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Pinwheel Forst (Inner)

Pokemon Encounters

Name Type Location Encounter Rate
"Cottonee" IconCottonee (B) Grass/Fairy Tall/Dark grass 30% (Tall), 40% (Dark)
"Petilil" IconPetilil (W) Grass Tall/Dark grass 30%(Tall), 40% (Dark)
"Sewaddle" IconSewaddle Bug/Grass Tall grass 40%
"Pidove" IconPidove Normal/Flying Tall grass 10%
"Venipede" IconVenipede Bug/Poison Tall grass 20%
"Swadloon" IconSwadloon Bug/Grass Dark grass 40%
Tranquil Normal/Flying Dark grass 10%
"Whirlipede" IconWhirlipede Bug/Poison Dark grass 10%
Name Type Location Encounter Rate
"Whimsicott" IconWhimsicott (B) Grass/Fairy Shaking grass 5%
"Lilligant" IconLilligant (W) Grass Shaking grass 5%
"Audino" IconAudino Bug/Grass Shaking grass 65%
"Pansage" IconPansage Normal/Flying Shaking grass 10%
"Pansear" IconPansear Bug/Poison Shaking grass 10%
"Panpour" IconPanpour Bug/Grass Shaking grass 10%
Red "Basculin" IconBasculin (B) Water Surf/Super Rod 100% (Surf), 50%, 20% (Rippling water)
Blue "Basculin" IconBasculin (W) Water Surf/Super Rod 100% (Surf), 50%, 20% (Rippling water)
"Goldeen" IconGoldeen Water Super Rod 50%, 20% (Rippling water)
"Seaking" IconSeaking Water Super Rod 60% (Rippling water)


Obtainable now
Super Potion, Big Root, Chestro Berry, Antidote, Pecha Berry, Parlyz Heal, TinyMushroom, Dragon Skull, Moon Stone, Miracle Seed, TM86 Grass Knot
Surf required
Hyper Potion, TM22 Solar Beam, Rare Candy, Silver Powder

Points of Interest

  • After capturing the legendary Pokémon "Cobalion" IconCobalion the east part of the forest will open allowing you to find and aquire "Virizion" IconVirizion .
  • There is a moss covered rock to the south of the forest, level an "Eevee" IconEevee around this rock and it will evolve into the grass creature "Leafeon" IconLeafeon .


Chat to Burgh and you’ll be instructed to check the left hand path for signs of Plasma-like activity. There are plenty of trainers to fight here, but it’s impossible to get lost on this linear path so follow it and squash all that would try and stop you.

Follow the path and fight…

Double Battle: Twins

Double battles are a little tougher but you should still have no issues here. Use a Fire type for extra damage.

Pokemon Level Type
"Sewaddle" IconSewaddle 16 Bug/Grass
"Sewaddle" IconSewaddle 16 Bug/Grass

Keep following the path and a Team Plasma Grunt will stop you and, further along, another.

Trainer Battle: Team Plasma Grunt

Pokemon Level Type
"Sandile" IconSandile 16 Ground/Dark

Trainer Battle: Team Plasma Grunt

Pokemon Level Type
"Purrloin" IconPurrloin 16 Dark

It’s unlikely you have an Eevee, but when have one, return here to evolve it into Leafeon.

Continue to the left and find a Super Potion . It is possible to avoid the Youngster here with good timing, but all experience is good experience at the end of the day…

Trainer Battle: Youngster

Pokemon Level Type
"Venipede" IconVenipede 16 Bug/Poison
"Timburr" IconTimburr 16 Fighting

Head around and up, try to enter the log here and you’ll be jumped by a Pokémon Ranger.

Trainer Battle: Pokémon Ranger

Pokemon Level Type
"Pansage" IconPansage 18 Grass

Continue through the log and upward then hang a left. Follow the path round more and then run up the hollow tree log to face another Team Plasma Grunt.

Trainer Battle: Team Plasma Grunt

Pokemon Level Type
"Patrat" IconPatrat 16 Normal

Skirt around the grunt and take the hollow trunk down and follow the path right till you see another tree trunk, a Pokémon Ranger waits in the bush in front of it.

Trainer Battle: Pokémon Ranger

Pokemon Level Type
"Pansear" IconPansear 18 Fire

Continue north through the trunk to face the final Team Plasma Grunt.

Trainer Battle: Team Plasma Grunt

Another Grunt stands before you. The Sandile is the tougher Pokemon here but shouldn’t be much of an issue.

Pokemon Level Type
"Patrat" IconPatrat 14 Normal
"Patrat" IconPatrat 14 Normal
"Sandile" IconSandile 14 Ground/Dark

Win the fight and watch the following scene, you’ll receive a Moon Stone for your troubles. Head right, grab the item along your way, then hop right over the ledge.

From here, make your way north past the Hiker to exit the forest. If you want, you can turn around and go south instead, back towards the forest entrance, to fight a bunch of trainers along the road.

In any case, once you’ve exited the forest north, enjoy the genuinely impressive view. And when you’re done appreciating the scene head out onto…

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Pokemon Company International
  • Platforms,
  • Genre
  • Guide Release
    29 May 2011
  • Last Updated
    21 February 2021
  • Guide Author
    Daniel Chaviers

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