Sirens Hybrids
Journal Description
Out at sea, if you hear a beautiful woman singing, turn the ship around at once. You understand? Even if it means sailing straight back into a storm.
– Arike of Hindarsfjall, advice given to his son before his first solo voyage
Like skilled hunters setting out wooden ducks to lure in drakes, sirens and lamias lure men near - using their own bodies as decoys. They can transform to resemble beautiful human maidens, though with tails covered in silver scales instead of legs. Once a naive sailor gets within arm’s reach of these beautiful creatures, their fair faces suddenly turn to fang-filled, fish-like maws, and lovely tails promising unknown delights become sharp, death dealing talons.
Vulnerable Against
Interactive Map Locations

1. The Isle of Mists Map (New)
Level 19 Ekhidnas may attack your boat as you approach the island here.

2. The Isle of Mists Map (New)
Level 19 Ekhidnas may attack your boat as you approach the pier.

3. The Isle of Mists Map (New)
Level 19 Ekhidnas fly around this island and its surrounding waters.

6. The Isle of Mists Map (New)
Level 19 Ekhidnas fly around the water and small islands here.
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