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Lords of the Fallen (2023)

All Umbral Eyes Locations Guide

Matt Chard
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Lords of the Fallen has many ways to upgrade your character in the game, and one of these is by socketing the Umbral Eyes onto the "Umbral Lamp" iconUmbral Lamp. These eyes have two different effects depending on if they’re placed in the first or second socket of the lamp. When you look at an Eye, it will display an effect for the main socket, and then the secondary socket, and placing the same eye in a different socket will change what passive skill you obtain. You can only place two eyes into one lamp, so you’ll need to play around with them until you get your preferred set of skills. If you want to know where you can find every Umbral Eye in Lords of the Fallen, read here.

There are 15 Umbral Eyes for you to collect in Lords of the Fallen, and here is a list of their locations.

Where to Find All Umbral Eyes

Umbral Eye of Betrayed Eliard Location

Area Nearest Vestige
Abandoned Redcopse Marco the Axe (Recopse Windmill)

Warp to the Marco the Axe Vestige in the Abandoned Redcopse area, face the bell door, and you’ll find a gap to the left. Enter the Umbral Realm, Soul Flay the nearby stone platform, and make your way down to the bottom. In the center, you will find an Umbral Belly you can Soul Flay which contains the Umbral Eye.

(1 of 2) Warp to the Marco the Axe Vestige, enter the Umbral Realm, and Soul Flay the platform to the left.

Warp to the Marco the Axe Vestige, enter the Umbral Realm, and Soul Flay the platform to the left. (left), Follow this to the bottom where you’ll find an Umbral Belly in the center. Soul Flay it for the Eye. (right)

Umbral Eye of Blind Agatha Location

Area Nearest Vestige
Abbey of the Hallowed Sisters Rosamund (Abbey)

Unfortunately, there isn’t a Vestige near this eye, and you’ll have to make your way there fighting some of the more frustrating enemies in the game. This is easier to obtain if you have the shortcuts unlocked, and this guide will assume that you do. From the Vestige, head through the large gate in front of you, and follow the winding path to the top until you reach the Ardent Penitent who is just past the chest. Behind him is a gate that will be locked, and if so, you’ll have to go left, but you’ve opened that already, right?

Proceed past the shortcut gate, and continue to the top where you’ll find a Sin Piercer and a Scourge Sister, defeat them, and continue up the spiral stairs. At the top of the stairs, you’ll come to what appears to be a dead end. Enter the Umbral Realm, and follow the ledge around the “dead end” to reach the next area. This area is hell and is best run through, otherwise, you’ll get shot at by Sin Piercers, fired at by the Abbess’ beams of death, and headbutted by Ardent Penitents.

(1 of 5) From the Rosamund Vestige, take the stairs to the top.

Run to the building to the left and defeat the Sin Piercer you just ran past. There is a Scourge Sister to the right of the building and an Ardent Penitent to the left of her. If that wasn’t enough, there is an Abbess (unless you killed her already) on the balcony overlooking the area who will attack you with her death beams. Sprint across the courtyard ignoring the enemies, run past the fountain, and head up the stairs where another Sin Piercer and dog can be found. You can defeat these here as the rest shouldn’t follow.

After they’re defeated, run down the hallway and take out the dog to your left. There will also be a chest, and an Abbess to your left if you haven’t killed her yet. Continue down the hallway, and you’ll find a gap in the fence. Enter the Umbral Realm, but be careful of the dive-bombing Sorrow of Despair (imp) who will crash down upon you on the first stone platform (this will knock you off). Now, use the platforms to jump from roof to roof until you reach the circular roof at the back. On this roof, you’ll find a vertebrae bridge leading down to a building with explosive orbs on the wall. Follow the balcony around to the left to reach another roof where you’ll find an Umbral Belly that contains the coveted eye.

(1 of 5) From the building, run through the area while avoiding the numerous enemies until you reach the Sin Piercer at the top.

