Updated Title Publisher
Updated Title Publisher
Updated Title
Published Title Score Editor's Choice Publisher
Published Title Publisher
**Skill Name:** **Price:** **Description/[Effects]**
Firearm Lv. 1 12000 Slightly increases firearm power [+10%]
Firearm Lv.2 29000 Slightly increases firearm power [+20%].
Firearm Lv.3 75000 Slightly increases firearm power [+30%].
Melee Lv.1 10000 Increases power of melee attacks [+10%].
Melee Lv.2 25000 Increases power of melee attacks [+20%].
Melee Lv.3 75000 Increases power of melee attacks [+30%].
Defense Lv.1 3200 Reduces damage from enemy firearms [-20%].
Defense Lv.2 28000 Reduces damage from enemy firearms [-30%].
Defense Lv.3 80000 Reduces damage from enemy firearms [-50%].
Lock-On Lv.1 2800 Increases accuracy slightly.
Lock-On Lv.2 31000 Increases accuracy more.
Rock Steady Lv.1 3500 Reduces recoil after shooting.
Rock Steady Lv.2 33000 Reduces recoil after shooting.
Critical Hit Lv.1 3500 Increases critical hit chance [+50%].
Critical Hit Lv.2 13000 Increases critical hit chance [+75%].
Critical Hit Lv.3 32000 Increases critical hit chance [+100%].
J’avo Killer Lv.1 3000 Increases attack power vs J’avo [+20%].
J’avo Killer Lv.2 25000 Increases attack power vs J’avo [+50%].
Zombie Hunter Lv.1 3000 Increases attack power vs Zombies [+20%].
Zombie Hunter Lv.2 25000 Increases attack power vs Zombies [+50%].
Eagle Eye 3000 Adds extra zoom level to scoped weapons.
Quick Reload 10000 Reload your weapons more quickly [+20%].
Last Shot 55000 Increases power of last bullet [+300%].
Shooting Wild 65000 Removes your targeting sight, but increases your firepower [+50%].
Combat Gauge Boost Lv.1 70000 Increases your Combat Gauge to 8 blocks.
Combat Gauge Boost Lv.2 90000 Increases your Combat Gauge to 10 blocks.
Breakout 2800 Break free more easily from grapples.
Item Drop Increase 3500 Increases item drop rate on enemies.
Recovery Lv.1 10000 Speeds up recovery rate in dying status; [Recovery in 10 seconds, instead of 5].
Recovery Lv.2 70000 Speeds up recovery rate in dying status;[Recovery in 7 seconds, instead of 15].
Team-Up 14000 When the AI player is within 5 meters of you they’ll deal as much damage as you do.
Field Medic Lv.1 12000 Allows your partner to give you 1 or 2 health tablets when you’re rescued.
Field Medic Lv.2 95000 Allows your partner to give you 2 or 3 health tablets when you’re rescued.
Lone Wolf 100 Keeps your partner from helping you when you’re in trouble (single player only).
AR Ammo Pickup Incr. 8000 Increases 5.56 NATO ammo pickup amount.
Shotgun Shell Pickup Incr. 8000 Increases 10 & 12-gauge shotgun shells pickup amount.
Magnum Ammo Pickup Incr. 25000 Increases .50 Action-Express and .500 S&W Magnum ammo pickup amount.
Rifle Ammo Pickup Incr. 8000 Increases 7.62 NATO and 12.7mm ammo pickup amount.
Grenade Pickup Increase 22000 Increases 40mm explosive, avid, and nitrogen rounds pickup amount.
Arrow Pickup Increase 20000 Increases normal and pipe bomb arrows pickup amount.
Grenade Power-Up 40000 Grenades deal 100% additional damage.
Handgun Master 37000 Handguns deal 100% additional damage.
Shotgun Master 38000 Shotguns deal 100% additional damage.
Magnum Master 40000 Magnums deal 100% additional damage.
Sniper Master 39000 Sniper Rifles deal 100% additional damage.
Machine Pistol Master 38000 MP-AF & AB 50 deal 100% additional damage.
Assault Rifle Master 37000 Assault Rifles deal 100% additional damage.
Grenade Launcher Master 40000 Gren. Launcher deals 100% additional damage.
Crossbow Master 40000 Crossbow deals 100% additional damage.
Infinite Handgun 79000 Infinite ammo for Handguns.
Infinite Shotgun 89000 Infinite ammo for Shotguns.
Infinite Magnum 99000 Infinite ammo for Magnums.
Infinite Sniper Rifle 79000 Infinite ammo for Sniper Rifles.
Infinite Machine Pistol 89000 Infinite ammo for Machine Pistols.
Infinite Assault Rifle 89000 Infinite ammo for Assault Rifles.
Infinite Grenade Launcher 99000 Infinite ammo for Grenade Launchers.
Infinite Crossbow 79000 Infinite ammo for the Crossbow.

