Sand Seal Creature
In-game Description
These seals use their large flippers to move through the sand as if swimming. They were once wild animals but have since been domesticated by the Gerudo. They rely on their excellent hearing to find their way while submerged in the sand. Their large, distinct tusks look pretty ferocious, but their favorite food is actually fruit.
Interactive Map Locations

2. Hyrule Surface Map
X: 5004 Y: 13997
There are three Sand Seals just outside the entrance to Gerudo Town.

3. Hyrule Surface Map
X: 5026 Y: 13994
There are three Sand Seals just outside the entrance to Gerudo Town.

4. Hyrule Surface Map
X: 5019 Y: 14010
There are three Sand Seals just outside the entrance to Gerudo Town.
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