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Arkveld Large Monsters


A wyvern with chain-like wings. The flexible chainblades on their wings are used to mow down prey and absorb elemental energy.


A flying wyvern that was considered extinct according to documents left behind by the Guild. Their wings have a unique, chain-like blade that can extend and retract freely to reap their prey. They feed on elemental energy absorbed through these chainblades, and are able to convert the energy to unleash dragon element attacks.

Helpful Hints

The more energy this monster absorbs, the more ferocious its attacks become. Once they fill their energy tanks, their chainblades will sweep out to attack an even wider area. Conversely, since their wings possess organs that absorb energy, a hunter can force the energy to leak out by focusing attacks there. Flooding them with continuous elemental attacks will eventually overload the organs, forcing the monster out of its enhanced state.
Check out our All Monster Weaknesses page for a handy all-in-one guide on how to tackle even the toughest beasties.

Crown Sizes

Most monsters can spawn in different sizes. Some special sizes are marked with crowns in the Monster Field Guide. Crown Monsters don’t have different stats or drop rates, but earning crowns is tied to some Achievements/Trophies, so completionists will want to pay attention to the info below. In-game, use your binoculars to look for a crown icon over a monster’s name.

Base Size 1666.54
Large Silver Crown Size: 1916.52 (115%)
Large Gold Crown Size: 2049.84 (123%)
Small Gold Crown Size: 1499.88 (90%)

Size Tables

Scale Chance (LR) Chance (HR #1) Chance (HR #2) Chance (HR #3) Chance (Tempered)
88% 0% 1% 0% 0% 0%
89% 0% 1% 1% 0% 0%
90% 0% 1% 1% 1% 1%
91% 1% 2% 1% 1% 1%
92% 1% 2% 1% 1% 1%
93% 2% 2% 2% 1% 1%
94% 2% 2% 2% 1% 1%
95% 3% 2% 2% 2% 1%
96% 4% 2% 2% 2% 1%
97% 6% 2% 2% 2% 1%
98% 7% 4% 2% 2% 1%
99% 9% 4% 2% 2% 1%
100% 12% 4% 4% 2% 1%
101% 9% 4% 4% 2% 2%
102% 8% 6% 4% 4% 2%
103% 7% 10% 4% 4% 2%
104% 5% 7% 6% 4% 3%
105% 4% 6% 10% 4% 3%
106% 3% 5% 7% 6% 4%
107% 3% 4% 6% 10% 4%
108% 3% 4% 5% 7% 5%
109% 3% 3% 4% 6% 7%
110% 2% 3% 4% 5% 10%
111% 2% 2% 3% 4% 8%
112% 2% 2% 3% 4% 6%
113% 1% 2% 2% 3% 5%
114% 1% 2% 2% 3% 4%
115% 0% 2% 2% 2% 3%
116% 0% 2% 2% 2% 3%
117% 0% 1% 2% 2% 3%
118% 0% 1% 2% 2% 2%
119% 0% 1% 1% 2% 2%
120% 0% 1% 1% 2% 2%
121% 0% 1% 1% 1% 2%
122% 0% 1% 1% 1% 2%
123% 0% 1% 1% 1% 2%
124% 0% 0% 1% 1% 2%
125% 0% 0% 0% 1% 1%



