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Icon Title Overview Quest Text Rewards Related Items Deadline Quest Rank
Item icon
A Brother's Mercy

I must stop Vinca, an old comrade of Basilio’s. When I’m ready,…

Increases Tolerance

No Deadline

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A Bullish Embargo

I need to slay the Grotesque Guptauros in Belega Corridor. The…

Pious IgniterIncreases Courage7,500 Reeve

"Brute's Horn" iconBrute's Horn Side Quest Items

No Deadline

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A Dagger, a Ring, and a Rake

I need to find Malveno’s Ring Cuculus mentioned in the Abandoned…

Grius’s MementoIncreases Courage15,000 Reeve

"Malveno's Ring" iconMalveno's Ring Follower Items

No Deadline

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A Friend in Need

A paripus woman wants me to find her friend who was left behind…

5,000 Reeves

No Deadline

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A Guiding Gift

I need to find Polar Stones in the Dragon Temple. There are three…

Passionate Wraps22,500 Reeve

"Polar Stone" iconPolar Stone Side Quest Items


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A Haunted Heirloom

A nobleman in Grand Trad asked us to retrieve a Black Jewel Necklace…

Sandglass CuirassIncreases Courage4,000 Reeve

"Black Jewel Necklace" iconBlack Jewel Necklace Side Quest Items


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A Noble's Legacy

Strohl asked me to help him track down his inheritance. Perhaps…

Increases Tolerance

No Deadline

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A Rake's Last Wish

Daturam entrusted me to deliver Alonzo’s inheritance to his hometown.…

No Reward

No Deadline

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Ancestral Solution

I need to obtain an ingredient for the Potion of Blight. I wonder…

No Reward

No Deadline

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Apprehend the Real Kidnapper

The culprit behind the abductions must be found! It begins by…

No Reward


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Become Champion of the Coliseum

I need to claim victory at the coliseum and win the prize. The…

Yggdrasil Crown135,000 Reeve

No Deadline

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Deeds and Diversions

I need to negotiate and retrieve the Deed taken as loan collateral.…

Chef’s Toque10,000 Reeve

"Deed" iconDeed Side Quest Items

No Deadline

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Defeat Milo

I need to find Milo, who deceived Loveless, and put a stop to…

Sumptuous Magla Feast40,000 Reeves

No Deadline

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Defeat the Coliseum Monster

I need to claim victory at the coliseum and obtain the reward.…

25,000 Reeve

No Deadline

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Deliver Hot Spring Water

As proof that I bathed in the Altabury hot spring, I need to…

Almighty Panacea20,000 Reeve

"Empty Vial" iconEmpty Vial Side Quest Items
"Vial With Hot Spring Water" iconVial With Hot Spring Water Side Quest Items

No Deadline

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Dental Distress

I need to deliver the Toothbrush of Hygenia to the requester…

Gold Beetle15,000 Reeve

"Toothbrush of Hygienia" iconToothbrush of Hygienia Side Quest Items


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Efflorescent Youth

The requester wants me to find a rare flower not found in Brilehaven.…

Increases Tolerance4,000 Reeve

"Rainbow Flower" iconRainbow Flower Side Quest Items


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Eliminate Virga Island's Threat

The weakened human likely headed to Virga Island to recover its…

No Rewards

No Deadline

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Grieving Ghost of the Goblet

I need to slay the Fatolich in the Tomb of Lament, north of Brilehaven.…

Increases Courage35,000 Reeve

"Chalice of Legends" iconChalice of Legends Side Quest Items

No Deadline

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Hatching a Plan

The pigeoneer in Martira asked us to buy a Practical Pigeon Parcel…

Invincible Noodles7,500 Reeve


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Help the Hushed Honeybee

I need to help out at the Hushed Honeybee Inn on Sunshade Row…

Magla Pill x3Increases Wisdom2,000 Reeve


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Infiltrate the Charadrius

The infiltration route must be secured, so Louis’s Room can be…

No Rewards


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Man's Not-So Best Friend

I need to slay the Maneater Manjula in Tradia Desert, south of…

Increases Courage10,000 Reeves

"Rampager Tail" iconRampager Tail Side Quest Items

No Deadline

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More's Task Chapter Five: Resolve

To nurture the strength I’ll need to challenge Louis the Archmage,…

Hero’s Jewelled Root x5Increases Imagination

No Deadline

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More's Task Chapter Four: Turmoil

To nurture the strength I’ll need to challenge Louis the Archmage,…

Hero’s Leaf of Light x8Increases Imagination

No Deadline

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More's Task Chapter One: Ordeal

