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Where to Find Fiber in Starfield - Locations, Plants & Uses

Seren Morgan-Roberts
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This page offers a comprehensive guide on how to find, use, and automate the production of Fiber in Starfield. Fiber is used in all sorts of Outpost building, research, foods, and spacesuit modifications! You’ll find information on all the plants that can be harvested for fiber, and then the recipes that require the material.

This page will offer all the information you need on finding, producing and using Fiber!

Best Fiber Farming Locations in Starfield

Organic materials such as "Fiber" iconFiber can be harvested from flora and fauna, but flora are the most lucrative source of fiber. Whilst some lil bug creatures can be harvested for fiber, as well as a handful of creatures, harvesting fiber from flora is far easier to automate using the Greenhouse (as we outline below).

However, depending on what biome/planet you locate flora in, you’ll find that the same plant can yield different materials on different planets. This can make finding Fiber specifically a bit trickier, so we’ve done some digging and listed a handful of different plants in different biomes and on different planets to give you some options!

Plant Biomes Planet Location Examples
Boreas Root Frozen Mountains, Mountains, Coniferous Forest Jemison, "Alpha Centauri System" iconAlpha Centauri System
Glossy Stickweed Deciduous Forest, Mountains, Coniferous Forest Jemison, "Alpha Centauri System" iconAlpha Centauri System
Aurora Palm Volcanic, Mountains, Plateau Vesta, "Lunara System" iconLunara System; Tau Ceti VIII-B (moon) in "Tau Ceti System" iconTau Ceti System
Nebula Vine Hills, Mountains, Rocky Desert Heisenberg II, "Heisenberg System" iconHeisenberg System
Savanna Sweetbush Coniferous Forest, Savanna Akila, "Cheyenne System" iconCheyenne System

If you’re looking for a quick and easy spot to set up a horticultural plant-focused outpost base, the forest biomes of Jemison (where you find "New Atlantis" iconNew Atlantis) are a great early-game option. But with the other planets listed, you’ll find other ores and materials that will add a bit of diversity to your outpost’s productions!

(1 of 5) The Boreas Root, which is harvested for Fiber, can be found on Jemison.

How to Automate Fiber Production

After finding a plant that can be harvested for fiber in your outpost’s biome, you’ll need to find multiple of the same species and scan it to 100% to be able to then set up a Greenhouse to automate the production of fiber. All you’ll need is water and power running into your Greenhouse and you’ll have infinite fiber. Head over to our guide on the research requirements as well as more information on how to set up a fully automated greenhouse.

(1 of 2) Set up a Greenhouse

Set up a Greenhouse (left), and choose to produce fiber and you’ll never need to pick plants for fiber again! (right)

If you’re in a pinch, you can also just purchase Fiber. Since it’s a common material, you’ll easily find it at pretty much any major vendor. You can safely assume any "Trade Authority" iconTrade Authority Vendors or goods shops in "Neon" iconNeon will be able to provide you with Fiber. However, for some of the uses outlined below, you’ll see that having a production line for fiber will greatly benefit you and your outpost in numerous ways!

What is Fiber Used For?

Fiber is a staple material in all kinds of crafting, research, and modifications. Below, we’ll outline all uses of Fiber so you can start planning what you’d like to use your automated production of fiber for.

Animal Husbandry Facility Uses

If you want to produce organic materials that derive from animals/creatures/aliens, then you’re gonna need to set up a greenhouse that produces fiber as it requires a constant supply of fiber and water to run the Animal Husbandry Facility. Whilst some farmable animals do produce fiber, it is not a good source as you also need fiber to “power” the husbandry facility, so it makes no sense to use fiber to produce fiber - hence why we focused our list above on flora and not fauna.

If you haven’t already set up an Animal Husbandry Facility, head over to our guide for more information on the skills, research, and materials required to build and run one!

To run the Animal Husbandry Facility, you’ll need Fiber and Water (and power).

Outpost Furniture and Decoration Uses

Fiber will play a huge role in decorating and furnishing your outpost. It is used in a wide array of furniture like the bed, chair, couch, etc. Likewise, Fiber can be used to craft decorative plant pots and rugs. Rather than list all the different furniture and decor here, head over to our Decorative Items and Furniture Items guides for their build costs!

Thinking of getting some comfy surfaces for your outpost? You’ll need fiber!

Research Lab Uses

Fiber is used for all manner of "Research Lab" iconResearch Lab projects. Below, we’ll outline all of the research projects that require fiber.

