New Enemies
Location | Enemy Names |
Passage on Cliffs/Coast of Minoz | Adephaga Drus, Adephaga Venom, Aquaregia, Deep One |
Resulian Plains | Albero di Anima, Diminutive Fungus, Giant Fungus, Honeybee, Thieving Scumbag, Unicorn Wolf |
Northern Territory of Sohma | Flying Ice, Sabre-Toothed Tiger, Snow Mermaid |
West/North of the Eastern Eihieds | Crater Peryton, Devil Child, Ridiculer |
If you feel like it, there are new whistle PAs in all of the towns and as you can see from the list above, the enemies in all of the areas have also been upgraded. This means that it’s a good idea to go around and nab all of the new bestiary entries. There are also new quests in both Santeroule and Central Resulia, although Welch doesn’t have anything new yet. You will also be able to upgrade some of your equipment at Central Resulia, so if you have the Fol, check out the equipment shop.
Western Dakaav Tunnel¶
Enemy | Species | Items |
Damascus Fort | Corrupt | Crystal, Damascus Steel, Coal |
Metal Golem | Corrupt | Silver, Fire Gem |
Skeleton Armor | Corrupt | Crest Mail, Ghost’s Soul |
When you’re ready to continue with the story, take the southwestern exit in Central Resulia and head for the exit that reads Western Dakaav Tunnel. Take the northern path inside and go south in the open area here to find a chest overlooking a ledge ( Swordsman’s Manual I ). Now, you can either go around to the beginning and take the southern path or follow the north one until you find a narrow path leading to the south.
There are a lot of excavation spots inside of the Western Dakaav Tunnel, so get to looting.
Either way, your goal is that dead end section on the southern half of the map, where you’ll find a chest ( Williwaw Bow ). Follow the caves to the west and you’ll spot a locked chest at the bottom of a ramp, so ignore it and take the path next to it to another dead end with a chest ( Ruby x2 ). There’s nothing in the room in the southwest corner, so continue north, grabbing the chest along the way ( Diligence Potion x2 ), and using the save spot. In the room beyond the save point, you will find two big armors walking around, so get ready for a boss fight.
BOSS - Niflhel and Niflheim¶
These pair of armors are quite meaty and can do quite a lot of damage, even with their normal attacks. Niflhel is equipped with a hammer and is probably the more dangerous of the two, so it might be wise to take him out first. Clean Sweep is a move that can hit a character in front of him, as well as knock some debris, hitting a character off in the distance. Hard Pressed is just a simple overhead swing that smashes into the ground in front of him. Tremblor is probably his most devastating move, with it being similar to Hard Pressed, but it has a huge radius and can launch characters hit into the air.
Solemate Spear is nothing but a poke with the handle of the hammer. Niflheim is equipped with a sword/shield combo and doesn’t seem to have too many attacks. It can use Nether Strike, which is a skill you’ve probably seen/used one too many times now with Victor. Galesheen Blade is a move that seems rarely used, but will launch a projectile straight ahead. Most of the time, Niflheim will lumber around and take normal swings with his sword, either a heavier one or a one-two slash combo.
You should get a Pneuma Signets, Vol 1 skill book from the battle, which should be used to teach either Miki or Fiore the Raise Dead skill (better on Miki). If you check the other path in the room, you should come upon some Chaos Corpse Corporals should you have the quest in your log. They are very easy, so kill them and then take the exit leading to Trei’kuran Dunes. There’s not much to do here, for now, as you’re restricted to the small area where you exited from the tunnel, so just go over to the encampment where the Resulian soldiers are located.
Operation Snake Eyes¶
As soon as you enter the encampment, you won’t be able to leave. You can walk up to each of your party members, as well as Victor’s underlings, to get some dialog, and there’s also a merchant here that sells the staple items. Whenever you’re ready, approach the star on your map to eventually receive a debriefing on the situation, then get ready to go inside, with Gunter, Hana and Daks in your “party.”
Get ready to battle as soon as you enter the town, as there will be some Trei’kuran soldiers not far from the entrance. After taking out the first group, move onto the second and during the battle, both Emmerson and Anne will rejoin your party. Finish the current battle and then the next to eventually come to Der Suul. Defeat the normal enemies first, then keep attacking Der Suul until he escapes, sending more minions after you. Defeat all of these enemies and then there will be a lengthy cutscene.
Once you regain control, grab the chest from the one room in the inn ( Vitalitea ), then talk to the clerk at the front desk to stay at the inn. You’ll now be in control of Fidel (no one’s with him), so exit the inn and look for the red star on your map to find Emmerson and Anne. Return to the inn to finally get a good rest, then you’re free to continue on with the story after another cutscene. There’s a lot you can do right now before setting off for your next objective, such as open the two chests in the city ( Attack Seeds and Love Potion No. 256 ).
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