Energy Apple Useable
Apple that gives you a little vitality.
Restores 500 HP.
RestorativeUsed In

Interactive Map Locations

16. Nanohana Harbor & Desert Map
X: 1699 Y: 3248
In one of the trio of pots guarded by the three Eisa’s. Contains 1x
Energy Apple.

17. Nanohana Harbor & Desert Map
X: 1444 Y: 2939
In the pot next to the crate in front of the large skeleton. Contains 1x Energy Apple.

18. Great Sandy Desert Map
X: 2855 Y: 2516
In a pot next to the rock face. Contains 1x Energy Apple.

19. Great Sandy Desert Map
X: 3174 Y: 2085
In a crate in the northeast corner of the map, near the quicksand. Contains 1x Energy Apple.

20. Desert Cave Map
X: 2216 Y: 2869
Climb the vine in the pit area by the Collapsed Joseph NPC, then head south to reach this spot.
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