To nurture the strength I’ll need to challenge Louis the Archmage,…

Hero’s Fruit x5Increases Imagination

No Deadline

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More's Task Chapter Six: The End

To nurture the strength I’ll need to challenge Louis the Archmage,…

Hero’s Jewelled Root x8Increases Imagination

No Deadline

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More's Task Chapter Three: Drifting

To nurture the strength I’ll need to challenge Louis the Archmage,…

Hero’s Leaf of Light x5Increases Imagination

No Deadline

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More's Task Chapter Two: Solitude

To nurture the strength I’ll need to challenge Louis the Archmage,…

Hero’s Fruit x8Increases Imagination

No Deadline

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More's Task: Foreword and Prologue

To nurture the strength I’ll need to challenge Louis the Archmage,…

Hero’s Incense x3Increases Imagination

No Deadline

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Necromancer Takedown

Louis’s necromancer subordinate must be stopped! I need to discover…

No Rewards


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Obtain Drakodios

I need to head to the Dragon Temple and acquire the divine relic…

No Rewards


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Obtain Maintenance Chief Ceiba's key

I need to obtain the key that Maintenance Chief Ceiba holds in…

No Rewards


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Obtain Master Sergeant Glechom's key

I need to obtain the key that Master Sergeant Glechom holds in…

No Rewards


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Obtain Sergeant Xanth's key

I need to obtain the key that Sergeant Xanth holds in order to…

No Rewards


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Pagan's Dilemma

I need to purchase the Breath of Fresh Air, a medicine, and deliver…

Rusted AccessoryIncreases Tolerance

"Breath of Fresh Air" iconBreath of Fresh Air Side Quest Items


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Item icon
Peak Curiosity

We were asked to avenge someone’s sister by going to the Spire…

Hero’s Jewelled Root x3Increases Courage60,000 Reeve

"Monster Notebook" iconMonster Notebook Side Quest Items

No Deadline

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Petty Thief

I need to find the thief and recover the relics. First, I should…

Hero’s Jewelled Root x5

No Deadline

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Prepare for the Final Battle

Ahead of my final battle with Louis, my adversary decreed by…

No Rewards


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Promising Returns

Maria is waiting for us to return home and regale her with tales…

Curative Coney Roast

No Deadline

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Proof of Power

I must slay the Ziocropos at the Tower of Insolence to procure…

Increases Courage50,000 Reeves

"Bramblethorn Baton" iconBramblethorn Baton Side Quest Items

No Deadline

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Providing a Spark

An old inventor Neuras once knew is living in Komero, a village…

Hero’s Incense x5

"Glass Ornament" iconGlass Ornament Follower Items
"Inventor's Journal" iconInventor's Journal Follower Items

No Deadline

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Relic Search: A Dream's Origin

I need to find Neuras’s coveted relics. I don’t know where they…

Hero’s Leaf of Light x10

No Deadline

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Relic Search: Bitter Memories

Find Neuras’s coveted relics. I don’t know where they are, but…

Hero’s Leaf of Light x8

No Deadline

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Relic Search: Dregs of Destiny

I need to find Neuras’s coveted relics. I don’t know where they…

Hero’s Fruit x6

No Deadline

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Relic Search: Engineer's Destiny

I need to find Neuras’s coveted relics. I don’t know where they…

Hero’s Fruit x8

No Deadline

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Relic Search: Inventor's Bequest

Find Neuras’s coveted relics. I don’t know where they are, but…

Hero’s Incense x10

No Deadline

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Relic Search: Youth's Folly

Find Neuras’s coveted relics. I don’t know where they are, but…

Hero’s Leaf of Light x6

No Deadline

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Save the Country

I must defeat Louis and save the country. But first, I’ll have…

No Rewards


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Save the Mourning Snakes

I have to slay the monster desecrating the Orbwise Path. The…

Increases Imagination

No Deadline

Item icon
Save the Prince from Death's Curse

Save the prince from his curse and defeat Louis Guiabern, the…

No Rewards

No Deadline

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Item icon

I need to gather eight Mortaskulls in the Grand Cathedral mausoleum.…

Brigandine3,000 Reeve

"Mortaskull" iconMortaskull Side Quest Items


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Skybound Avatar Conquest

Head to the royal palace in the sky to save the world from being…

No Rewards


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Item icon
Soldier's Solace

I need seven samples of Dragonthistle Berry, which grow in Gracia…

Dragonblood Sap30,000 Reeve

"Dragonthistle Berry" iconDragonthistle Berry Side Quest Items

No Deadline

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Item icon
Subjugate Heismay

I need to find Heismay, the vile kidnapper. He’s thought to be…

Item icon
Superior Scrimshaw

I need to slay the Orgas in the Forsaken Tower and procure its…

Increases Courage25,000 Reeve

"Ebony Horn" iconEbony Horn Side Quest Items

No Deadline

Item icon
The Apostles of the Apocalypse

I need to slay Bandit Chief Cistus, said to be hiding in the…

Increases Courage172,500 Reeve

"Founder's Hatchet" iconFounder's Hatchet Side Quest Items

No Deadline

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Item icon
The Chalice vs. The Brew

