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Now that you have Tengri, almost all of Ni no Kuni’s world map has opened up for you. In addition, various new errands and bounties can now be completed, and it’s also that time of the year again as well: visit Old Father Oak to receive a [GREEN MAN’S CLOAK] from him. Furthermore, most hidden treasures can now be obtained (see below), and interesting ingredients can be gotten from previously inaccessible areas. Let’s start with the errands and bounties first.

Errands / Bounties

Errand #019 - With Friends Like These

Errand #021 - A Tail of Woe

Errand #022 - Artist's Block

Errand #023 - Comedy Gold

Errand #024 - A Crisis of Confidence

Errand #057 - The Mechanic's Lament

Errand #058 - The Sky Pirate's Charm

Bounty #103 - Bewitched by a Beast

Bounty #104 - Catch the Fleeing Fiend

Bounty #105 - An Island in Crisis

Hidden Treasures Exploration

There are many hidden treasures to be found now that you’ve claimed the sky as your own. Keep in mind that some areas are teeming with tough enemies.

Northern Summerlands

  • Have Tengri land on the previously inaccessible flat stone hill to the southeast of Deep Dark Wood and search the forage point for a [JADE MARBLE].
  • There’s also a forage point to the far north of the area, stashed away among some forests just south of the northermost mountains. It can give a variety of four ingredients, all with a 25% chance: [PLAINSWORT FLOWER or ANGULA] or [GNOMEBEARD or RINGS-A-BELL] .
  • Locate the large lake and waterfall just northwest of the Deep Dark Wood. The forage point directly to the west side of the waterfall (nearby a singular tree) contains a [WETSTONE].
  • You can find a fourth and final forage point on the eastern side of the northern plains. It’s located between two single bones sticking out of the ground and aptly gives a [STURDY SHINBONE].

West Coast of the Summerlands (South of Skull Mountain)

This area is known as The Barrens and is only accessible with Tengri, since it is separated from other areas by mountains.

  • There’s a little hill amongst forests on the west side of the Barrens. Search its top to find a [THUNDERSPARK GEM].
  • South of here, search the southernmost cliff (which sticks out a little bit more in the sea than the rest) to locate a forage point that gives a [JADE MARBLE]
  • There’s another hill on the east side of The Barrens that gives [FOGDROP].
  • Directly south of this hill, search the corner of the lower cliffs to find a [POISONER’S HORN].

Russet Isle

This is the stretched island west of The Barrens (and the Summerlands continent). If you haven’t been leveling up lately, the enemies can be fairly tough, so you might want to save your game beforehand to see if you can tackle them. A level 40 party can surely handle them, though.

Have Tengri drop you off on the beach on the eastern part of the island. The northeastern tip of the island has a [SLOW POKE GEM].

Just to the west close to the center of the island is another offshoot; search the edge of its north end to find [STURDY SHINBONE x3].

The hidden forest glade is located in the large forest on the island’s west side (it’s partly surrounded by a raised edge). Inside are three chests (although you can’t collect the contents of the purple one yet). The green chest is well hidden; it’s located far above the tunnel entrance. To find the vantage point, stand on the left/west side of the area, standing with roughly equal distance from the small grass circles to the north and south. It contains a [PHOENIX BREATH]. Up north, the regular red chest contains a [TOADSTOOL SUNDAE].

The Shimmering Sands Plateaus

The northern plateaus were all previously inaccessible, and one part of the southern plateaus with a treasure was also impossible to reach until now. We’ll cover the northern plateaus first.

This one’s easy to locate. Have Tengri drop you off at the westernmost tip of the plateaus and search the west edge to find [MILK CHOCOLATE x10].

If you look at your world map (or local map) you’ll notice that the plateaus stretch out a little to the south. There are two such plateaus surrounding the Temple of Trials and there’s a third one to the left/west of those. This forage point can be found at the southern tip of this third/western plateau and it contains a [BASS BELL].

This forage point is located on the plateau that stretches and surrounds the Temple of Trials on its east side. Its exact location is on the left/west side of this eastern plateau; it holds a [JADE MARBLE].

There’s a large oval plateau north of the Temple of Trials, with some lower plains directly below it. Land on the western lower plains and curve around the southwest of the large plateau until you reach a dead end (very close to the actual temple). Search the ground here to find a [FIREWALL GEM].

Land on the north-easternmost plateau and curve around the edge to the west to find a [NOBLE ATTIRE].

As for the southern plateau, simply land on the easternmost tip of the western plateau (this part was previously inaccessible). Search this tip - which is adjacent to the passageway towards Castaway Cove - to find a [BREEZE CAKE].