Umbral Eye of Dieter Location

Area Nearest Vestige
Revelation Depths Catrin (Hoist)

The quickest way to get this eye is from the Vestige of Catrin in Sunless Skein Hoist, but it requires you to have the shortcut unlocked to the Revelation Depths. If you haven’t, you’ll have to make your way down normally. From the Vestige, go through the door and onto the elevator. When it gets down to the bottom, defeat the enemies and head down the stairs to the left of the elevator until you reach a small Umbral Bed of Flowers. Enter the Umbral Realm, and look across to find a platform you can Soul Flay. Jump across to the platform, and you’ll find an Umbral Belly on the platform opposite. Jump down to the Belly, and Soul Flay it for the Eye.

(1 of 4) From the Catrin Vestige, head out the shortcut door and take the elevator down.

Umbral Eye of Doln Location

Area Nearest Vestige
The Empyrean Iorelo the Cursed Knight (Empyrean)

From the Vestige, head toward the Empyrean while defeating the two Abbess’ and the Sanctified Huntress. With them defeated, head through the archways to the right of the large door, and enter the Umbral Realm. This will unveil a ladder leading down to some stone platforms. Soul Flay the platform to the left of the ladder across and pull yourself to the small area on the opposite side. Here, you’ll find the Umbral Belly containing the Eye, but you’ll have to defeat some enemies first to get it.

(1 of 3) From the Vestige, head towards the large door at the back of the area, and then head right.

Umbral Eye of Ethryg Location

Area Nearest Vestige
Skyrest Vestige of Ethryg (Skyrest)

This eye is a reward for completing Byron’s quest line involving the missing pendant. Read here for a full guide on the Finding the Thief quest. After you complete the quest, Byron will return to Skyrest, but you’ll need to head to the area where the Tortured Prisoner is/was, and you’ll find him at the bottom of the area.

Umbral Eye of Hooded Antuli Location

Area Nearest Vestige
Fitzroy’s Gorge Betrayed Elliard (Shrine)

The closest Vestige is where the Shrine of Adyr is. If you haven’t been to the shrine, simply follow the linear path from the Pale Butcher Vestige until you reach a crossroad, and head down the right path leading to Calrath. From there, you can follow the path into the cave, and outside the opposite end of it to reach the same bridge.

If you start at the shrine, exit the area, and follow the slope to the shortcut ladder where you’ll find the same bridge. Now, if you’ve never been here before, this bridge has the Ruiner Boss Fight which you will need to defeat to gain access to the Eye location. With the boss defeated, place a "Vestige Seed" iconVestige Seed in the center of the bridge, and then continue across the bridge and head down the path to your right which will lead to an open area near the dilapidated castle ramparts. There are numerous enemies down here, so either defeat or run past them through the gate where the serpent-like enemy is.

Through the gate is another boss arena of a reoccurring boss who will most likely kill you if you’ve not been here before, so you may have to make the run again which is why we recommended placing a seed on the bridge. Anyway, after the boss, exit the arena via the left path, and you’ll have three ways to go, forward, right, and left. Defeat the nearby enemies, and then go up the hill to the left into the door of the dilapidated tower. Inside, head up the stairs to the first doorway, and enter the Umbral Realm. Here, you’ll find the Eye at the end of the path, but it’s being guarded by a Bringer of Stillness. If you don’t fancy fighting it, you can Soul Flay the Umbral Belly quickly, obtain the Eye, and flee.

(1 of 4) From the Shrine of Adyr, make your way back to the Ruiner Boss bridge.

Umbral Eye of Iorelo the Cursed Knight Location

Area Nearest Vestige
Pilgrim’s Perch - Belled Rise Blind Agatha (Bellroom)

Although this eye is in Pilgrim’s Perch, it’s in the more difficult Belled Rise area, and you may want to get this when you’re stronger. Either way, you’ll need the "Pilgrim's Perch Key" iconPilgrim’s Perch Key which can be purchased from Stomund back in Skyrest. Warp to the Vestige of Blind Agatha, and enter the nearby door to which you require the key. In the next area, there are two enemies, a Marksman, and a Holy Bulwark. These are tough opponents at any time, but these will be parasite-protected (hidden behind the wall to the left of the pillar). Defeat them or run, it’s your choice.

