Water hags Necrophages
Journal Description
Folk say water hags are drowners’ wives. If that be true, ‘tain’t no wonder why they’re such ornery bitches.
– Shemhel of Dregsdon
Some tales mention water hags and swamp bints masquerading as lost old women to lure travelers back to the rickety shacks they build in the wetlands. In truth, only a blind man, or a sighted man blinded with drink, could mistake the rank sludge and rotting carrion of a water hag’s den for a cozy cottage, and the hideous hag herself for an innocent grandmother. Their wrinkled, wart-covered bodies stand nearly two yards tall, with skin the color of a long-dead cadaver and stinking of muck and fish. Bony growths two spans long stick out from their backs, with hair like a tangle of seaweed and claws that would make a werewolf proud completing the picture.
Vulnerable Against
Interactive Map Locations

3. Kaer Morhen Map (New)
A level 20 Bilge Hag is fought here after the Drowned Dead are killed during The Final Trial.
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