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One Piece Odyssey

One Piece Odyssey Crocodile Boss Guide

Craig Robinson
Jarrod Garripoli
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Crocodile is one of the first bosses in One Piece Odyssey, appearing in Chapter 2. This is probably one of the first actual fights in the game, where the difficulty noticeably increases. If you were not prepared, expect it, or anything of that sort, we recommend you try out tips, tricks, positioning, team composition and more. With no further ado, here are the tips and tricks to make fighting Crocodile One Piece Odyssey fight easier.

Here is a guide on beating Crocodile in One Piece Odyssey, feat tips, tricks, items and team comp.

How to Beat Crocodile in One Piece Odyssey

At the end of Chapter 2, in the final segment of the Mausoleum, you will have your first major boss fight. You need to know that Crocodile is a speed character, so you must put your Technique-type characters away in favor of "Chopper" iconChopper, "Sanji" iconSanji, and "Luffy" iconLuffy. If you have some ATK-boosting accessories on Luffy, then he will likely be your main damage dealer. However, don’t neglect DEF and GUTS, as Crocodile can hit you pretty hard, even with the type advantage in your favor on Luffy. Hopefully, you get Chopper in an area away from Crocodile, as you will want him to be your primary healer, either through his skills, or via items. Sanji can be on the frontline with Luffy, although he might not be dealing as much damage as Luffy.

The fourth character may either be "Usopp" iconUsopp or "Nami" iconNami. We recommend using Nami, thanks to her Mirage Tempo skill to increase an ally’s defense and allow them to evade the next attack against them. Typically, Chopper’s skills will heal around 600-700 HP (depends on his level) to an ally. Crocodile’s attack does something similar at this stage of the game, so you can maintain stable health levels against Crocodile’s single-target skill hits using this method, although he does have a few attacks that hit multiple targets. Thankfully, he will focus on any character in the same area as himself, so the characters in other areas will be safe.

(1 of 2) Having Chopper in the battle to heal is a good idea

Having Chopper in the battle to heal is a good idea (left), Sometimes, your attacks will just not do any damage (right)

Items you can use for his fight include the "Bronze Bat Soup" iconBronze Bat Soup, due to its 1,000 HP heal and defensive buffs it provides for the entire party. We also recommend taking an "Antidote Brew" iconAntidote Brew if you have managed to acquire one of them already. Alternatively, you can get "Scorpion and Clam Soup" iconScorpion and Clam Soup, and "Small Drumstick" iconSmall Drumstick to restore HP and remove either poison or bleeds status effects, which Crocodile can apply from his attacks and skills. As for Trick Balls, you can get your hands on the "Shabby Ball" iconShabby Ball and "Ragged Ball" iconRagged Ball. Shabby reduces his ATK by 25%, which is handy if you have a moment where you need to top your HP up and reduce his damage. Meanwhile, Ragged Ball lowers defense, which makes it easier to attack with your regular attacks. Moreover, "Exhaust Ball" iconExhaust Ball is better for nuking his HP when you can throw in Bond Moves or Battle Skills. Your ideal use of this is on Nami, especially when using Mirage is unnecessary.

Crocodile’s Attacks in One Piece Odyssey

The following are the attacks you will see in the boss battle with Crocodile. Note that both phases only share a single attack, in addition to his normal one.

Desert la Sparda

One of the more annoying moves in Crocodile’s arsenal. He will fire some sand blades at all characters in the same area as him. The damage is around 200-250 or so (a Power-type character), plus it has a chance to inflict the Bleed ailment. He will use this in both phases, with the second phase version being a little more dangerous, as the damage will be increased.


Crocodile will summon a tornado that acts like an actual enemy on the field, with it spawning in its own area. The Sandstorm, as it’s called, is a Power-type enemy, so someone like "Zoro" iconZoro or Robin will be good against it. All the Sandstorm does is normal attacks, and depending on how your characters are built, the damage should be fairly negligible. As long as you ignore it and let a character other than Luffy or Sanji deal with it, you should be fine. He will only use this in his first phase.