Unlocking Skills

  • For leveled skills you simply need to unlock the previous level first in order to purchase the next one.
  • For the J’avo Killer Lv.1 and Zombie Killer Lv. 1 you’ll need to kill 30 of each of those enemies first to unlock the skills.
  • For the master/power-up’ skills (which increase the damage of a particular weapon type by an extra 100%), you’ll need to kill a large amount of enemies with that weapon type. The amounts are as follows:
Weapon Type Kill Requirement
Grenades: 800 Kills
Handguns: 1500 Kills
Shotguns: 1000 Kills
Magnums: 800 Kills
Sniper Rifles: 1000 Kills
Machine Pistols: 1500 Kills
Assault Rifles: 1500 Kills
Grenade Launchers: 1500 Kills
Crossbow: 800 Kills
  • In order to unlock the ‘infinite ammo’ skills series - that is, make themavailable for puchase - you’ll need to unlock all four campaigns (including Ada’s) first. You can then purchase any of these handy skills.
  • For your convenience, here are all weapons for each type (where applicable):
    Handguns: Nine-Oh-Nine, Wing Shooter, Triple Shot, Picador

Shotguns: Shotgun, Assault Shotgun

Magnums: Lightning Hawk, Elephant Killer

Sniper Rifles: Sniper Rifle, Semi-Auto Sniper Rifle

Machine Pistols: MP-AF, Ammo Box 50

Assault Rifles: Assault Rifle RN, Bear Commander, AR for Special Tactics

Grenade Launchers: Grenade Launcer, Bear Commander (alternate fire)

Crossbow: Crossbow

Agent Hunt Skill List

Skill Name: Price: Description/[Effects]
Creature Offense Lv.1 5000 Increases attack damage [+10%].
Creature Offense Lv.2 15000 Increases attack damage [+20%].
Creature Offense Lv.3 60000 Increases attack damage [+30%].
Creature Defense Lv.1 5000 Decreases enemy attack damage [-10%].
Creature Defense Lv.2 15000 Decreases enemy attack damage [-20%].
Creature Defense Lv.3 60000 Decreases enemy attack damage [-30%].
Creature Health Lv.1 5000 Increases health [+20%].
Creature Health Lv.2 15000 Increases health [+50%].
Creature Health Lv.3 60000 Increases health [+100%].
Creature Stamina Lv.1 5000 Increases stamina to 6 blocks.
Creature Stamina Lv.2 15000 Increases stamina to 7 blocks.
Creature Stamina Lv.3 60000 Increases stamina to 10 blocks.

