Blueberries Berries
Blueberries can often be found in abundance throughout the woods in Sons of the Forest. They slightly replenish both hunger and thirst with each bite.
Interactive Map Locations

2. Sons of the Forest Map
X: 7138 Y: 3874
Head up from the beach into the forest here and you should find blueberry bushes.

9. Sons of the Forest Map
X: 8360 Y: 4400
Blueberries and Blueberry seeds in abundance on the path up the hill from the cove,

30. Sons of the Forest Map
X: 11010 Y: 4434
Found on shrubs throughout the forest. Bright blue berries.

33. Sons of the Forest Map
X: 11869 Y: 2716
They grow all along this strip of road that leads to the beach.

34. Sons of the Forest Map
X: 10418 Y: 5522
Lots of bush blueberry spawns either side of this stream.
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