Lebioda Monument Exploration
Interactive Map Locations

1. Toussaint Map (New)
X: 6270 Y: 6660
Exploring this area begins the side quest Big Feet to Fill: The First Group. It is completed when you kill the level 43 Bandits harassing the group.

2. Toussaint Map (New)
X: 6969 Y: 6842
Exploring this area and speaking to the workers begins the side quest Big Feet to Fill: The Second Group. It is completed when you knock out the attackers.

3. Toussaint Map (New)
X: 6630 Y: 6958
Exploring this area begins the side quest Big Feet to Fill: The Third Group. It is completed when you kill a Spriggan to the south-west and search some roots.

4. Toussaint Map (New)
X: 7503 Y: 5917
Exploring this area begins the side quest Big Feet to Fill: The Fourth Group. It is completed when you search the nest of
Kikimore Warriors to the north.

5. Toussaint Map (New)
X: 6860 Y: 6270
Exploring this area begins the side quest Big Feet to Fill: The Fifth Group. It is completed when you rescue the man tied to a tree.
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