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Truth and Purpose

Scott Peers
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This quest begins immediately after completing Doubts and Secrets. You will need to wait three days before you can speak with Ellinara to accept the quest.

Ellinara asks you to seek out Oliele and aid her in uncovering information about Elatt’s past. Oliele can be found in the slums of the city of Levant, within the region of Abrassar. To reach Abrassar you will first need to make your way to Enmerkar Forest by taking the main road south east, beyond Giants’ Village, Giants’ Ruins, and Ziggurat Passage. Cross the iron bridge if you have completed the Ziggurat Passage dungeon, otherwise take the road south west and enter Enmerkar Forest through Chersonese. Once you’re in Enmerkar Forest, take the road south and then east, leading to Abrassar.

At the entrance to Abrassar from Enmerkar Forest, head north east through the desert. You will see Levant in the distance as one of the largest structures in the region.

(1 of 2) The location of Levant on the Abrassar map. Head north west from the entrance to Enmerkar Forest to reach it.

The location of Levant on the Abrassar map. Head north west from the entrance to Enmerkar Forest to reach it. (left), You will be able to see Levant in the distance almost as soon as you begin walking north west. (right)

To find Oliele, go to the slums in the southern region of the city. You will find her to your right when you enter the slums. When speaking with her, you will have three options to investigate asepcts of the history of Elatt. You can choose any option, though you only need to investigate the Stone Titan Caves as a necessity for the quest. Investigating the Walled Garden and Old Levant will provide additional trivia, but will ultimately lead you to the Stone Titan Caves.

The entrance to the Stone Titan Caves can be found in the centre of Abrassar. Head north west from the main entrance to Levant and look out for the large stone statues which are buried in the desert sands. In particular, you should look for a large stone statue of a head, with a hand holding a spear, as seen below. Once you’ve reached it, enter through the small hole surrounded by ruins from the eastern approach.

(1 of 3) The location of Stone Titan Caves on the Abrassar map. Head west from Levant to reach them.

When you enter the caves, turn right heading eastward. You will find a wooden structure leading to the bottom of the caves. Jump down with caution from platform to platform, being careful to avoid falling though the centre. Continue northward through the tunnels until you reach the centre of the cavern. Here you can use the platforms to jump down to the bottom, where you will find four bandits, including a desert captain. They will have low health due to Oliele having already fought them, and so should be easily dealt with. Once they’re dead, turn east and follow the tunnels through a stone archway, leading to Oliele and an Ash Giant Priest.

The Ash Giant Priest deals an immense amount of damage, making avoidance of hits extremely important. In addition to powerful basic melee attacks, the giant can utilise lightning abilities to inflict damage from afar. More specifically, it can summon two lightning orbs which rotate around the giant. If you are nearby when the spell is cast, it will inflict high impact and knock you down, or lesser impact (roughly 75% of total) if you approach them after the initial spell. The orbs deal 30 lightning damage if you touch them. The giant can also emit a cloud of smoke which deals 5 decay damage each 0.5 seconds that you remain within the range of the cloud.

(1 of 2) Walk east through the stone archway, marked by blood on the wall, toward the platform where Oliele can be found.

Walk east through the stone archway, marked by blood on the wall, toward the platform where Oliele can be found. (left), Be cautious of the Ash Giant Priest which will be waiting around the corner. You should drop your backpack, if necessary, in the main cavern before engaging in combat. (right)

It is advised that you use the tunnels to kite the giant when recuperating, as it can increase its speed dramatically at random. So long as you avoid the initial basic attack, you can retaliate with a flurry of blows to catch it off guard and potentially knock it down. Repeat this process by watching for the attack animation to evade as soon as possible. You can also attack in melee while avoiding the lightning orbs if you time the attack properly. Otherwise, wait a few minutes for the orbs to disappear before you approach the giant again. Once you have defeated the giant you will be teleported to Oliele, so be sure to go back and loot it.