The Alchemist's Cave

This cave is located on the southernmost section of the plateaus southeast of the Summerlands. Inside you’ll find a blue chest with a [MEDAL OF FORTITUDE] inside. There’s also a purple chest that you can’t open yet, and the man will offer to learn you new formula after you’ve beaten the game and come back during post-gameplay.

No Longer Mine Island

Since you’ve already gotten the Thunderstone Gem from Solitary Isle (as described in the walkthrough above; the island where you landed Tengri to learn about the three magic stones), all that’s left to do around this part of the world is to land on the small, heavily forested island directly south of No Longer Mine Island (which is, you’ll remember, south of Autumnia).

There is, of course, a hidden forest glade here with a green and purple chest, along with a hilarious dialogue. The green chest is located in the northeast part of the forest glade, but the vantage point for claiming its contents is directly to the north of the man, while facing east/northeast. Opening it grants you a [DRAGON TUSK].

The Spindle & Broken Crown Isles (East of Autumnia)

The island directly east of Autumnia - The Spindle as you’ll recall - has a clearly visible forage point on its northeastern erected tip. No, we did not mean anything by that. It contains a [JADE MARBLE].

You can find a [WOODSMAN’S KNIFE] by searching the far northeastern edge of The Spindle.

Visiting the Broken Crown Isle, note the forage point north of the forests; it contains a [RUMBLENUT].

From the inscribed stone in the center of the island, move straight south and search the mountain walls for a [SKULLFANG RING].

Head up the northeastern mountain trail and search the dead end up north to find a [BEE STING], an excellent spear for your familiars at this point of the game.

Hidden Mine (Far East of Hamelin)

If you follow the eastern mountains of Autumnia, you’ll soon enough reach a trail with a mine, some minor tracks, and a forage point at the end that contains a [PLAINSWORT FLOWER].

The cave contains a regular chest with a [TOADSTOOL SUNDAE], but its real prize is an extremely well hidden green chest at the other end, where the skeleton hermit is located. Since it’s so dark, use your Magic Lamp spell and …

Oh, wait. How silly of me; that was - naturally - not meant to be used in dark places like this. Instead, have Swaine stand on the elevated ground between the two barrels and have him shoot slightly above looking distance; the cross-hair will light up when your aim’s correct. Inside the chest is a [GIANT’S FINGERNAILS], which is only decent because of its big accuracy boost.

Leveling Up with Tokotokos

Northeast of Hamelin and the Ghostly Gorge lies a green valley with to its far east a city called Perdida. You can visit the place but you’ll be halted by a guard at the entrance for now. The good part is that this valley is home to the Tokotoko creatures - the evolved version of the Toko that you may have battled at Ugly Duckling Island - and they give a whopping 8000 EXP a piece (and sometimes even appear twice in a single enemy group)!

The other foes in this area are rather strong, so you might want to level up at Ugly Duckling Island first, but if you want to risk it, here’s an excellent way to almost guarantee a fight with a Tokotoko.

Have Tengri drop you off at the city of Perdida and save your game. Scan the nearby path to see if the first enemy is a Tokotoko (green creature with a small staff). If not, enter the city and return to the world map until it is. Now be very careful with approaching it; if it sees you it’ll definitely run away. Stand at a reasonable distance so that it cannot spot you, but also not not too far away so you can quickly catch it. When it starts walking towards you, prepare yourself to sprint towards it as soon as it turns its back. If you’re quick, you should be able to catch it off guard.

In the battle, focus solely on the Tokotoko before doing anything else, and start with an All-Out Attack. Quickly switch to Swaine - more specifically his Hurly - and perform a Sling Stone trick on the Tokotoko (while your tactics should be set so that the others ‘Give their all’ and attack the leader’s target). A flurry of attack should do the trick, but there’s always a chance that they’ll escape nonetheless, since they’re incredibly chicken.

Note that later on (when you progress the story enough to reach Perdida), you’ll get the ‘Veil’ spell that allows you to sneak up on enemies, making leveling here somewhat easier.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Namco Bandai Games
  • Platforms,
  • Genre
  • Guide Release
    21 January 2013
  • Last Updated
    7 December 2020
  • Guide Author

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Version 1.1

  • Full post-completion guide added, finish everything in the game!
  • Location of every unique in-game treasue chest & item.
  • Main story completed from start to finish!
  • Strategies for every boss battle.
  • All possible alchemy recipes listed.
  • Full trophy list.
  • Every Familiar and their evolutions!

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