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Local Demon Bestiary

**Demon** **Level** **Scout?** **Race** **Weaknesses**
Apsaras 8 Yes Nymph Fire
Dwarf 4 Yes Jirae Force
Formorian 7 Yes Night Fire
Grudge Horde 5 No Horde Fire, Light
Knocker 8 Yes Jirae Electric
Samurai Zombie 4 No Undead Fire, Light
Samurai Zombie 5 No Undead Fire, Light
Vodyanik 6 Yes Yoma Force
Wicker Man 8 Yes Spirit Fire, Light, Electric

This quest sounds straightforward on paper, but first you need to descend the entirety of Naraku to even properly begin it. Now where did we leave our supplies again?

After having gotten the quest form K’s Tavern, prepare at Q’s and B’s as needed, then proceed into Naraku. Proceed down to the 3rd Stratum and to the end where you encountered the domain previously. Beyond there is the forbidden 4th Stratum.

4th Stratum

If you head southeast, you’ll notice a sign reading, “Beware the hazards of falling.” Further southeast, you can find a ladder; look down to climb onto it. At the bottom, head eastward and up the next ladder. Go northeast to find another, then look to the west when up there for a Red Earring that you should equip immediately.

Turn around to find a 1-Star Jewelry , then go back down the two ladders. Head south from there, although be prepared to be ambushed from demons below the bridge. On the other side, you may encounter Wu Kong, too - see Capture the Berserker for more details.

Meanwhile, continue southeast and through the waterfall to find a chest containing the Key to Naraku .

Backtrack to the 1st Stratum now for a little detour.

1st Stratum

Get into the first room past the door that brings you there (when going in ), and enter the door on the left, now possible with the key. On the other side, open the chest for a Revival Leaf and go south to find a hole going straight back to the 4th Stratum.

4th Stratum

The Key to Naraku is crucial to exiting the dungeon, so grab it ASAP!

You’ll arrive back on the ledge where you found that Red Earring earlier. Descend the two ladders again and head south across the bridge. On the plateau on the other side, go west to the broken bridge and jump west across it.

Here, circle to the northwest corner and look up to reach another ledge. There, you’ll find a chest containing a Bufala Stone (item that hits all enemies with a medium-powered Ice attack) and a pile of crystals with a 1-Star Jewelry inside.

Return downstairs and head south, through the waterfall, and you’ll be ambushed by demons. Continue south and along the path to the 5th Stratum.

5th Stratum

Here, head northward. If you’re still chasing down Wu Kong, defeat him in the clearing. Nearby should be a chest containing a Revival Leaf , so snatch it and the 2-Star Jewelry to the west. Examine the door to the north and read it - “Those who serve God Almighty: Thou shalt not proceed beyond this door.”

Heh, who’s gonna stop m– Oh. Burroughs detects a strong demon ahead. Opt to go ahead. Within, heal and save as needed before fighting the boss further north.

Boss: Minotaur

**Level** **Race** **Weakness** **Resistance** **Nullifies**
14 Beast Ice N/A Fire, Light, Dark

During the fight, there are several questions given to you. For the first, respond with “We are determined to win”. This was a test at your determination; as a result, your attack is raised!

A second question asked is whether the samurai have limits; respond “Indeed not” and the beast will be disheartened at the prospect of his first defeat in 1,500 years since Aquila’s triumph, lowering the demon’s accuracy.

After the battle, you’ll find yourself at a fork in the path. Use the branch on the left and go along it, collecting a 1-Star Jewelry on the way. Go north and along the path to the next stratum.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
  • Platforms,
  • Genre
  • Guide Release
    4 July 2014
  • Last Updated
    7 December 2020
  • Guide Author
    Daniel Chaviers

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The Eastern Kingdom of Mikado is a peaceful land whose inhabitants are rigidly divided into two castes: the common Casualry and the elite Luxurors. Normally, it is impossible to transcend the class you were born into; that is, unless you are chosen at the age of eighteen by “the Gauntlet Rite” to become a Samurai, one of the sworn protectors of Mikado. You are chosen to become a Samurai, and learn a truth kept hidden from the general population: that beneath Mikado lies Naruku, a realm of demons which the Samurai are tasked with suppressing.

Inside Our Detailed Strategy Guide:

  • Every story branch and ending covered: Law, Chaos and Neutral.
  • Explanations of all the choices that affect alignment; ideal for getting your desired ending.
  • More than a hundred high quality screenshots to enhance your reading experience.
  • The best ways to tackle those challenging… Challenge Quests.
  • Extensive weapon, item and shop listings so won’t miss a thing.
  • A massive Demon Compendium, with all the Demon Skills and Fusion Combinations.

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