Usopp's Cube Fragment Cube Fragments
A cube fragment containing Usopp’s experiences and records. Returns strength when inserted into the body.
Can be set from Crew in the menu.
Cube FragmentInteractive Map Locations

1. Lake Shore Cave Map
Found on the wall on the ledge right above the entrance/Save Point. Need to grab it with Luffy’s ability.

3. Great Sandy Desert Map
This is found on the ground, in the back half of Donut Canyon.

4. Great Sandy Desert Map
Use Luffy to grapple to the green-tinted cranes until you land on the northeast rocky column. Contains 1x
Usopp’s Cube Fragment.

5. Royal Mausoleum (Alabasta) Map
Head down the passageway with Chopper and you will emerge in a room on the other side.

8. Desert Cave Map
After defeating the Bushy Banana Gator on the lower level, look for the vine in the same room that
Luffy can grab onto. This leads to the isolated area in the Upper Level. You will need to use Luffy to grab this Cube Fragment.

13. Water 7 Map
You will need to Gum Gum Rocket to the top after turning both cranes.

15. Tower of Law Map
Underneath the wreckage of the Sea Train, turn around not to miss it.

17. Water 7 Map
To get to this scaffolding, you need to press the button on the machine on the platform towards the upper left corner of the Material Depot. This turns the crane and you can have Luffy grab it to get to the top of the scaffolding. Go to the very bottom and look next to the stairs to find this.

18. New Royal Plateau: Bottom
x3 on the cliff opposite the point where Luffy can reach by going to the top.
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