Locate the Chalice of Legends and deliver it to the requester.…

Miraculous Bead7500 Reeve

No Deadline

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Item icon
The Cockatrice in the Clouds

I need to slay the Kokamordos that nests in the Manor of the…

Increases Courage105,000 Reeve

"Cockatrice Crest" iconCockatrice Crest Side Quest Items

No Deadline

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Item icon
The Edge of Glory

I need to obtain the Legendary Greatsword sealed in Mt. Vulkano.…

Beloved GreatswordIncreases Wisdom30,000 Reeve

"Rusty Greatsword" iconRusty Greatsword Side Quest Items

No Deadline

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Item icon
The Fiend in the Frozen Forest

I need to slay the Icebeast Chimenzahn in the Everfrost Forest,…

Increases Courage80,000 Reeve

"Frostpoint Horn" iconFrostpoint Horn Side Quest Items

No Deadline

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Item icon
The Greater One-Eyed Scoundrel

I need to slay the Psyocropos in Scoundrel’s Hold, southeast…

Increases Courage60,000 Reeve

"Enormous Eyeball" iconEnormous Eyeball Side Quest Items

No Deadline

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Item icon
The Incarnate in the Woods

I need to slay the Ordemos on the Abandoned Path south of Altabury.…

Increases Courage75,000 Reeve

"Bloodstained Talon" iconBloodstained Talon Side Quest Items

No Deadline

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Item icon
The Man-Eater in the Mine

I need to slay the Alpha Rockworm Valmo in Man-Eater’s Grotto,…

Increases Courage20,000 Reeve

"Alpha Rockworm Eye" iconAlpha Rockworm Eye Side Quest Items

No Deadline

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Item icon
The New King of the Imps

I need to slay the Goborn King in the Imp’s Den east of Martira.…

Increases Courage16,000 Reeve

"Imp's Loincloth" iconImp's Loincloth Side Quest Items

No Deadline

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Item icon
The Old Castle Town Kidnapper

I need to find and bring in Heismay, a notorious criminal tied…

Increases Courage

No Deadline

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The Price of Hope

I need the Lycaon Magic Association on Sunlumeo Street in Grand…

Gleaming CrystalIncreases Wisdom10,000 Reeve

"Bargain Igniter" iconBargain Igniter Side Quest Items

No Deadline

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Item icon
The Queen of Cuisine: Heart

I need to prepare food that will satisfy the requester. The key…

Limp GoldfishBrocaded Koi5,000 Reeve

No Deadline

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Item icon
The Queen of Cuisine: Soul

Cook a meal to inspire a “divine dish” and deliver it to the…

Lord of the LakeIncreases Eloquence

No Deadline

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The Right to Rule

Together, the great sandworm near Martira can be defeated. Sandstorms…

Increases Courage

No Deadline

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The Trial of Malnova

I need to complete the trial in the deepest part of the Land…

Increases WIsdom

No Deadline

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Thwart Zorba's Plan

I need to put a stop to Zorba the necromancer’s plan and prevent…

No Reward


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Trial of the Dragon: Bygone Legacy

There’s supposed to be a secret power that dwells in the Tower…

No Reward

No Deadline

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Trial of the Dragon: Essence of Power

I should return to the Dragon Temple. According to Agrica, a…

No Reward

No Deadline

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Item icon
Trial of the Dragon: Heroes' Rest

There’s supposed to be a secret power that dwells in the Spire…

No Reward

No Deadline

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Item icon
Trial of the Dragon: Mad Mischief

There’s supposed to be a secret power that dwells in the Forsaken…

No Reward

No Deadline

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Warmth in Winter

I should travel to Malva to procure some Durable Spider Silk,…

Mountaineer GlovesIncreases Tolerance25,000 Reeve

No Deadline

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Item icon
Wayward Shepherd

I need to go find Sanctor Hyperic, who headed to Mt. Vulkano.…

Increases Eloquence

No Deadline

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