"Abaddonian Chobotnice" iconAbaddonian Chobotnice Light Bowgun
"Abaddonian Krake" iconAbaddonian Krake Great Sword
"Abaddonian Muneo" iconAbaddonian Muneo Heavy Bowgun
"Abaddonian Pweza" iconAbaddonian Pweza Charge Blade
"Abaddonian Zhangyu" iconAbaddonian Zhangyu Switch Axe
"Abiding Gawain" iconAbiding Gawain Charge Blade
"Ableben Abzug" iconAbleben Abzug Heavy Bowgun
"Aerial Glaive" iconAerial Glaive Insect Glaive
"Aeternal Palamedes" iconAeternal Palamedes Heavy Bowgun
"Ajara-Angaja" iconAjara-Angaja Light Bowgun
"Ajara-Bhadra" iconAjara-Bhadra Insect Glaive
"Ajara-Jivaka" iconAjara-Jivaka Hunting Horn
"Ajara-Kalika" iconAjara-Kalika Gunlance
"Ajara-Panthaka" iconAjara-Panthaka Dual Blades
"Ajara-Subinda" iconAjara-Subinda Sword and Shield
"Alabaster Rathmaul" iconAlabaster Rathmaul Insect Glaive
"Arachnoscythe" iconArachnoscythe Charge Blade
"Astrapi Clairaxe" iconAstrapi Clairaxe Charge Blade


"Babel Spear" iconBabel Spear Lance
"Bardichion Blade" iconBardichion Blade Charge Blade
"Bequeathed Animus" iconBequeathed Animus Light Bowgun
"Bequeathed Enmity" iconBequeathed Enmity Charge Blade
"Bequeathed Oblivion" iconBequeathed Oblivion Dual Blades
"Bequeathed Testament" iconBequeathed Testament Insect Glaive
"Big Slugger" iconBig Slugger Gunlance
"Binder Mace" iconBinder Mace Hammer
"Blango Trishula" iconBlango Trishula Dual Blades
"Blangongaberge" iconBlangongaberge Long Sword
"Blight Charm II" iconBlight Charm II Level 2
"Blood Scream" iconBlood Scream Long Sword
"Bone Slasher" iconBone Slasher Great Sword
"Bone Smasher" iconBone Smasher Switch Axe
"Buster Blaster" iconBuster Blaster Heavy Bowgun


"Chief Kukri" iconChief Kukri Sword and Shield
"Chrome Accelerator" iconChrome Accelerator Switch Axe
"Chrome Gale" iconChrome Gale Insect Glaive
"Chrome Lance" iconChrome Lance Lance
"Combat Conga" iconCombat Conga Light Bowgun
"Cordayle's Revocation" iconCordayle's Revocation Sword and Shield
"Corona" iconCorona Sword and Shield
"Crazed Melody" iconCrazed Melody Hunting Horn
"Crimson Rook" iconCrimson Rook Gunlance


"Dalgap-of-the-Waves" iconDalgap-of-the-Waves Heavy Bowgun
"Dear Lutemia" iconDear Lutemia Charge Blade
"Destructive Torpor" iconDestructive Torpor Great Sword
"Dual Cleavers" iconDual Cleavers Dual Blades
"Dual Kut-Ku" iconDual Kut-Ku Dual Blades
"Düsterstolz" iconDüsterstolz Great Sword


"Eisengeist" iconEisengeist Switch Axe
"Enduring Tor" iconEnduring Tor Insect Glaive
"Esperanza Axe" iconEsperanza Axe Switch Axe
"Esperanza Blade" iconEsperanza Blade Great Sword
"Esperanza Cannon" iconEsperanza Cannon Heavy Bowgun
"Esperanza Daggers" iconEsperanza Daggers Dual Blades
"Esperanza Edge" iconEsperanza Edge Long Sword
"Esperanza Glaive" iconEsperanza Glaive Insect Glaive
"Esperanza Horn" iconEsperanza Horn Hunting Horn
"Esperanza Rifle" iconEsperanza Rifle Light Bowgun
"Esperanza Strongarm" iconEsperanza Strongarm Charge Blade
"Esperanza Sword" iconEsperanza Sword Sword and Shield
"Expiating Caius" iconExpiating Caius Light Bowgun
"Farsounder Honga" iconFarsounder Honga Hunting Horn
"Fastflayers Jambastra" iconFastflayers Jambastra Dual Blades
"Fellslayer Dangeom" iconFellslayer Dangeom Great Sword
"Fieberschild" iconFieberschild Lance
"Final Battleaxes" iconFinal Battleaxes Dual Blades
"Firedance Rathmaul" iconFiredance Rathmaul Insect Glaive
"Firetrail Blaisdell" iconFiretrail Blaisdell Great Sword
"Firetrail Ferrocere" iconFiretrail Ferrocere Long Sword
"Firetrail Fornax" iconFiretrail Fornax Sword and Shield
"Firetrail Magnesiae" iconFiretrail Magnesiae Dual Blades
"Freezer Speartuna" iconFreezer Speartuna Great Sword
"Fulgurblast Guardiana" iconFulgurblast Guardiana Heavy Bowgun
"Fulgurglaive Guardiana" iconFulgurglaive Guardiana Insect Glaive
"Fulgurhowl Guardiana" iconFulgurhowl Guardiana Hunting Horn
"Fulgursnipe Guardiana" iconFulgursnipe Guardiana Light Bowgun
"Fulgursword Guardiana" iconFulgursword Guardiana Sword and Shield
"Fulgurtwins Guardiana" iconFulgurtwins Guardiana Dual Blades
"Funky Maracas" iconFunky Maracas Dual Blades


