Large Crystallized Charge Key Item
In-game Description
A large piece of crystal, made by condensing Zonai charges processed from zonaite. Equal to 20 normal crystallized charges.
Interactive Map Locations

9. Hyrule Depths Map
From the chest. You must defeat the yiga solider on the flying vehicle to unlock this door.

18. Hyrule Depths Map
The chest at the Granajh Canyon Mine contains a Large Crystallized Charge.

21. Hyrule Depths Map
Insde the chest at the Meda Canyon Mine is a Large Crystallized Charge.

22. Hyrule Depths Map
The Treasure Chest in the Taran Canyopn Mine in the East Necluda Depths contains a Large Crystalllized Charge.

23. Hyrule Depths Map
Right next to the construct, you should see a tall tower structure. Activate Autobuild to make the scaffold, then use
Ascend to get to the top of the pillar, where you’ll find the chest with the
Large Crystallized Charge.

25. Hyrule Depths Map
Autobuild an Instant Cannon and use it to destroy the breakable rocks nearby, which will be hiding the chest with the
Large Crystallized Charge.

26. Hyrule Depths Map
Build the Rocket Platform then hop across the floating platforms/glide to the tower to find the chest with the Large Crystallized Charge.

27. Hyrule Depths Map
Build an Automated Ally to attack the nearby Bokoblins and retrieve the chest inside the hideout to obtain a
Large Crystallized Charge.
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