There’s a whopping three Achievements/Trophies that you can earn in this test chamber.
Missable Achievement/Trophy Alert!¶
Missable Achievement/Trophy Alert!¶
As soon as you enter the room, walk to your left and look into the top-right corner for the two angled walls. Place a portal on each of these before returning to the launch pad.
Walk onto the launch pad and you’ll be automatically carried towards both of your portals, with you ending up on the upper platform near the exit door.
Hit the red button and you’ll unleash a trail of waste materials from the chute near the start of the chamber.
These will hit the same launch pads you did and they’ll eventually fly past you. A Companion Cube will now be placed in the chute, so once again hit the red button and the Cube will find its way over towards you.
As the Cube is hurtling through the air, move to your right and line yourself up with your left-most portal, putting you in the perfect place to catch the Cube.
Missable Achievement/Trophy Alert!¶

Drop Box
Drop your co-op partner in goo while they are gesturing by removing the bridge under them

Once you have the Cube in your possession, set it down and create a portal above the large red button in the left-corner of the map (follow the yellow dots if need be) and place a second portal on the wall to your immediate right.
Take your Companion Cube and drop it through these portals and it’ll fall onto the button, opening up the exit for you.
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