"G. Abiding Gawain" iconG. Abiding Gawain Charge Blade
"G. Aeternal Palamedes" iconG. Aeternal Palamedes Heavy Bowgun
"G. Enduring Tor" iconG. Enduring Tor Insect Glaive
"G. Expiating Caius" iconG. Expiating Caius Light Bowgun
"G. Guiding Artorius" iconG. Guiding Artorius Sword and Shield
"G. Inspired Ywain" iconG. Inspired Ywain Dual Blades
"G. Lawful Bors" iconG. Lawful Bors Gunlance
"G. Rathalos Feroce" iconG. Rathalos Feroce Hunting Horn
"G. Resounding Galahad" iconG. Resounding Galahad Hunting Horn
"G. Stalwart Lamorak" iconG. Stalwart Lamorak Great Sword
"Giant Jawblade" iconGiant Jawblade Great Sword
"Gibil Hammer" iconGibil Hammer Hammer
"Gigasbreaker Urbolkule" iconGigasbreaker Urbolkule Light Bowgun
"Glass Royale" iconGlass Royale Hunting Horn
"Gorehacker Urgahaac" iconGorehacker Urgahaac Switch Axe
"Gramklang" iconGramklang Hunting Horn
"Gravios Conquerors" iconGravios Conquerors Dual Blades
"Gravios Gigahowl" iconGravios Gigahowl Heavy Bowgun
"Gravordius" iconGravordius Insect Glaive
"Great Bagpipe" iconGreat Bagpipe Hunting Horn
"Grimmblick" iconGrimmblick Hammer
"Grimslayer Urgeom" iconGrimslayer Urgeom Great Sword
"Gríðr's Landmaker" iconGríðr's Landmaker Switch Axe
"Grudgesounder Urga" iconGrudgesounder Urga Hunting Horn
"Guardflayers Urbastra" iconGuardflayers Urbastra Dual Blades
"Guardian Albathos" iconGuardian Albathos Charge Blade
"Guiding Artorius" iconGuiding Artorius Sword and Shield
"Gundava Vandal" iconGundava Vandal Switch Axe


"Halilintar Clairglaive" iconHalilintar Clairglaive Insect Glaive
"Hard Bone Shotel" iconHard Bone Shotel Long Sword
"Hard Bone Strongarm" iconHard Bone Strongarm Charge Blade
"Hardened Bone Horn" iconHardened Bone Horn Hunting Horn
"Heavy Shooter" iconHeavy Shooter Heavy Bowgun
"High Chain Blitz" iconHigh Chain Blitz Light Bowgun
"Hungerklauen" iconHungerklauen Dual Blades


"Immaculate Blizzard" iconImmaculate Blizzard Insect Glaive
"Immolator Blade" iconImmolator Blade Great Sword
"Inspired Ywain" iconInspired Ywain Dual Blades
"Iron Devil" iconIron Devil Hammer