When you’re done, head back to the main chamber and take the exit to Abrassar from its western side. You can now return to Monsoon to aid Oliele in translating the tablet that she found, containing information about Elatt’s past. If you have completed the parallel quest Purifier, you will be able to ask Mofat, found in the south west of Monsoon, to translate the tablet for free. Otherwise, you will need to pay a Soroborean Caravanner 150 silver to translate the tablet. You will find one in Monsoon just east of Mofat’s location.

Once you have the translation tablet, speak with Oliele. You will find her leaning against a wall behind the caravanner. Follow the dialogue options as you translate the tablet. You can then join Oliele in questioning Elatt within his temple. After Oliele has been convinced by Elatt, you will need to convince other rebel priests to rejoin his cause.

(1 of 3) The location of the Hallowed Lotus on the Hallowed Marsh map, marked here by a green square.

You will find the rebel priests within the Hallowed Lotus, a giant nymphaea nelumbo just south of Monsoon. Take the Pilgrim Road south, over the stone bridge. You will see the Hallowed Lotus as you cross the bridge. Turn left at the end of the bridge and follow the grassy path up to the entrance. Once inside, approach the gathering and speak with the priests. Here you will have two options to proceed with the quest.

Option 1: Oliele remains with The Holy Mission of Elatt

If you want to obtain a complete success outcome, follow the dialogue options below when speaking with the priests.

  • 1: The Scourge spell was designed by Elatt’s enemies specifically to kill only him. By refusing to die, he became Living Thought, and the Scourge burst from him.

  • 2: Remember, Elatt was human. He still thinks a lot like one. Humans make mistakes. We act on instinct when we’re in danger.

  • 2: He may be a god, but his powers are not unlimited. The Vigils are a temporary fix until he finds a permanent way to end the Scourge.

This option results in you being promoted to a Champion within The Holy Mission of Elatt, obtaining the passive skills ‘Sanctified Protection’ (+2 Physical Protection) and ‘Acceptance’ (+8 to Hot and Cold weather defence). In addition, you will receive the following armour pieces:

Candle Plate Armour

  • +3 Protection
  • +28 Physical resistance
  • +30 Lightning resistance
  • +30 Fire resistance
  • +23 Impact resistance
  • +6 Cold weather defence
  • -12 Hot weather defence
  • +6% Stamina cost
  • -6% Movement speed
  • 530 Durability

Candle Plate Boots

  • +2 Protection
  • +20 Physical resistance
  • +15 Lightning resistance
  • +15 Fire resistance
  • +13 Impact resistance
  • +3 Cold weather defence
  • +4% Stamina cost
  • -4% Movement speed
  • 530 Durability

Option 2: Oliele leaves The Holy Mission of Elatt

This option results in you obtaining Oliele’s Radiant Wolf Sword (30 Lightning damage, 25 impact and 1.0 attack speed). You will only receive the Sanctified Protection passive skill and you will be promoted to Templar. To achieve it, simply fail the negotiation with the rebel priests.

Once you have dealt with the rebel priests, speak with Oliele to ask about her plans. You will then be able to return to Monsoon and speak with Cardinal Bourlamaque, completing the quest.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Deep Silver
  • Platforms,
    Linux, Mac, PC, PS4, Steam, XB One
  • Genre
    Action RPG
  • Guide Release
    10 February 2020
  • Last Updated
    7 December 2020
    Version History
  • Guide Author

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The world of Aurai awaits exploration across four major regions. From the lush hills of Chersonese, the ancient barrows of Enmerkar Forest, the punishing Abrassar desert, and the treacherous Hallowed Marsh. Each region presents its own challenges, with three major factions vying for power; The Blue Chamber Collective, The Heroic Kingdom of Levant, and The Holy Mission of Elatt. The player must choose one faction path, but are otherwise free to forge their own adventure. Outward can be an unforgiving experience, making this guide invaluable for any player seeking to achieve optimal outcomes in each faction quest and other main quests.

  • Complete guide for all faction quests
  • Detailed guides for all main quests, parallel quests, and side quests
  • Guide to combat mechanics and techniques
  • Guide to the unique Legacy Chest system
  • Complete guide to class options, including recommended builds
  • Overview and guide to finding some of the best items and equipment

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