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Icon Title In-game Description Description Recruitment Mission(s) Location / Where to Find Media Gallery Vendor Wares NPC Type NPC Type Category NPC Locations Moon Planet Star System Faction Romance Skills Skill Rank
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Agent Plato

Agent Plato works for Aegis - the UC Intelligence Agency. Sergeant…

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Aito Suzuki

Aito Suzuki can be found at Ryujin Tower (Neon), on the planet…

Misc NPC.

Misc NPC
"Volii System" iconVolii System Star System
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Alex Shadid

You can find Alex Shadid inside The Rock (Akila City).

Misc NPC.

Misc NPC
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Annie Wilcox

You can find Annie Wilcox in Akila City, opposite the Laredo…

Misc NPC.

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Anton Goraya

You can find Anton Goraya at the House of the Enlightened (Akila…

Misc NPC.

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Bailey Kirklin

You can find Bailey Kirklin outside the Akila Guard Barracks.…

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Benjamin Bayu

Benjamin Bayu, featured in Starfield, holds the position of CEO…

You can encounter Benjamin Bayu in the game at the following…

Item icon

Borealus is a DJ who works in the Astral Lounge in Neon, on the…

Misc NPC.

Misc NPC
"Volii System" iconVolii System Star System
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CDR Vincent Woodard

You can find CDR Vincent Woodard inside the Cydonia base, in…

Misc NPC.

Misc NPC
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Coma can be found in a tent opposite Aggie’s (Akila City).

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Commander John Tuala

Commander John Tuala will instruct you on how to join the UC…

In the MAST building to the north of the MAST District.

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Davis Wilson

Davis Wilson can be found outside the Akila Guard Barracks. …

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Diego Monroe

You can find Diego Monroe inside The Rock (Akila City).

Misc NPC.

Misc NPC
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Doctor Joseph Manning

You’ll find Doctor Joseph Manning at the Reliant Medical (Neon)…

Misc NPC.

Misc NPC
"Volii System" iconVolii System Star System
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Donna Rain

Donna is the Janitor you will find sweeping up on the MAST District…

Misc NPC.

Misc NPC
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Emiko Shinsato

An NPC who works for Stroud Eklund in Neon, on the Volii Alpha…

Misc NPC.

Misc NPC
"Volii System" iconVolii System Star System
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Emily Cartwright

You can find Emily Cartwright in Akila City, opposite the Laredo…

Misc NPC.

Misc NPC
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Emma Wilcox

You can find Emma Wilcox inside The Rock (Akila City).

Misc NPC.

Misc NPC
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George St George

George has a gem to trade in the Misc Quest Gem Jealousy. First…

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Guillaume Degarmo

Guillaume is collector of trinkets and has lost a gem in a wager…

Terrabrew Coffee, New Atlantis Spaceport.

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Helga Dubray

Helga Dubray can be found inside The Rock (Akila City).

Misc NPC.

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Jacob Coe

Jacob Coe is the father of Constellation member Sam Coe. He lives…

Misc NPC.

Misc NPC
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Jaylen Pryce

A member of the Freestar Rangers stationed in Neon on Volii Alpha,…

Misc NPC.

Misc NPC
"Volii System" iconVolii System Star System
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John Smith

john Smith works in the Trade Authority building in Akila City.…

Item icon
Jupiter Ellicott

Jupiter Ellicott can be found at Ryujin Tower (Neon), on the…

Misc NPC.

Misc NPC
"Volii System" iconVolii System Star System
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Justin Snead

An NPC who works at Laredo Firearms in Akila City.

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Kate Foley

Kate Foley can be found at the Stoneroot Inn in Akila City, where…

Misc NPC.

Misc NPC
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Keeper Aquilus

Keeper Aquilus is the keeper/priest at the Sanctum Universum…

Misc NPC
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Kelton Frush

This scientist is concerned something is wrong with the giant…

Under the giant tree in the MAST District.

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Keoni Alpin

You can find Keoni Alpin outside the Akila Guard Barracks.

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Leah Casler

An NPC who works at the Coe Heritage Museum in Akila City.

Misc NPC.

Misc NPC
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Louisa Reyez

Louisa is an engineer in The Well in New Atlantis. She will give…

Misc NPC.

Misc NPC
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Makieff Sutherland

Makieff Sutherland will give you the Misc Quest Terror Brew.…

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Marcus Lestari

Marcus will be sitting on a bench close by the Sanctum Universum…

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Marshal Daniel Blake

You’ll first meet Marshal Daniel Blake outside the GalBank in…

Misc NPC.

Misc NPC
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Miguel Rivas

You can speak with Miguel Rivas to learn a bit more about the…

Misc NPC.

Misc NPC
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Mooch can be found in a tent opposite Aggie’s (Akila City). …

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Nadia Muffaz

Nadia works as a newshound looking for hot stories at SSNN in…

"Primary Sources" iconPrimary Sources No Faction

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Ron Hope

Ron Hope is a prominent figure within the Starfield universe,…

How to Get Into Ron Hope’s Office: Accessing Ron Hope’s office…

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Rosa Newill

Rosa Newill can be found at the Newill’s Goods (Neon) store,…

Misc NPC.

Misc NPC
"Volii System" iconVolii System Star System
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Sammie can be found in a tent opposite Aggie’s (Akila City).…

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Samson Cebrail

An art dealer who will give you The Art Dealer Misc Mission.…

Jemison Mercantile ay New Atlantis Spaceport.

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Sarah Filburn

You’ll find Sarah Filburn in Weston FIlburn’s House (Akila City).…

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Si-Woo Gwan

An NPC who can be found at the Sanctum Universum (Akila City).…

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You can start the My North Star mission by speaking with Sivan.…

Sivan can be found in Cydonia, on the planet Mars in the Sol…

Misc NPC.

Misc NPC
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Sophie Jex

You can learn a bit more about Neon from this NPC at the entrance…

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A robot located in the Neon Tactical store. Related to the Bare…

Misc NPC.

Misc NPC
"Volii System" iconVolii System Star System
Item icon
William Crowley

William Crowley can be found inside the GalBank in Akila City.…

Misc NPC.

Misc NPC
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