Here you’ll find listed all the Trophies/Achievements you can obtained by completing various side missions. These include Power Struggles, Legendary Weapon missions and Slave Rescue missions.
You cannot begin some side missions if you have not purchased certain Abilities, many of which are earned during main misison progress. You’ll have all the Abilities needed to obtain all of the Legendary Weapon and Slave Rescue Trophies/Achievements by the end of the mission “The Power of the Wraith” . To earn “Bearer of the Shining Lamp”, “Shadows of the Ancient Past”, and “Ranger of Ithilien” you will need to reach Nurn and complete the mission “The Messenger” . To earn “Master of the Hunt” you must complete the mission “The Great White Graug” .

No Power in Numbers
Help a Captain survive a Recruitment Power Struggle, and then kill him and all his new recruits.

After completing in the mission “The Spirit of Mordor” Power Struggles will start appearing on the map. Find a “Recruitment” Power Struggle and start it. Stay out of sight of the Captain you’re helping and shoot the targets down (marked yellow in Wraith Vision). Do this for three groups of Uruks and the Captain will succeed the “Recruitment” mission. Once done, engage the Captain and kill him and all his new recruits.
After completing in the mission “The Spirit of Mordor” Power Struggles will start appearing on the map. Find a “Feast” Power Struggle and start it. Sneak to a Grog Barrel and poison it, then vacate the immediate area. The Captain throwing the “Feast” should show up and drink, wihch will score you this Trophy/Achievement.
After completing in the mission “The Spirit of Mordor” Power Struggles will start appearing on the map. Find a “Vendetta” Power Struggle and start it. Your task here is to avenge the death of another player by hunting down the Uruk that killed them. When you kill the Uruk responsible, you’ll get this Trophy/Achievement.
Complete any Sword Mission to earn this Trophy/Achievement.
To earn this Trophy/Achievement you’ll need to complete all the Sword Missions in the game, which cannot be done until after getting the “Dispatch” Ability, which in turn require “Brand”. You’ll automatically learn the “Brand” Ability during the mission “Queen of the Shore” .
Complete any Dagger Mission to earn this Trophy/Achievement.
To earn this Trophy/Achievement you’ll need to complete all the Dagger Missions in the game, which cannot be done until after you acquire the “Brand” Ability, which you’ll automatically learn during the mission “Queen of the Shore” .
Complete any Bow Mission to earn this Trophy/Achievement.
To earn this Trophy/Achievement you’ll need to complete all the Bow Missions in the game, which cannot be done until you reach Nurn, after completing the mission “The Messenger” .
Collect half the Ithildin in the game (or all the Ithildin in Udun) to earn this Trophy/Achievement. Ithildin will be marked on your map as you reforge Forge Towers.
Collect all the Ithildin in the game to earn this Trophy/Achievement. To access Nurn you must complete the mission “The Messenger” . Ithildin will be marked on your map as you reforge Forge Towers.
Collect 25% of the Artifacts in the game to earn this Trophy/Achievement. Artifacs will be marked on your map as you claim Forge Towers.
Collect all the Artifacts in the game to earn this Trophy/Achievement. To access Nurn you must complete the mission “The Messenger” . Artifacts will be marked on your map as you reforge Forge Towers.
Complete Survival Challenge 1 to earn this Trophy/Achievement. To do this, harvest Niphredil , which can be found in the first area of the game.
Complete all ten Survival Challenges to earn this Trophy/Achievement. You’ll have to reach Nurn to do this, which requires you to complete the mission “The Messenger” .
Complete your first Slave Rescue mission to earn this Trophy/Achievement. These will start appearing after you complete the mission “The Slaver” .
Complete all the Slave Rescue missions, both in Udun and Nurn to earn this Trophy/Achievement. To reach Nurn you’ll need to complete the mission “The Messenger” . You’ll unlock the final Slave Rescue misison after completing the mission “Queen of the Shore” .
Complete the first four Hunting Challenges to earn this Trophy/Achievement, which charges you with killing, in order, Spiders, “Flying Creatures” (typically Hell Hawks), Caragors, and Rats. No story progress is required to do this.
Complete all ten Hunting Challenges to earn this Trophy/Achievement. To do this you’ll need to reach Nurn (complete the mission “The Messenger” , then help Torvin with his beast hunts, culminating in the mission “The Great White Graug” . After this you can complete the final Hunting Challenges.
Reforge all the Forge Towers in both Udun and Nurn to earn this Trophy/Achievement. To reach Nurn you’ll have to complete the mission “The Messenger” .
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