Mercenaries Skill List

Skill Name: Price: Description:[Effects]
Eagle Eye 3000 Adds extra zoom level to scoped weapons.
Item Drop Increase 3500 Causes more defeated enemies to drop items.
Go for Broke! 60000 Whenever the timer is under 30 seconds, you Receive an additional +2 seconds for every combo, for a max of 17 extra seconds.
Time Bonus + 90000 Grants +10 seconds for Time Bonuses.
Combo Bonus + 50000 Grants +10 seconds for Combo Bonuses.
Limit Breaker 60000 Grants +50 points for every combo you perform above 50 combos.
Blitz Play 5000 Damaging an enemy who has *just* been hit by an other player, grants you +50% damage.
Quick Shot Damage Increase 15000 Quick Shot damage increases [+50%].
Power Counter 8000 Counter damage increases [+25%].
Second Wind 6000 Damage increases [+10%] when your health is at two blocks or less
Martial Arts Master 25000 Increases melee damage [+25%], but decreases gun damage [-50%]
Target Master 25000 Increases gun damage [+25%], but decreases melee damage [-50%].
Last Stand 30000 Increases damage [+30%], but also increases enemy attack damage to a total of [300%].
Preemptive Strike 7000 Increases damage of back attacks [+75%].
Dying Breath 15000 Increases damage while in dying status by [+300%] & shortens recovery time to 5 secs.
Pharmacist 17000 One health tablet restores two blocks.
Medic 12000 Using a health tablet also restores a block of your partners health, no matter where you (or they) are on the map.
First Responder 15000 Allows reviving of partners without using health tablets.
Take It Easy 20000 Health & Combat Gauge recovery are doubled while in cover position.
Natural Healing 15000 Healing and Combat Gauge recovery sped up by 25%.

Template List

Template Name: Clear Campaign:
Default ---
Silencer Leon’s Chapter 1
Silencer - Gold Leon’s Chapter 2
Silencer - Copper Leon’s Chapter 3
Silencer - Red Leon’s Chapter 4
Hand Grenade Leon’s Chapter 5
Hand Grenade - Gold Chris’ Chapter 1
Hand Grenade - Copper Chris’ Chapter 2
Hand Grenade - Green Chris’ Chapter 3
Virus Shot Chris’ Chapter 4
Virus Shot - Gold Chris’ Chapter 5
Virus Shot - Copper Jake’s Chapter 1
Virus Shot - Light Green Jake’s Chapter 2
Wings Jake’s Chapter 3
Wings - Gold Jake’s Chapter 4
Wings - Copper Jake’s Chapter 5
Wings - Pink Ada’s Chapter 1
Tank Ada’s Chapter 2
Tank - Gold Ada’s Chapter 3
Tank - Copper Ada’s Chapter 4
Tank - Yellow Ada’s Chapter 5

