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Sons of the Forest

Sons of the Forest Ending Explained: Our Fan Theory

Craig Robinson

The Sons of the Forest ending is rather weird; at first, most of it doesn’t make sense. But, when you start connecting the dots of what most email printouts say and mean, threads begin to unravel about what things might mean. Here is our interpretation of the Sons of the Forest storyline as we explain the Sons of the Forest ending.

Sons of the Forest Ending Explained

So, when you get to the final bunker, equip your "Gold Armor" iconGold Armor, and then go off into the artifact room, you will then run a course filled with lava to a mysterious cube you’ve been reading about along your travels.

When you get to the ending, you will have your companions with you too. If you kept "Kelvin" iconKelvin alive through this ordeal and even managed to befriend Virginia, you can also leave on the helicopter with them both. You will also get an achievement called Keep your Friends Close for doing so.

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Complete the story with all friendly NPCs still alive

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Kalvin is, of course, one of the Puff mercenaries at the start of the game, while Virginia is the daughter of Edward Puffton. This is the only thing we know for certain means what it means. The rest of the content that we witnessed throughout the story is largely a mystery, spun together by theories and speculation. Below we’ll try to explain the Sons of the Forest ending, using knowledge from the first game, and clues from lore pickups found throughout the island.

The sources of the mutants

The CCTV in the Food Bunker Lab shows something vibrating, turning Barbara Puffton and her friends into mutants.

In the first Forest game, we know the mutants were often experiments gone wrong, while the cannibals were typically native islanders, with some levels of mutations on them. The theory is the natives are there to fend off any unwanted eyes, while Sahara go to experiment with the artifacts down below.

Meanwhile, we know through the various labs and Sinkhole stuff that the Sahara Therapeutics, the company involved in the first game were doing tests. When SaharaCo needed people to test, they used the mountain lab’s artifact to shoot down planes to get more people to test on. After all, it is easy for the world to presume they die in a plane crash, rather than used in scientific experiments.This is how The Forest’s protagonist, Eric LeBlanc arrived on the island, and began his search for his son.

Yet, in this game, the artifact present in Area 2, the map we play on in the Sons of the Forest, has different functioning artifacts. In the very first Food Bunker, we can check the CCTV and see Edward and Barbara Puffton start vibrating with their wealthy elite friends, When we go into the room, we find the entire room is filled with dead mutants. Whatever caused the vibrations caused them to mutate. So, the artifacts all have different powers.

But, why does that allow Virgina to survive? The answer to that is we don’t quite know. All we know is that she resembles the Virginia mutants with multiple legs in the first game. It’s hard to say.

Who is the father and son? The LeBlancs?

Could these two characters be the LeBlancs, but decades later?

When you make it to the second to last Bunker, you will descend the stairs, and find a door to open using your interact button. Inside, you will encounter a bloke that is fighting the Sluggy and the mutant babies in the room. We don’t really know who this character is. We know for certain they are not a security member like Kalvin and us, as they don’t wear the same uniform. but we are quick to befriend them.

The theory is that our character knows who that character is already. In our opinion, that young lad with the gun shooting the babies is Timmy LeBlanc, and the older guy with the white hair is Eric Leblanc. Eric Leblanc is the survivor in the first Forest game we play as, and Timmy is the child we rescue in that game. The clue is that he says get down son, and starts blasting with the Shotgun. The only other possible old guy it could be is Edward Puffton, but we know he doesn’t have a son, per the helicopter laptop and his will, and there’s strong evidence he died in the Food Bunker with his wife, Barbara.

Eric Leblanc from the first game publishes his own book, which you can find on the island.

It makes sense it could be the LeBlancs, as we know that Eric and Timmy are both knowledgeable about the artifacts, thanks to the first game’s narrative. Meanwhile, Timmy was a test subject to the artifacts that can control life and death, as he was supposed to be used to resurrect the Sahara boss’s daughter. So, it’s not entirely impossible that they are following the activities of Sahara and checking out Area 2. It also explains why they know about the mutants, the island, and know things about alternate dimensions, per Timmy’s book you find in the game.

As for our character and his role, we know something, but we are not told what. We have the Fight Demons tattoo on our wrist, and considering our friendly nature with who we presume is Timmy, one can suspect we know more than we are told. Perhaps we are a plant to get on the island and work out what’s happening. It also implies we know something about the Demons, such as the ones we find in the lava cave at the end of the game. There’s still missing pieces to this puzzle.

Alternate Realities

(1 of 2) Tim LeBlanc, the child you rescue in the first game, has a book exploring different dimensions and realities.

Tim LeBlanc, the child you rescue in the first game, has a book exploring different dimensions and realities. (left), This mysterious character knows a lot about the cube and alternate realities. (right)

As we explore the island, we find many references to other realities. In one instance, we find Timmy’s book, which is about alternate realities and dimensions. Tim will have first-hand experience with this, as he was plugged into an artifact in the first game. We also know there are crosses in the miner’s cave, and the lava cave at the end is filled with demons that are burnt by the cross if you use it against them, which suggests some level of religious belief in the story too.

This knowledge of other dimensions, and Timmy’s and his dad’s work on the first island lets them understand how the cube work. They seem to know how to time the cycles of the cube, and don’t seem too shocked about the fact a giant futuristic moon city appears in the cube as one of the other realities or dimensions that exist. It’s also as if Timmy knows all too well about another realities thanks the artifact in the first game, hence his book we find.