Research Project Material Requirements Skill Requirement
Decoration 1 x3 "Fiber" iconFiber, x2 "Ornamental Material" iconOrnamental Material, x3 "Structural Material" iconStructural Material None
Decoration 2 x10 "Fiber" iconFiber, x10 Structural, x10 "Aluminum" iconAluminum, x10 "Pigment" iconPigment, x10 "Adhesive" iconAdhesive "Outpost Engineering" iconOutpost Engineering 1★
Decoration 3 x12 "Aluminum" iconAluminum, x12 "Adhesive" iconAdhesive, x8 "Fiber" iconFiber, x8 "Nickel" iconNickel, x2 Luxury Textile, x12 Structural "Outpost Engineering" iconOutpost Engineering 2★
Beverage Development 1 x3 "Fiber" iconFiber, x3 "Water" iconWater, x2 "Spice" iconSpice None
Beverage Development 3 x8 "Fiber" iconFiber, x4 "Spice" iconSpice, x4 "Nutrient" iconNutrient, x4 Dairy, x4 Coffee, x8 "Water" iconWater "Gastronomy" iconGastronomy 2★
Exotic Recipes 1 x4 "Fiber" iconFiber, x3 "Aromatic" iconAromatic, x3 "Spice" iconSpice, x3 "Nutrient" iconNutrient, x2 Noodles "Gastronomy" iconGastronomy 4★
Exotic Recipes 3 x8 "Fiber" iconFiber, x4 "Aromatic" iconAromatic Tissue, x4 Wine, x4 "Butter" iconButter, x2 Quark-D Tissues "Gastronomy" iconGastronomy 4★

Industrial Workbench and Fabricator Uses

You can produce "Polytextile" iconPolytextile at the "Industrial Workbench" iconIndustrial Workbench or using the Manufacturing Fabricator machines with x1 "Cosmetic" iconCosmetic and x2 Fiber. Polytextiles can then be used for many different spacesuit modifications, so a good steady production of fiber is vital. You’ll also need lots of Polytextiles to research the Helmet, Spacesuit, and Pack Mods at the research lab.

Fiber is used in the production of Polytextile - an important material in the modification of spacesuits.

If you haven’t already set up an automated Manufacturing Fabricator, head over to our guide!

Spacesuit Modifications Uses

In relation to spacesuit modifications, fiber is best suited when crafted into polytextiles, however, it can also be used in the basic Ballistic Shielding slot 1 mod for spacesuits (not helmets or packs), which requires x2 Fiber and x1 Cosmetic. The Gravitic Composites (Spacesuit) slot 4 mod that reduces detection from enemies requires x1 "Sealant" iconSealant, x1 Fiber and x3 "Caelumite" iconCaelumite.

After extensive research, we can also confirm that fiber is not a material used in weapon modifications. These mods are much more focused on inorganic materials like ores.

Fiber is only used for Ballistic Shielding, however, the manufactured material Polytextiles is far more useful for spacesuit mods!

Pharmaceutical Lab Uses

Many of the "Pharmaceutical Lab" iconPharmaceutical Lab products use organic materials such as Sealant, Structural, "Membrane" iconMembrane, etc. Fiber isn’t a common material, however, with x1 Fiber and x1 Sealant, you can craft "Bandages" iconBandages that can then be used to make higher-tier bandages that combine with other pharmaceutical products to make stronger medical supplies.

Fiber is an important material in crafting Bandages.

Cooking Station Uses

In addition to being used in Pharmaceutical supply production, fiber is also used to make the following foods and drinks:

Food/Drink Recipe Effect Research required
"Alien Tea" iconAlien Tea x1 "Distilled Water" iconDistilled Water, x1 "Fiber" iconFiber Restores 2 Health, +1% XP Gain for 15 Minutes No research required.
"Alien Tonic" iconAlien Tonic x1 Flavoring, x1 "Distilled Water" iconDistilled Water, x1 "Fiber" iconFiber Restores 3 Health, +10% O2 Recovery for 3 minutes Beverage Development 1
Alien Broth x1 "Nutrient" iconNutrient, x1 "Distilled Water" iconDistilled Water, x1 "Fiber" iconFiber Restores 5 Health, +10 O2 for 5 minutes Beverage Development 3

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And there you have it - an exhaustive list of all Fiber uses as well as some guidance on planets and biomes where you can find the material and set up automated production. If you’re looking for more advice on other materials, take a look at these pages!

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Bethesda Softworks
  • Platforms,
    PC, XB X|S
  • Genre
    Action Adventure, Action RPG, Shooter
  • Guide Release
    29 August 2023
  • Last Updated
    18 October 2023
    Version History
  • Guide Author

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Starfield is an action role-playing game from Bethesda Game Studios set in a futuristic interpretation of space exploration and colonization. Earth has long been abandoned, but there are plenty of other planets in different star systems where humans have ventured and settled. You have the freedom to create your own character with a unique background, but the main story will take you through a series of adventures as you uncover more information about mysterious artifacts which create gravitational anomalies. Along the way, you can build and customize your own space ship, establish your own outpost, befriend and romance new companions, and more. As a Bethesda game, you can also expect to see a lot of creative mods which have the potential to change your experience of the base game, or take it in an entirely new direction.

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