"Jäger-Ankh" iconJäger-Ankh Sword and Shield


"Kae-Jin's Lament" iconKae-Jin's Lament Hunting Horn
"Keen Edge" iconKeen Edge Long Sword
"Kuara Clairsword" iconKuara Clairsword Sword and Shield
"Kut-Ku Cantabile" iconKut-Ku Cantabile Hunting Horn
"Kut-Ku Counterattack" iconKut-Ku Counterattack Light Bowgun
"Kut-Ku Thwap" iconKut-Ku Thwap Hammer


"Lala Acanthopelm" iconLala Acanthopelm Sword and Shield
"Lala Eumenophor" iconLala Eumenophor Charge Blade
"Lala Harpactirs" iconLala Harpactirs Dual Blades
"Lala Ornithocton" iconLala Ornithocton Long Sword
"Lala Selenocosmi" iconLala Selenocosmi Switch Axe
"Lala Stromatopelm" iconLala Stromatopelm Insect Glaive
"Lawful Bors" iconLawful Bors Gunlance
"Leidenskraft" iconLeidenskraft Charge Blade
"Leumundsgift" iconLeumundsgift Insect Glaive


"Master Sabers" iconMaster Sabers Dual Blades
"Melting Point" iconMelting Point Sword and Shield


"Nerscrapper" iconNerscrapper Hammer
"Nershock" iconNershock Bow
"Nerskiller" iconNerskiller Sword and Shield
"Ngarpatu-of-the-Waves" iconNgarpatu-of-the-Waves Dual Blades


"Olacha-of-the-Waves" iconOlacha-of-the-Waves Switch Axe
"Ortlinde" iconOrtlinde Gunlance
"Perun Clairhorn" iconPerun Clairhorn Hunting Horn
"Poison King" iconPoison King Great Sword
"Power Rifle" iconPower Rifle Light Bowgun
"Precipice Geumgel" iconPrecipice Geumgel Insect Glaive
"Precipice Kovira" iconPrecipice Kovira Hunting Horn
"Precipice Malmiam" iconPrecipice Malmiam Heavy Bowgun
"Precipice Mateptro" iconPrecipice Mateptro Sword and Shield
"Precipice Metallam" iconPrecipice Metallam Great Sword
"Precipice Ulokiem" iconPrecipice Ulokiem Dual Blades


"Queen Chordmaker" iconQueen Chordmaker Hunting Horn
"Queen Rapier" iconQueen Rapier Sword and Shield
"Queen Regalia" iconQueen Regalia Insect Glaive
"Queen's Farflier" iconQueen's Farflier Heavy Bowgun


"Rath Blaze Splitter" iconRath Blaze Splitter Switch Axe
"Rathalos Feroce" iconRathalos Feroce Hunting Horn
"Rathalos Firesword" iconRathalos Firesword Great Sword
"Rathling Phoenix" iconRathling Phoenix Light Bowgun
"Ravager Blade" iconRavager Blade Great Sword
"Regas Hyper" iconRegas Hyper Charge Blade
"Resounding Galahad" iconResounding Galahad Hunting Horn
"Righteous Lancelot" iconRighteous Lancelot Long Sword
"Rompo Dendrotox" iconRompo Dendrotox Charge Blade
"Rompo Latrotox" iconRompo Latrotox Heavy Bowgun
"Rompo Mytoxin" iconRompo Mytoxin Long Sword
"Rooster Decapitator" iconRooster Decapitator Great Sword


