The location of the Overgrown Pool area on the map.
This quest can be found in the Overgrown Pool area, in the Northern Narlmarches. You can find it just by following the Skunk River west from your capital. When you enter the area you’ll find yourself along the northern end of the map, from which head south a short distance to find Lumberjacks led by a man named Corax facing off against a Nixie named Melianse. The Nixie, while outnumbered, does have a trump card in the form of two bewitched Lumberjacks, whose lives she threatens in response to Corax’s aggression. Getting drawn into this stalemate starts the quest Feather Tokens.
(1 of 3) Choose to remain neutral and you let the lumberjacks and the fey work it out themselves.
There are numerous ways for this encounter to end, but most of them actually bypass the quest Feather Tokens entirely - certainly the optimal outcome does. First, if you choose the [Neutral] option or resolve to settle things with violence (regardless of which side you assist) you’ll preclude Feather Tokens.
You’ll also skip the quest if you respond with “What’s going on here?” followed by [Try to reason with the loggers] “Listen to me, guys…” after which you must pass either a [Knowledge (World) 22] check, a [Diplomacy 22] check or an [Intimidate 22] check, the last of which is a [Lawful Neutral] action and a fair assertion of your property rights. If you succeed at that you’ll then need to try to talk some sense into Melianse by saying “Melianse, they’ll leave this place and never return. Please release the hostages now.” then “Think of your situation, Melianse…” followed by an [Intimidate 25] check.
(1 of 3) You can get some Feather Tokens from Tiressia,
To actually start Feather Tokens you’ll have to convince the lumberjacks, after which when Melianse demands you restore the fallen trees, pick the dialogue option “How are we supposed to restore a tree that’s already been cut down?” and she’ll tell you to gather some feather tokens, which are made by “your people’s mages” or by her cousin - a Dryad named Tiressia.
There are several sources for these “feather tokens” you’ll need to appease Melianse:
- Buy A Pouch of Feather Tokens from Bartholomew in the Lone House area.
- Buy A Pouch of Feather Tokens from The Old Beldame in the Swamp Witch’s Hut area.
- Ask Tiressia (also located in the Swamp Witch’s Hut area) for some feather tokens.
Buying the tokens will set you back 500 gold, and you may need to complete the quest Gnarled Branches before The Old Beldame will sell you anything, making Bartholomew the easier option (not to mention, he’s a lot closer). If you refuse to pay, merely asking Tiressia for the tokens will also suffice. Alternatively, after asking Melianse about how to restore felled trees you can attempt to pass a [Diplomacy 25] check to convince Corax to get the tokens himself.
(1 of 3) For the most lucrative outcome, give Melianse the Feather Tokens,.
The most lucrative way to resolve this encounter is to actually start Feather Tokens by convincing the lumberjacks to stand down, then asking Melianse about restoring the trees. Once done, go get some Feather Tokens yourself (Tiressia is the cheapest option), then return and give them to Melianse for 300 XP (you’ll only get 180 XP if you convince Corax to send a fellow lumberjack after them).
Reward: For giving Melianse some Feather Tokens |
300 XP |
Reward: For convincing Corax to get some Feather Tokens |
180 XP |
Either way, talk to Melianse after giving her the Feather Tokens (or after convincing Corax to send somebody after them) and agree to be her friend (a [Chaotic Good] action) as this will earn you another 45 XP and a Ring of Protection +2. You can view it as a little white lie if you’re evil, or otherwise don’t actually care to befriend some river-dwelling sylvan bewitcher - the ring is worth the gesture, in any event.
Reward: For befriending Melianse |
45 XP |
Ring of Protection +2 |
Finally, talk to Corax and demand a reward for another 45 XP and 400 gold.
Reward: For resolving the dispute |
45 XP |
400 gold |
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