Emblem List

Emblem Name: Requirements:
The Longest Night Complete the prelude
Gone to Hell Complete Chapter 1 in Leon’s Campaign
Buried Secrets Complete Chapter 2 in Leon’s Campaign
Get on the Plane Complete Chapter 3 in Leon’s Campaign
Big Trouble in China Complete Chapter 4 in Leon’s Campaign
The Trouble with Women Complete Chapter 5 in Leon’s Campaign
Rescue the Hostages Complete Chapter 1 in Chris’ Campaign
Tragedy in Europe Complete Chapter 2 in Chris’ Campaign
After Her! Complete Chapter 3 in Chris’ Campaign
There’s Always Hope Complete Chapter 4 in Chris’ Campaign
Duty Calls Complete Chapter 5 in Chris’ Campaign
Money Talks Complete Chapter 1 in Jake’s Campaign
A Revolting Development Complete Chapter 2 in Jake’s Campaign
Let’s Blow this Joint Complete Chapter 3 in Jake’s Campaign
Still on the Run Complete Chapter 4 in Jake’s Campaign
See You Around Complete Chapter 5 in Jake’s Campaign
I Spy Complete Chapter 1 in Ada’s Campaign
Counterintelligence Complete Chapter 2 in Ada’s Campaign
This Takes Me Back Complete Chapter 3 in Ada’s Campaign
Ada’s Demise Complete Chapter 4 in Ada’s Campaign
What’s Next Complete Chapter 5 in Ada’s Campaign
Green Around the Ears Finish the game on Amateur mode
Normal is Good Finish the game on Normal mode
Back in My Day Finish the game on Veteran mode
Leave It to the Pro Finish the game on Professional mode
Check Out My Dogs Customize your dogs tags
Titular Achievement Earn 10 different titles
One is Better Than None Purchase one skill
Mad Skillz Max all skills that allow level ups
Silent Hunter Kill 5 enemies with a stealth attack
Finish What You Start Perform a coup de grâce on 10 enemies
Bob and Weave Counter an enemy’s attack 3x in a row
Down, Not Out In Dying Status, kill an enemy and recover without the help of your partner
Lifesaver Help or rescue your partner 10 times
Weapons Master Kill 10 enemies with each weapon in the game
Give a Little Push Push 10 enemies off a high ledge
Rising Up Earn one level 4 title
They’re ACTION Figures! Collect 3 figures
Stuntman Defeat 20 enemies with the Hydra Quickshot move
Bring the Heat Kill an enemy 50+ meters away with a headshot by using a thermal scope on your rifle
High Voltage Defeat 10 enemies with a Stun Rod charge attack
Zombie Massacre Defeat 500 Zombies
J’avo Genocide Defeat 500 J’avo
B.O.W.s Are Ugly Defeat 100 Chrysalid B.O.W’s
I Prefer Them Alive In Leon’s Chapter 2, rescue two female survivors at the cathedral
Flying Ace In Chris’ Chapter 4, pilot the aircraft without getting any damage whatsoever
Hard Choice In Jake’s Chapter 4, shoot the helicopter’s pilot with a magnum
Sneaking Around In Ada’s Chapter 4, get through the carrier’s bridge area without ever being noticed by any enemies
Covered in Brass Earn 150 different medals
Heirlooms Collect all 80 Serpent Emblems

