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New World

Best way to make Gold Early

Ben Chard
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In New World, Gold is the currency and it becomes important for a number of features and activities, ranging from houses, to purchasing new gear from the Trading Post. This page will detail the best ways to make Gold early in the game.

The Trading Post is your best friend when it comes to making Gold early on.

Use the Town Board and Complete Quests

It may sound simple, but you can make some decent Gold by just completing all the Side Quests and Town Board Quests. Side Quests are obviously finite, but each settlement does have a lot to complete before they’re all exhausted.

More importantly, Town Board Quests are the real prize here, they’ll always be available, and you can supplement your other money making avenues such as gathering high quality items that are desirable for all players by knocking them out along the way. You won’t make major amounts of Gold from this, but it all adds up, especially when used together with the other methods below.

Using the Trading Post

So where does the real Gold come from? The Trading Post. This is New World’s version of the Auction House but in this game, there are no vendors to sell unwanted items to, this means the entire economy is player driven. To make it even more interesting, each settlement’s Trading Post is unique to that area, what items may be available in large quantities in First Light, may be scarce for the Level 60 players trying to powerlevel their Gathering and Crafting Skills in the Great Cleave or Shattered Mountain. With this knowledge in mind, knowing what items are higher value is key to get a start on playing the market.

Even more important is the fact that most of the best equipment in the game is crafted and this has two major implications. The first, is that if you intend to craft your own gear, you may find yourself at Level 60 and needing to power level your Crafting and Gathering Skills, this makes the best items needed to level those Skills become very desirable as most players will simply buy their way through their Crafting Skills rather than go and gather themselves. The second is that some equipment and consumables will have a really high value due to the higher-level players not having access to those skills. Armed with this knowledge, here are some simple tips to target early in your adventure to start earning money.

1. Iron Ore

Iron Ore is highly desirable early in the game as you’ll need to grind some simple recipes such as Iron Longswords to level up your Weaponsmithing. With that in mind, lots of players will simply go and buy the Ore required for this, especially if they’re higher level. If you’ve been working on your Mining Skill, you can go and gather these yourself and then sell them on the Trading Post for large profits.

Iron Ore can be found in abundance in the lower-level areas of the game, but there are two areas that spring to mind as good areas to focus on. The mountains to the west of Everfall has a large selection of Ore to mine, just simply leave Everfall via the west gate and look to the rocky area to your north as you run along the western path. Another alternative is the large stretches of mountains to the northwest of First Light that sits along the border of First Light and Cutlass Keys.

2. Fiber

Like Iron Ore above, Fiber is another early game resource that is desirable due to it being a key component in levelling up your Armoring Skill. Many players make the mistake of using their Iron Ingots on Iron Breastplates to level the Skill, but it’s much more cost effective to use the Linen armor related recipes to level the skill using Fiber and a lower amount of Iron Ingots. This means that lots of players will be on the lookout for Fibers, and you can create these at the Loom by harvesting Hemp.

Hemp, like Iron Ore, can be found throughout the lower level areas in the game, but perhaps the best place to gather it is by heading to First Light. By leaving via the east gate, you can reach Dayspring Mills where you’ll find large quantities of it growing around the fields here. Alternatively, Windsward has some good sources of Hemp too, the stretch of land between Fisherman’s Bend (where there’s a Spirit Shrine) and Tres Campos to the west contains lots of Hemp, as does the fields just outside of the west gate.

3. All Gems

It probably comes as no surprise, but Jewelcrafting seems to be the toughest Trade Skill to level in New World and as such, anything related to that Trade Skill becomes high ticket items for the Trading Post. This remains true even when you reach the higher levels as Jewelry is very rare outside of being crafted, so you may wish to focus on selling the crafted Jewelry instead of the Gems themselves.

Gems have a variety of uses, be it for the Jewelry mentioned above, to being socketed into equipment for many desirable effects. High among these are Carnelians which any aspiring Tank will need to socket into their weapon so that their abilities may generate Threat. Likewise, Healers will want to socket that same Gem into Armor to generate less Threat.

Gems themselves aren’t an easy source to come by, you’ll find them from Mining Nodes so be sure to keep working on that Mining Skill so you can make use of it. Take a look at some food you can craft in the Kitchen too, some Trade Skill foods will boost your luck and having that on when heading out will make a huge difference. Iron Ore has a small chance for Gems, but once you reach Level 10 in Mining, you can mine Silver Ore which has a much higher chance for them.

When it comes to selling your Gems, it’s good to check around different Trading Posts for the best prices. Also, be sure to check what sells for more, the raw Gem or a Cut Gem (using the Stonecutter) and then start putting listings up. Almost all Gems will sell, regardless of which one you put up so you don’t need to be too selective in which you farm. You can keep this up through the higher levels with the higher tier Gems, or graduate to making Jewelry in order to sell it, both are lucrative and viable options.

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  • Publisher
    Amazon Game Studios, Amazon.com
  • Platforms,
  • Genre
  • Guide Release
    4 October 2021
  • Last Updated
    18 October 2021
    Version History
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