The Antagonist: Silver Man

We don’t know much about silver man, but there are many clues about who he could be.

At the start of the game when we are knocked out, the man with the silver tracksuit kicks us in the face after sparing us from his revolver. He also appears with his own armed guards during the Sluggy, Timmy, and Eric moment.

As for this fate, we know he turns into some form of Sluggy once the cube’s cycle arrives. As he didn’t make it into the cube in time. As for who he is, honestly, we’re not too sure. Although, we have a few theories.

For the sake of this Sons of the Forest ending explanation theory, we shall refer to him as Silver Man.

We know via one document that Puffcorp went into a bidding war over the island with Sahara, the business in the first one. And Puffcorp won. This evidence is inside one of the bedrooms in the second to last Bunker you first find Timmy and Eric LeBlanc.

Our speculation is that Puffcorp likely bought the island and wanted to turn it into a pleasure resort for the high society. This is why they turned it into a golf area, with underground bunkers for resorts. We can see the island was marketed as such, thanks to the crashed plane pamphlet, likely shot down by Silver Man, similar to how we were shot down in our helicopters. We also see evidence of Edward’s will in writing, with his money going to Virginia in the VIP office in the nightclub. So, it seems like Edward was planning his retirement and post-life plans for his daughter, rather than getting involved with immortality, and alternate dimensions.

(1 of 2) Picking up this pamphlet on the crashed plane wing reveals people were coming to the island for the luxury bunker retreats—something Sahara wouldn’t want.

Picking up this pamphlet on the crashed plane wing reveals people were coming to the island for the luxury bunker retreats—something Sahara wouldn’t want. (left), This email proves some Saharaco and Puffcorp employees knew about artifacts. (right)

But, some employees may have had an idea of some of the things happening on the island. Some of the employees working for Puffcorp can be seen with emails to Saharaco employees talking about the artifacts and what they found. Some of the execs of Puffcorp were working alongside Sahara employees in the know, which allowed the staffers to continue mining operations for the strange metal and building around the artifacts, disguised as bunker expansion. That way, both companies are getting what they want.

It also explains why Sahara may send a meanie like the Silver Man to come and take over the island once the first Cube Cycle had begun. Likely, Silver Man was there to defend the island. This is where the cannibals come in, as he would know about them from the first island. (Why would Puffcorp buy an island to build luxury bunker resorts when the ground is filled with cannibals that want to kill you every second?). We also know the cannibals seem to coexist with artifacts, thanks to the artifact item in The Forest. We know that the cannibals on the Area 1 island (Forest 1 map) obey and can withstand the artifact’s power. It is likely because they’ve lived with them for so long.

This could go along the way to explain why cannibals don’t turn, and instead fight the mutants on this island instead. Therefore, importing the cannibals to this island and letting them live there suggests that it is a defensive prospect against island visitors, and to fight the mutants if they escape.

It also can explain why there’s evidence of gunfights and battles between humans with the maintenance people being killed. Perhaps it was to kill them before the next cycle, or protect their secret from workers sharing info when they got off the island? Clearly, Sahara are into secrecy, as they didn’t want people to find out about the first island, and most certainly trying to keep the second island quiet.

Either way, there’s a lot of unconfirmed lore in Sons of the Forest. Hopefully, this goes along with explaining the Sons of the Forest ending. What are your thoughts on the Sons of the Forest ending, let us know in the comments below?

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As we know, golden ore plays a major role in site 2. The cube is made up of golden ore which protects the people inside of it from becoming a mutant. Cannibals also wear a golden mask which seems to be made out of golden ore. We can deduce that golden ore give them a slight protection against "Mutant Radiation". And Virginia might have been gifted with something made out of golden ore, eventually from her father as he was going to retire and it saved her from becoming 100% a mutant. Golden ore may have the power to prevent mutation. Maybe the devs will add something made out of golden ore which belonged to virginia.

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It's Timmy 100% and his father. Young lad has scar on his face (check video of ending when everybody enter to heli). Timmy in the forest had also scar on face (ending video)

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Good point. I completely forgot about the scar on Timmy's face from the first game. I do wonder if the upcoming story cutscenes Endpoint said they want to add will explain more about what they are doing here other than our best guesses :P

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As we know, golden ore plays a major role in site 2. The cube is made up of golden ore which protects the people inside of it from becoming a mutant. Cannibals also wear a golden mask which seems to be made out of golden ore. We can deduce that golden ore give them a slight protection against "Mutant Radiation". And Virginia might have been gifted with something made out of golden ore, eventually from her father as he was going to retire and it saved her from becoming 100% a mutant. Golden ore may have the power to prevent mutation. Maybe the devs will add something made out of golden ore which belonged to virginia.

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It's Timmy 100% and his father. Young lad has scar on his face (check video of ending when everybody enter to heli). Timmy in the forest had also scar on face (ending video)

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Good point. I completely forgot about the scar on Timmy's face from the first game. I do wonder if the upcoming story cutscenes Endpoint said they want to add will explain more about what they are doing here other than our best guesses :P

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  • Guide Release
    21 February 2023
  • Last Updated
    17 May 2023
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Sons of the Forest is the sequel to the hit survival game The Forest that released back in May 2014. This guide for Sons of The Forest currently contains the following:

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