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The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom

How to Get Autobuild in Tears of the Kingdom

Jacob Woodward
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The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom does so much to further the foundations that Breath of the Wild put in place back in 2017. Not only has the world been somewhat transformed, creating new areas like the Depths, there are a whole bunch of new abilities you can acquire that completely change how you play the game.

While you get your hands on some of these pretty instantaneously, there is one that you’ll need to do some questing in order to secure. This is "Autobuild" iconAutobuild, and below, we’ll teach you all about what it is and how to get it for yourself.

What is Autobuild in Tears of the Kingdom

Before we get into how to get it, let’s run you through what this new ability is.

Autobuild looks to take the strain out of both collecting materials and the actual creation process using "Ultrahand" iconUltrahand. Instead of using your brain for what you have in front of you, you are able to create recipes that can instantly be crafted at the expense of "Zonaite" iconZonaite, a precious Zonaite resource that you’re introduced to during the Great Sky Island introduction.

Acquring Autobuild in Tears of the Kingdom

This enables you to make larger, more complex machines on the fly rather than be burdened by both the materials that you have scattered around, in conjunction with relying on any Zonai devices that you have in your possession.

So, acquiring Autobuild should be at the top of your agenda, and if you read on, we’ll detail exactly how.

How to Get Autobuild in Tears of the Kingdom

Now, with the explainer out of the way, let’s get into what you came here for - the steps you need to follow to secure Autobuild in Tears of the Kingdom.

First off, as somewhat alluded to in the introduction to this guide, the Depths is an important area in this Legend of Zelda iteration, and is absolutely vital in you getting your hands on Autobuild.

If you haven’t made your way to the Depths already, the way you reach these is through the many Chasms that are dotted around the world of Hyrule. These drop you down into the darkness and essentially make you fend for yourself against increasingly difficult enemies, and the nasty new Gloom that has infested the land.

For Autobuild specifically, if you want to avoid any unnecessary wandering around, you’ll be heading to the Great Plateau North Chasm for the shortest underground trip. This Chasm is located almost directly south of "Lookout Landing" iconLookout Landing, just as you enter the Great Plateau, so not too much of a walk from the go to base of operations. If you’re having issues making it there, either activate Hyrule Field Skyview Tower to reveal the area on the map, or simply head to our handy map marker for all you need to know.

(1 of 2) The Great Plateau in Tears of the Kingdom

The Great Plateau in Tears of the Kingdom (left), The Great Plateau North Chasm in Tears of the Kingdom (right)

Once you’re at the Chasm, do a leap of faith to enter the Depths, but make sure to get the "Paraglider" iconParaglider out before you hit the ground or you’ll be looking at one flat Link. After reaching the bottom, go immediately west where the Nogukoyk Lightroot is available to be activated thus brightening the area.

(1 of 3) The path to Nogukoyk Lightroot after falling down the Chasm

From this Lightroot, head immediately south toward the dimly lit structure. This area is the Great Abandoned Central Mine and your destination for acquiring Autobuild. Head into the structure and look for the Researchers that are surveying the area.

Talking to the Researcher in the Great Abandoned Central Mine

They will tell you that their vehicles have sadly broken and are looking into ways to rectify this by trying to activate the Construct that is also residing here.

Examine the green Ultrahand looking symbol that is emitting from the Construct to activate it and begin the necessary dialogue. It will immediately teach you Autobuild, without you having to ask or complete any form of challenge.

(1 of 2) Activating the Construct in the Great Abandoned Central Mine

Activating the Construct in the Great Abandoned Central Mine (left), The Construct teaching you Autobuild (right)

You will then go through a tutorial of sorts by constructing a vehicle for the Researchers and then subsequently using Autobuild to create the second vehicle instantly. Once you do though, the Researchers will reveal their true identities - Yiga Clan members. At this point, you’ll also be introduced to the Clan Leader "Master Kohga" iconMaster Kohga who then challenges you to a battle. We won’t talk through the boss fight here, but we have a full Master Kohga guide which you can read at your leisure if you’re having issues.

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  • Publisher
  • Platforms,
  • Genre
    Action Adventure
  • Guide Release
    11 May 2023
  • Last Updated
    30 August 2023
    Version History
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Embark on a quest to find the missing princess, uncover the truth behind a cataclysm, and explore Hyrule’s landscapes and floating islands. This guide for The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, the sequel to Breath of the Wild, includes:

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