The king of an ancient civilization that was restored by Kanata after coming to him in a dream.
A mysterious man who appeared to Kanata in a dream. The king of the Plated People. Convinced that Kanata, who restored him from his lost state, is the one to guide the world back to glory, he pledged his aid to Kanata’s cause. His claim of being a Plated Person is evidenced by his advanced skill in motorized armor. His advancing years have weakened his physical prowess, but his manipulative powers in the mystical arts make him a formidable opponent.
Obaro is a character who delves in magical attacks, with a large number of them dealing some kind of elemental damage. So, if you’re looking for someone to strike an elemental weakness, then look no farther than Obaro. Now, the main elemental skills each have their own range, like Flame being a melee-like range and Aqua focusing on a ranged target. Hollow will inflict petrification, which restricts movement and decreases evasion rate, basically making the enemy useless for a few turns.
Obaro’s sidequest skill, Meteor, will deal more damage depending on how many elementals you have used (seems to be the case for most of the skills earned from the sidequests). By far, the best skill with Obaro is probably Gravity, as it hits multiple times and with Null Boost equipped to it, you don’t have to worry about enemies resisting or nullifying the damage. In fact, adding Null Boost sublimations to all of the elemental skills is a good thing to do, should you wish to use them all.
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