Titles list

Title Name: Description: 1S 2S 3S 4S
Resident Evil efault title -- -- -- --
Curious Fan Have a completed RE5 savefile 1x -- -- --
Newbie (*) Play RE6 for a while (in hours) 5h 15h 50h 100h
Global Player Play with different people online 10 50 100 300
Rollin’with the Homies Play online w/people on friend list 5x 30x 100x 300x
My Skills Earn a lot of Skill Points (k=1000) 10k 50k 100k 200k
Skill Collector Unlock various skills 10 20 40 80
File Collector Read Serpent Emblem files 10 30 50 All
Figure Collector Collect various figures 20 40 60 All
Earning Them Medals Earn various medals 100 300 1000 2000
Title Collector Unlock various titles 20 50 100 200
People Eater Play as a zombie in Agent Hunt 10x 30x 100x 300x
J’avo Juice Play as a J’avo in Agent Hunt 10x 30x 100x 300x
Left My Mark Tag an enemy as target 10x 30x 100x 300x
Tag Master Have partners kill tagged enemies 10x 30x 100x 300x
Enjoying the Scenery Walk a lot (meters) 10x 30x 100x 300x
Running My Shoes Off Run a lot (meters) 10k 30k 50k 100k
Mad Dasher Dash a lot during events (meters) 300 1000 3000 5000
Rock-Hard Buns Move a lot on your back (meters) 50 100 300 500
Big Baby Crawl a lot through vents (meters) 20 50 100 300
Like a Duck to Water Swim a lot (meters) 100 300 500 1000
Joyrider Travel a lot; vehicles (kilometers) 50 100 200 500
Easy Target Require help from a co-op partner 10x 30x 100x 300x
Rescue Me Get help from a co-op partner 10x 30x 100x 300x
Hero Help your co-op partner 10x 30x 100x 300x
Death Wish Enter dying status 10x 30x 50x 100x
Resuscitated Agent Get rescued by partner from dying 10x 30x 50x 100x
Phoenix Recover from dying without any help 10x 30x 50x 100x
Last Hurrah Kill enemies while dying 1x 3x 10x 100x
Lifesaver Rescue co-op partner from dying 10x 30x 50x 100x
Dead Ringer Die (get game over) 10x 50x 100x 200x
Going Out in Style Die in a cutscene/instant KO blow 5x 10x 30x 50x
Headshot Master Perform headshots 30x 100x 300x 1k
Gunslinger Hit enemies with Quick Shots 30x 100x 300x 1k
Potent Pugilist Hit enemies with melee attacks 30x 100x 300x 1k
Relentless Attacker Perform a special melee attack on a stunned enemy 10x 30x 100x 300x
Combat Master Perform a coup de grâce attack 10x 30x 100x 300x
By Any Means Counterattack enemy by using their weapon against them 5x 10x 30x 100x
Badass Use melee attacks without having any stamina left in your gauge 5x 10x 30x 100x
Executioner Kill a grounded enemy 10x 30x 100x 300x
Counter Attacker Counterattack on an enemy 5x 10x 30x 100x
Stealth Killer Stealth kill an enemy from behind 10x 30x 100x 300x
Slip Slider Slide while dashing 50x 100x 300x 500x
Slide ‘n’ Smash Break something while sliding 10x 50x 100x 300x
Bone Breaker Kill an enemy by sliding 5x 10x 50x 100x
Nine-Oh-Nine Expert Kill enemies with the Nine-Oh-Nine 30x 100x 300x 1k
Picador Expert Kill enemies with the Picador 30x 100x 300x 1k
Wing Shooter Expert Kill enemies with the Wing Shooter 30x 100x 300x 1k
Shotgun Expert Kill enemies with the Shotgun 30x 100x 300x 1k
Assault Shotgun Expert Kill enemies with the A. Shotgun 30x 100x 300x 1k
Hydra Expert Kill enemies with the Hydra 30x 100x 300x 1k
Lightning Hawk Expert Kill enemies with the L. Hawk 30x 100x 300x 1k
Elephant Killer Expert Kill enemies with the E. Killer 30x 100x 300x 1k
Sniper Rifle Expert Kill enemies with the Sniper Rifle 30x 100x 300x 1k
Semi-Auto S.R. Expert Kill enemies with the Semi-Auto SR 30x 100x 300x 1k
