Luffy's Cube Fragment Cube Fragments
A cube fragment containing Luffy’s experiences and records. Returns strength when inserted into the body.
Can be set from Crew in the menu.
Cube FragmentInteractive Map Locations

1. Lake Shore Cave Map
Will need to break obstacles to uncover it. Contains 3 Cube Fragments for Luffy.

2. Lake Shore Cave Map
Destroy some obstacles to reveal a small hidden area. Slightly off the map and requires Luffy’s power to grab it.

4. Thunderheads Ruins Map
Up near the ceiling, so need to use Luffy’s power to grab it. Also contains one
Robin’s Cube Fragment.

5. Nanohana Harbor & Desert Map
In the back of the wagon near the building with red walls. Contains 1x Luffy’s Cube Fragment.

6. Great Sandy Desert Map
You’ll probably notice this from the other side. From the Sandy Ruins, head back, down the winding path until you go out of the archway.
Look to your left, and down to find the cube. You’ll need to be Luffy to reach this. Contains 1x
Luffy’s Cube Fragment.

8. Great Sandy Desert Map
In the southwest corner, near the roof inside the northern watchtower ruins. Contains 1x Luffy’s Cube Fragment.

9. Desert Cave Map
Found off the map to the southwest of the camp site. Use Luffy’s power to grab it.

12. King Kong Garden Map
This can be found to the far north east of King Kong Garden. When you get to the beach, look to the east to find a shipwreck. The fragment will be on the ship. Contains 1x Luffy’s Cube Fragment.

13. King Kong Garden Map
On a rock in the stream to your northwest. Contains 1x Luffy’s Cube Fragment.

16. Water 7 Map
Behind the Pillar at the end of the path. Contains 1x Luffy’s Cube Fragment.

17. Water 7 Map
On the balcony above the red and white striped poles. Contains 1x Luffy’s Cube Fragment.

23. Dressrosa City Area Map
Off to the side, in the pit area. Look down from the ledge and use Luffy to grab it. Yields 2x
Luffy’s Cube Fragments.
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