conversations in game |
Marco Polo Returns! | Play in the ocean near the sunken ship |
Name | Description |
Stage Fright | Just prior to City Chase, stand perfectly still for 30 seconds |
Just Floor It! | Drive away in the jeep with Elena without killing any enemies |
On Porpoise | Get three dolphins to follow the boat |
Still Got It! | Hit all targets in the attic with the toy gun |
Glamour Shot | Take a photo of Sully |
Swordmaster | Perfectly parry Rafe in the sword fight without getting slashed or stabbed |
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