Anti-Material Expert Kill enemies with the A-M Rifle 30x 100x 300x 1k
Ammo Box 50 Expert Kill enemies with the Ammo Box 50 30x 100x 300x 1k
Triple Shot Expert Kill enemies with the Triple Shot 30x 100x 300x 1k
MP-AF Expert Kill enemies with the MP-AF 30x 100x 300x 1k
Assault Rifle for Special Tactics Expert Kill enemies with the Assault Rifle 30x 100x 300x 1k
Bear Commander Expert Kill enemies with the B. Commander 30x 100x 300x 1k
A. Rifle RN Expert Kill enemies with the A. Rifle RN 30x 100x 300x 1k
Explosive Round Expert Kill enemies with Explosive Rounds 30x 100x 300x 1k
Acid Rounds Expert Kill enemies with Acid Rounds 30x 100x 300x 1k
Nitrogen Expert Kill enemies with Nitrogen Rounds 30x 100x 300x 1k
Rocket Launcher Expert Kill enemies with the R. Launcher 3x 10x 30x 100x
Crossbow Expert Kill enemies with the Crossbow 30x 100x 300x 1k
Crossbow Master Shoot/stick enemies to the wall 30x 100x 300x 1k
Survival Knife Expert Kill enemies with the S. Knife 30x 100x 300x 1k
Combat Knife Expert Kill enemies with the C. Knife 30x 100x 300x 1k
Stun Rod Expert Kill enemies with the Stun Rod 30x 100x 300x 1k
Hand-to-Hand Expert Kill enemies with Hand-to-Hand 30x 100x 300x 1k
Gatling Gun Expert Kill enemies with the Gatling Gun 10x 30x 100x 300x
I Spy Kill enemies with the turret camera in Jake’s Chapter 3 10x 30x 100x 300x
ATV Gun Expert Kill enemies with the ATV turret in Chris’ Chapter 3 10x 30x 100x 300x
I Got Hand Kill enemies with Piers’ special 3x 10x 30x 100x
Hand Grenade Expert Kill enemies with Hand Grenades 30x 100x 300x 1K
Incen. Grenade Expert Kill enemies with Incen. Grenades 30x 100x 300x 1K
Flash Grenade Expert Kill enemies with Flash Grenades 3x 10x 50x 100x
Flash Grenade Master Blind enemies with Flash Grenades 30x 100x 300x 1K
Demolitions Expert Kill enemies w/explosive drums etc. 30x 100x 300x 1K
Pipe Bomb Expert Kill enemies with Pipe Bomb Arrows 30x 100x 300x 1K
Remote Bomb Expert Kill enemies with Remote Bombs 30x 100x 300x 1K
Manipulator Have an enemy kill another enemy 10x 30x 100x 300x
Need a Pick-Me-Up Use health tablets 100x 300x 1K 2K
The Chemist Combine a herb with an other herb 30x 100x 300x 1K
Need My Meds Use First Aid Sprays 3x 10x 30x 100x
Not an Acrobat Use Ada’s grapple hook 10x 30x 100x 300x
Undercover Spend time in cover (minutes) 5M 10M 30M 100M
Reloader Reload a weapon 500X 1K 3K 5K
Zombie Hunter Kill zombies 100x 300x 1K 3K
Shrieker Hunter Kill Shriekers 20x 50x 200x 500X
Whopper Hunter Kill Whoppers 20x 50x 200x 500X
Zombie Dog Hunter Kill Zombie Dogs 20x 50x 200x 500X
Bloodshot Hunter Kill Bloodshots 20x 50x 200x 500X
J’avo Hunter Kill J’avo 20x 50x 200x 500X
Cocoon Hunter Destroy Chrysalid Cocoons 10x 30x 100x 300x
Glava-Sluz Hunter Kill Glava-Sluz 30x 100x 300x 1k
Glava-Smech Hunter Kill Glava-Smech 30x 100x 300x 1k
Glava-Begunats Hunter Kill Glava-Begunats 30x 100x 300x 1k
Glava-Dim Hunter Kill Glava-Dim 30x 100x 300x 1k
Ruka-SRP Hunter Kill Ruka-SRP 30x 100x 300x 1k
Ruka-Khvatanje Hunter Kill Ruka-Khvatanje 30x 100x 300x 1k
Ruka-Bedem Hunter Kill Ruka-Bedem 30x 100x 300x 1k
Noga-Trchanje Hunter Kill Noga-Trchanje 30x 100x 300x 1k
Noga-Let Hunter Kill Noga-Let 30x 100x 300x 1k
Noga-Skakanje Hunter Kill Noga-Skakanje 30x 100x 300x 1k
Noga-Oklop Hunter Kill Noga-Oklop 30x 100x 300x 1k
Telo-Eksplozija Hunter Kill Telo-Eksplozija 30x 100x 300x 1k
