Exp. Candy S Pokémon Stat Booster
A candy that is packed with energy. If consumed, it grants a Pokémon a small number of Exp. Points.
Tera Raids
Interactive Map Locations

2. Paldea Region Map
X: 6659 Y: 6748
On the cliffside north of Medali.
Note: Items will respawn after the first instance within a random pool.
6. Paldea Region Map
X: 3809 Y: 3768
Note: Items will respawn after the first instance within a random pool of items.

27. The Teal Mask Map
X: 5180 Y: 5350
Inside the Crystal Pool cave.
After the entrance plunge, at the top of the second plunge.
Can be a little cramped.

30. The Teal Mask Map
X: 5106 Y: 5559
Accessible from Oni’s Maw cave or by dropping down from Crystal Pool cave.
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