"Sandsea Ghantisil" iconSandsea Ghantisil Hunting Horn
"Sandsea Katduva" iconSandsea Katduva Sword and Shield
"Sandsea Uchaltiya" iconSandsea Uchaltiya Insect Glaive
"Sandsea Visponan" iconSandsea Visponan Gunlance
"Sawbill Axe" iconSawbill Axe Switch Axe
"Shining Rook" iconShining Rook Gunlance
"Shrouded Katalo" iconShrouded Katalo Sword and Shield
"Shrouded Kutharja" iconShrouded Kutharja Charge Blade
"Shrouded Laphoka" iconShrouded Laphoka Insect Glaive
"Shrouded Muktana" iconShrouded Muktana Heavy Bowgun
"Sieglinde" iconSieglinde Great Sword
"Singha Gada" iconSingha Gada Hammer
"Smithy's Pride" iconSmithy's Pride Sword and Shield
"Snow Lion Jambiya" iconSnow Lion Jambiya Sword and Shield
"Solid Gunberd" iconSolid Gunberd Gunlance
"Stahlrecht" iconStahlrecht Long Sword
"Stalwart Lamorak" iconStalwart Lamorak Great Sword
"Stealth Glaive Redux" iconStealth Glaive Redux Insect Glaive
"Steel Assault" iconSteel Assault Heavy Bowgun
"Super Kut-Ku Cannon" iconSuper Kut-Ku Cannon Heavy Bowgun
"Szelatya Clairgun" iconSzelatya Clairgun Light Bowgun


"Tail Catapult" iconTail Catapult Light Bowgun
"Tanksorcerer" iconTanksorcerer Heavy Bowgun
"The Chains of Life" iconThe Chains of Life Optional Quests
"Titan Panzer" iconTitan Panzer Light Bowgun
"Titan's Armament" iconTitan's Armament Sword and Shield
"Tonitrus Clairblade" iconTonitrus Clairblade Long Sword
"Toucan Pike" iconToucan Pike Insect Glaive
"Triumvirate Edge" iconTriumvirate Edge Gunlance


"Valeroje-of-the-Waves" iconValeroje-of-the-Waves Charge Blade
"Valkyrie Flame" iconValkyrie Flame Light Bowgun
"Veldian Ensis I" iconVeldian Ensis I Long Sword
"Veldian Gladius I" iconVeldian Gladius I Great Sword
"Veldian Harpes I" iconVeldian Harpes I Dual Blades
"Veldian Hasta I" iconVeldian Hasta I Gunlance
"Veldian Impetum I" iconVeldian Impetum I Light Bowgun
"Veldian Labrys I" iconVeldian Labrys I Charge Blade
"Veldian Mucro I" iconVeldian Mucro I Sword and Shield
"Veldian Securis I" iconVeldian Securis I Switch Axe
"Veldian Sibilus I" iconVeldian Sibilus I Hunting Horn
"Veldian Tormentum I" iconVeldian Tormentum I Heavy Bowgun
"Veldian Trudis I" iconVeldian Trudis I Insect Glaive
"Venom's Kiss" iconVenom's Kiss Charge Blade
"Verräterarm" iconVerräterarm Gunlance
"Viperine Saber" iconViperine Saber Sword and Shield


"Wahnschleuder" iconWahnschleuder Light Bowgun
"War Conga" iconWar Conga Hunting Horn
"White Cannon" iconWhite Cannon Gunlance
"White Rathling Phoenix" iconWhite Rathling Phoenix Light Bowgun
"Whitefire Rathguard" iconWhitefire Rathguard Great Sword
"Wild Hatchets" iconWild Hatchets Dual Blades
"Wild Stinger" iconWild Stinger Heavy Bowgun
"Windclaw Kiribami" iconWindclaw Kiribami Long Sword
"Windshear Uchibami" iconWindshear Uchibami Light Bowgun
"Windsunder Sakibami" iconWindsunder Sakibami Switch Axe
"Windthrash Tamebami" iconWindthrash Tamebami Charge Blade
"Wyvern Blade "Lily"" iconWyvern Blade "Lily" Long Sword
"Wyvern Lovers" iconWyvern Lovers Dual Blades
"Wyvern Sentinels" iconWyvern Sentinels Dual Blades
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