Location | Evermore; Nu Bi |
Chapter 7; Completed 015 and 016 | |
3750 Exp, 31500KG, Sunset Prism (x3) |
Once again, Nu Bi is trying to improve his work by requiring a specific weapon from you. He wants a Mistral Spear with a grade of 6 or higher. Before you can craft one of these, you need to research level 3 melee weapon development at the Workshop. To craft one, you will need Steely Nugget (x2), Waveskipper Shell (x2), and Verdant Crystal (x2); the catalyst needed are Green Prisms. The nugget, crystal and prism can be gotten from Mining Camps, while the shell requires the Fish Market. Depending on the research conducted, the grade can start at four, so you only need two catalysts. Whatever is needed, craft the spear with the required grade, then show it to Nu Bi.
(1 of 2) You should have enough items to make the Mistral Spear without having to farm
You should have enough items to make the Mistral Spear without having to farm (left), You will need to finish Sidequest 081 before you can finish this one (right)
Despite this, Nu Bi is still questioning his ability, so Evan suggests finding someone who can mentor him. He heard from Bracken of someone in Broadleaf. You’ll need to teleport to Dynafloor No. 1 and make your way to the Archives, where you’ll find this so called weapons expert named Brodie. Before you can bring him over to the kingdom, you’ll have to complete Sidequest 081. Upon completing that sidequest, return to Nu Bi in Evermore to finish this quest.
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