Your goal in Chapter 4 of Resident Evil 4 Remake is to first, get the Church Key and then once you have it, to return to the Church and look around in your search for Ashley. Once inside, a puzzle will stand in your way and the upper floor, this page will tell you how to solve it.
You will need to solve the church light puzzle in Chapter 4 of Resident Evil 4 Remake.
Where to Find the Church Light Puzzle¶
Now that you’ve opened up the way to the Church, head inside and you’ll discover that it’s not the largest building in the world. This is good for you though, it means that finding Ashley should be no problem, right? Unfortunately, life is rarely that simple and so it proves here in Resident Evil 4 Remake.
If you look around the corridor to your left, you’ll spot a locked gate preventing access to the higher floor, and if Ashley is hidden anywhere, that’s the likeliest place. Take a look at the glass behind the pulpit and you’ll notice that it’s a bit of a mismatch. Head over and look to the left of the pulpit to find a switch you can pull, do so and you’ll reveal three dials, only there appears to be a blue one missing.
(1 of 4) Pull the lever to the left of the pulpit
Head around to the southern corridor (when looking at your map, right from the entrance facing the pulpit) and head to the end to find a cupboard you can open. Inside, you’ll find the missing Blue Dial, pocket it and insert it into the pulpit to begin a puzzle.
How to Solve the Church Light Puzzle¶
This puzzle can be tricky if you’re not exactly sure what you’re doing. In front of you are three dials you can choose to rotate: blue, green, and red. Each of the dial will rotate the same-colored pieces of glass on the image you’re looking at. The goal, then, is to make sure there is no white in the background and the colored glass fits around the background image of the plagas (the same image on the Insignia Key).
(1 of 2) Line up the small piece of blue glass with the lower right leg of the plagas
Line up the small piece of blue glass with the lower right leg of the plagas (left), you can then move the other two colors to fit with it and complete the puzzle. (right)
There is no right or wrong way to do this, you’ll most likely find yourself playing around with the dials for a while as you line up the colors with the image but there are some tips that may help. Start with the blue dial and rotate it so that the shard of glass fits with the bottom right leg of the plagas image. Once you have this one in place, you can then rotate the other two colors so that they line up and fit together.
Once you complete the puzzle, the gate to the left will unlock and you can take the ladder up. Enter the only room up here and you’ll eventually find Ashley, bringing Chapter 4 to an end.
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