Telo-Krljusht Hunter Kill Telo-Krljusht 30x 100x 300x 1k
Telo-Magla Hunter Kill Telo-Magla 30x 100x 300x 1k
Strelats Hunter Kill Strelats 20x 50x 200x 500x
Mesets Hunter Kill Mesets 10x 30x 100x 300x
Napad Hunter Kill Napad 20x 50x 200x 500x
Gnezdo Hunter Kill Gnezdo 10x 30x 100x 300x
Lepotitsa Hunter Kill Lepotitsa 5x 20x 50x 200x
Brzak Hunter Kill Brzak 2x 5x 20x 50x
Ubistvo Hunter Kill Ubistvo 5x 20x 50x 200x
Iluzija Hunter Kill Iluzija 2x 5x 20x 50x
Deborah Hunter Kill Deborah 3X 10X 30X 100X
Rasklapanje Hunter Kill Rasklapanje 5x 20x 50x 200x
Ogroman Hunter Kill Ogroman 5x 20x 50x 200x
Ustanak Hunter Kill Ustanak 5x 20x 50x 200x
Oko Hunter Kill Oko 10X 30X 100X 300X
Derek Hunter Kill Derek Simmons 5x 20x 50x 200x
Carla Hunter Kill Carla Spore 10x 30X 100X 300X
Haos Hunter Kill Haos 3x 10X 30X 100X
Road Rage Kill enemies with a vehicle 10x 30X 100X 300X
Open Season Kill animals 10x 30X 100X 300X
Metal Muncher Destroy tanks or helicopters 10x 30X 100X 300X
Kickin’ Ass & Takin’Names Kill a lot of enemies in general 1k 3k 5K 10K
Fire Hazard Kill zombies with fire 30x 100x 300x 1k
Face Smasher Destroy a J’avo’s Mask 30x 100x 300x 1k
Any Port in a Storm Take cover behind Chrysalid cocoons 1M 3M 10M 20M
Chuter Shooter Kill enemies hanging by parachutes 3x 10x 30x 100x
Getting Good Grades Achieve an S-Rank in campaigns 5X 10X 15X 20X
Decorated Agent Receive unique medals in campaigns 50X 100X 150X 193X
Medal Agent Receive a lot of medals 200X 500X 1K 1.5K
Amateur Clear campaign chapters on Amateur 5 10 15 ALL
Got Some Experience Clear campaign chapters on Normal 5 10 15 ALL
I Know What I’m Doing Clear campaign chapters on Veteran 5 10 15 ALL
Professional Clear campaign chapters on Prof 5 10 15 ALL
Action Junkie Complete any campaign chapter 35x 70x 100x 200x
Respect the Skills Complete any chapter without dying 5 10 15 ALL
Lone Wolf Complete campaigns without any help from your partner (no rescues, etc) 5 10 15 ALL
Amazon Complete all campaigns with femaleS 15 -- -- --
Party Time! Play a chapter with 3 other players 1x 3x 10x 30x
Props to You Praise your co-op player 10x 20x 50x 100x
Herb Sharer Herb Sharer 10x 30x 100x 200x
Emblem Finder Find/Destroy Serpent Emblems 20 40 60 80
Treasure Hunter Open treasure chests in campaigns 10x 30x 50x 100x
Exterminator Kill a player-controlled enemy 10x 30x 100x 200x
Still in Training Die during campaign, then continue 10x 30x 50x 100x
Survivalist Finish a chapter Knife-only (Leon) 1X -- -- --
Hydra Tamer Finish a chapter Hydra-only(Helena) 1X -- -- --
Combat Specialist Finish a chapter Knife-only (Chris) 1X -- -- --
Snipe This! Finish a chapter AM-only (Piers) 1X -- -- --
Martial Artist Finish a chapter H/Hand-only (Jake) 1X -- -- --
Beat-Down King Finish a chapter S.Rod-only(Sherry) 1X -- -- --
Eagle Eyed Finish a chapter Crossbow-only(Ada) 1X -- -- --
Trigger Happy Empty all of your weapon’s ammo 50x 100x 300x 1K
Button Smasher Finish an Action Button QT Event 1k 3k 5k 10k
Spin Doctor Finish an Rotation QT Event 10x 30x 100x 200x
The Right Touch Press Action Button at right time 10x 30x 100x 200x
Hired Killer Play the Mercenaries 10x 30x 100x 200x
Decorated Mercenary Earn the Medals in the Mercenaries 10 20 30 50
Medal Mercenary Earn a lot of Medals in Mercs 30x 100x 200x 300x
S.T.A.R.S. Trainee Receive S-Rank in Mercs levels 3 5 7 9
Professional Mercenary Receive A-Rank in Mercs levels 3 5 7 9