Crescent Cutlass

Crocodile will attack a single character with a sand blade, inflicting some major damage to them. This attack, when used against a Power-type character, will deal 600+ damage, so it’s quite strong. You will want to make sure to heal after receiving this attack, since two of these in a row might actually down someone, especially if your characters aren’t too strong.

Erosion Cycle

This attack is only used in the second phase of the battle and it’s definitely the worst one. Crocodile will put his hand to the ground and cause a sand eruption to occur underneath the characters in his area, causing massive damage to all of them. You could see upwards of 800+ damage to all of the characters, and even something like 1,000+ damage, if you didn’t debuff Crocodile.

As for battlefield positioning, you want to have Luffy and Sanji in the same area as Crocodile. Meanwhile, you want Chopper and Nami in one of the areas Crocodile isn’t in, since they have lower defenses than normal. This makes it so Nami’s free to use her Mirage Tempo, food, and trick ball use to support Luffy and Sanji in beating down Crocodile. As for Sanji and Luffy, use their attacks and single target skills as you see fit and depending on your TP usage. Don’t forget to use any Bond move you have unlocked, which you will do if you do the Hysteria memory link in the Great Sandy Desert with Usopp, Chopper and Zoro. You probably want to use that when you feel Chopper’s healing or aid is not required.

The fight against Crocodile will take place in two stages. It won’t take too long to get through stage one of the fight, although you still want to be a little careful. During the second stage, Crocodile will come to life, with a strange green glow around him. You will notice he has much more HP, guts and defense, and hit slightly harder. You will likely have to focus on using those Trick Balls at the start of the fight from Chopper and Nami, lowering either the ATK, DEF or Guts, depending on preference or situation. Lower his ATK if your characters are still slightly low hp from the last battle. If not, then you can lower his defense if you’re lacking TP for your characters, or GUTS if you have plenty of TP to dump onto the boss. After that, it is pretty much rinse and repeat of using "Bronze Bat" iconBronze Bat Soups to heal and increase defensive-themed stats, and reapplying those trick balls whenever possible.

(1 of 4) Crocodile’s Sables will summon a Sandstorm into battle

There is one little catch in this battle, as you might see that your attack will be completely ineffective against Crocodile. This is completely random, considering he is considered to be made of sand and the next attack can do damage like normal. You will likely see a Dramatic Scene towards the end of the second phase, with you needing to defeat Crocodile with Luffy. This should be plenty easy, as Luffy is likely to be your highest damage dealer on Crocodile at this point in the game. If you get the “ineffective” bit mentioned above, then just try to pass turns on other characters by using items or items, until Luffy’s turn comes around again.

This concludes the One Piece Odyssey Crocodile boss guide for Chapter 2. There’s more to the Crocodile Boss Fight, but we don’t want to spoil it for you as it relates to later in the game. Do not click this if you’re still only in Chapter 2.

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Crocodile returns in Chapter 10, as part of the boss gauntlet memoria cubes. The boss is more balanced for level 45-ish battles and will have higher stats than the last time you thought him. The general strategy for beating him is the same, albeit using other meals with higher stat buffs and heals. You can also use the perfect balls to lower his stats and damage taken from Power attacks. You can also sub in "Brook" iconBrook, use his New World skill to increase ATK for five turns, and then swap him back out for Nami. Moreso, Crocodile is also accompanied by Doflamingo in the same battle, but another tile. He, too, is a speed character, so the strategy can stay the same. Just have Chopper tank one, Luffy and Sanji on the other, and nuke that one with trick balls, attacks, and skills, then rotate to the next one. When the fight gets more manageable, feel free to use Monster Point on Chopper, as that form is very strong for basic attacks, especially against lowered-def-speed opponents!

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Bandai Namco Entertainment
  • Platforms,
    PC, PS4, PS5, XB X|S
  • Genre
  • Guide Release
    10 January 2023
  • Last Updated
    5 February 2023
    Version History
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One Piece Odyssey is a turn-based RPG that has the crew exploring the mysterious island of Waford. There, they meet a girl that strips away their powers, and have to go through memories from their various adventures to get them back, while also trying to unravel the mystery of Waford.

This guide will cover the following elements from the game:

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