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Plants are created by the Forest and Swamp Giants. The Forest Giant’s flowers specialise in generating food, while the Swamp Giant’s specialise in generating Tech.

To upgrade plants you must use the Forest Giant’s Fruit and Leaf Aspects, the Ocean Giant’s Growth aspect, and the Swamp Giant’s Toxic Aspect.

Level 1 Swamp Plants

**Name** **Source** **Yield** **Symbiosis** **Transmutation**
**Elderberry** **Fruit Plant** (Forest Giant). 5 Food, 2 Natura +7 Food and +3 Natura if next to an Animal Nest **Tomato** with Lesser Leaf (Forest Giant). **Pineapple** with Lesser Fruit (Forest Giant).
**Pineapple** **Elderberry** infused with Lesser Fruit (Forest Giant). 8 Food, 1 Natura +14 Food if next to a Mineral **Papaya** with Potent Fruit (Forest Giant). **Coffea** with Greater Growth (Ocean Giant).
**Tomato** **Elderberry** infused with Lesser Leaf (Forest Giant). **Peppermint** infused with Lesser Growth (Ocean Giant). 8 Food, 2 Tech, 1 Natura. +0.5 Tech for each 1 Food on this patch. **White Willow** with Potent Leaf (Forest Giant). **Coffea** with Greater Growth (Ocean Giant).
**Papaya** **Pineapple** infused with Potent Fruit (Forest Giant). 6 Food, 4 Natura +15 Food and +5 Awe if at least 8 Natura. **Cacao Tree** with Sublime Growth (Ocean Giant) or Fruit (Forest Giant).
**Peppermint** **Herbs** (Swamp Giant). 7 Tech, 2 Natura +7 Tech for each Mineral next to it. **Tomato** with Lesser Growth (Ocean Giant). **Marsh Mallow** with Lesser Toxic (Swamp Giant).
**Marsh Mallow** **Peppermint** infused with Lesser Toxic (Swamp Giant). 4 Tech, 3 Natura +15 Tech and +10 Awe if next to an Animal Nest. **White Willow** with Potent Leaf (Forest Giant). **Hemp with Greater** Toxic (Swamp Giant).
**White Willow** **Tomato** infused with Potent Leaf (Forest Giant). **Marsh Mallow** infused with Potent Leaf (Forest Giant). 6 Tech, 2 Natura +6 Tech and +2 Natura for each other plant in Natura Range. +4 Natura for each other White Willow in Natura Range. **Rubber Tree** with Sublime Leaf (Forest Giant) or Toxic (Swamp Giant).

Level 2 Swamp Plants

**Name** **Source** **Yield** **Symbiosis** **Transmutation**
**Coffea** **Pineapple** infused with Greater Growth (Ocean Giant). **Tomato** infused with Greater Growth (Ocean Giant). 15 Food, 8 Tech, 5 Natura. +1 Tech for each 2 Food from Plants next to this Coffea. Plants next to this Coffea gain +10 Food, +10 Tech and +5 Natura. **Cacao Tree** with Sublime Growth (Ocean Giant) or Fruit (Forest Giant). **Rubber Tree** with Sublime Leaf (Forest Giant) or Toxic (Swamp Giant).
**Hemp** **Marsh Mallow** infused with Greater Toxic (Swamp Giant). 8 Tech, 4 Natura. +1 Tech for each Awe within Natura Range. +15 Tech and +10 Awe for each Iron, Phosphorous, Salt or Aluminium next to it. **Rubber Tree** with Sublime Leaf (Forest Giant) or Toxic (Swamp Giant).

Level 3 Swamp Plants

**Name** **Source** **Yield** **Symbiosis** **Transmutation**
**Cacao Tree** **Papaya** infused with Sublime Growth (Ocean Giant) or Fruit (Forest Giant). **Coffea** infused with Sublime Growth (Ocean Giant) or Fruit (Forest Giant). 15 Food, 12 Natura. +25 Awe if next to a Plant. +25 Natura if next to a Mineral. +50 Food if next to an Animal. +80 Food if there is at least 150 Tech in Natura Range. N/A
**Rubber Tree** **White Willow** infused with Sublime Leaf (Forest Giant) or Toxic (Swamp Giant). **Coffea** infused with Sublime Leaf (Forest Giant) or Toxic (Swamp Giant). **Hemp** infused with Sublime Leaf (Forest Giant) or Toxic (Swamp Giant). 25 Tech, 4 Natura. +20/+40/+80 Tech and +10/+20/+30 Awe if at least 18/24/30 Natura. +55 Tech and +10 Awe for each Oil, Aluminium or Uranium next to this Rubber Tree. N/A
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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Abbey Games
  • Platforms,
    PC, PS4, XB One
  • Genre
    God Simulation
  • Guide Release
    29 June 2013
  • Last Updated
    7 December 2020
  • Guide Author
    Andrew Mills

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Reus is a god game by Abbey Games in which you take control of nature through the hands of mighty giants. You possess all imaginable powers over nature! There is only one thing on the planet that you do not control: mankind, with all their virtues and and all their vices. You can shape their world, but not their will. It’s your responsibility to maintain a balance in which man is not overpowered by nature, and nature does not fall to man’s greed.

Inside the guide:

  • Descriptions of the game’s premise and core gameplay concepts.
  • Information and tips on how to tackle every level 1, 2 and 3 development - clear the game’s 64 development challenges.
  • Detailed explanations of gameplay elements.
  • Information on every resource in the game. Every Plant, Animal and Mineral detailed.
  • Information on the Giants and their powers, and how best to evolve them.

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