Soldier of Fortune Complete different Mercs levels 3 5 7 9
A Cut Above the Rest Receive S-Rank with different Mercs characters 3 7 14 All
Killing’s What I Do Kill many enemies in Mercenaries 300 1000 3000 5000
Gettin’ My Hands Dirty Kill Mercs enemies w/melee attacks 100 500 1000 3000
Combo Master Get a high combo in Mercenaries 40c 80c 120c 150c
Man of the Hour Get time bonuses in Mercenaries 100x 200x 300x 500x
Under the Wire Finish a Mercs round w/extra time 1m 2m 3m 5m+
Killin’ Like a Boss Kill the hidden boss in Mercs 10x 30x 100x 200x
Let’s Work Together! Perform partner melee attacks with your partner in the Mercenaries 10x 50x 100x 200x
Team Player Rescue partner from dying in Mercs 5x 10x 20x 30x
Agent Hunt Play Agent Hunt 10x 30x 100x 200x
Brutal Hunter Kill an agent during Agent Hunt 10x 30x 100x 200x
Decorated Hunter Collect unique medals in Agent Hunt 10 20 30 50
Medal Hunter Collect many medals in Agent Hunt 50 100 200 300
Assassin Perform coup de grâce in Agent Hunt 1x 3x 10x 30x
Stay Outta My Turf! Stay on the same stage as an agent 1h -- -- --
Mutant Mutate as a J’avo in Agent Hunt 30x 100x 200x 300x
Metamorph Change from J’avo to a different 10x 30x 100x 200x
Vagabond Play different stages in Agent Hunt 3 6 9 12
Mad Dog Play as a Zombie Dog in Agent Hunt 5 20 100 200
Blood on My Hands Play as a Bloodshot in Agent Hunt 5 20 100 200
Shrieking Awesome Play as a Shrieker in Agent Hunt 5 20 100 200
Disjointed Play as a Rasklapanje in Agent Hunt 5 20 100 200
Ultimate Hunter Play as all enemies in Agent Hunt 1 -- -- --
Cannon Fodder Die in Agent Hunt without hurting an agent 10X 30X 100X 300X
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Guide Information
  • Publisher
  • Platforms,
    PC, PS3, PS4, XB 360, XB One
  • Genre
    Action Adventure, Survival Horror
  • Guide Release
    31 October 2012
  • Last Updated
    7 December 2020
  • Guide Author
    Steve Huijboom

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It has been ten years since the Raccoon City incident and the President of the United States has decided to reveal the truth behind what took place in the belief that it will curb the current resurgence in bioterrorist activity. Due to be by the President’s side is his personal friend and Raccoon City survivor, Leon S. Kennedy, but when the venue suffers a bioterrorist attack, Leon is forced to face a President transformed beyond recognition and make his hardest ever decision.

At the same time, Bioterrorism Security Assessment Alliance member, Chris Redfield arrives in China, itself under threat of a bioterrorist attack. With no country safe from these attacks and the ensuing outbreaks, the entire world’s population is united by a common fear that there is no hope left. In a first for the franchise, Resident Evil 6 sees series favourites Leon and Chris come together to face this unprecedented threat. They will be joined by new characters, each with their own unique perspective and involvement in this relentless dramatic horror experience enacted on a global scale.

  • An Intro to the games controls, skill points & physical attacks.
  • Comprehensive walkthrough for Leon, Chris, Jake and Ada’s Campaigns.
  • Skills, Templates, Emblems and Titles Lists.
  • Trophy / Achievement List.
  • Playing Tips.
  • Campaign Rankings.
  • Weapons, Mercenaries and Enemies info.

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