Follow the path to the right, and head down until you reach the area with the Marksmen. You’ll find an Avowed who will try to lure you into the open for the Marksmen, one Marksman on the higher platform to your left, and one Marksman across the pit. If you fall, you’ll be met by three, yes three, Ardent Penitents, but you will get the "Hammer of Holy Agony" iconHammer of Holy Agony. Defeat the enemies and make your way across the pit by jumping and using the wooden planks. When you reach the other side, an Avowed will charge at you from your right.

(1 of 4) Head through the Pilgrim Key door from the Blind Agatha Vestige. The Key can be purchased from Stomund.

Continue on, and take the left path. Here, there will be a chasm with three mages, one behind the breakables to your left, and two on the opposite side of the chasm. Defeat them, then enter the Umbral Realm (or shine the lamp) to get across the chasm. Follow the path, and you’ll reach an Umbral Bed of Flowers with a locked door to your right, and a path to your left. Unlocking the door will give you a small shortcut, and some good loot, but you’ll need to defeat a Proselyte to get it.

Take the left path, defeat the mage on the right if you haven’t already, and approach the doorway that leads outside. Do not rush to kick the mage off the cliff as there is another to the right of the door who will try to do the same to you. Take the right one out first, then kick the other off the cliff. Follow the path to the right and take out the Marksman at the back under the large bell, and then follow the path to the end which will require you to shine your lamp. At the end of the path, you’ll find a building to your left. However, the Eye is past the building, but before rushing over to it, defeat the mage hidden behind the building to your left (it will push you off), and then enter the Umbral Realm where you’ll find an Umbral Belly that contains the Eye.

(1 of 4) At the Umbral Flower Bed, follow the left path outside.

Umbral Eye of Loash Location

Area Nearest Vestige
Path of Devotion Dieter (Memorial)

From the Vestige, follow the path down while defeating the enemies along the way. At the end of the path, you’ll find a hill with numerous enemies that are parasite-protected including a Holy Bulwark who will be on top of the hill which just happens to be where the parasite is located. Defeat the enemies, enter the Umbral Realm, and Soul Flay the Umbral Belly for the Diminishing Missile spell, and then loot the "Anvil Hammer" iconAnvil Hammer on top of the hill.

When you’re done looting, head down the path to your left and defeat the two parasite-protected Avowed, and then defeat the incoming Crimson Rector. At the bottom of the path, you’ll be ambushed by a Sin Piercer and three dogs; defeat them, enter the Umbral Realm, and Soul Flay the Umbral Belly for the "Hungering Knot" iconHungering Knot Catalyst.

In this area, you’ll see a large umbral arena which will be a door if you haven’t been following the Dark Crusader Quest and witnessed all four stigmas. Fortunately, you don’t need to go here to get the Eye. Instead, head down the path opposite the previous Umbral Belly, and defeat the numerous archers before heading down to the bottom. Here, you’ll find two parasite-protected Holy Bulwark’s. Destroy the parasite, take them out, and then enter the Umbral Realm. When you go into the Umbral Realm, you’ll need to defeat a Bringer of Stillness too before you can Soul Flay the Umbral Belly next to the gate that contains the Eye. There is also an Enhanced Lump Hammer weapon to the right of the gate.

(1 of 4) From the Dieter Vestige, follow the narrow path down until you reach a large hill with numerous enemies.

Umbral Eye of Lost Berescu Location

Area Nearest Vestige
Bramis Castle The Forgotten Guardian (Calrath)

Warp to the Vestige of The Forgotten Guardian, and then head into Bramis Castle. Follow the linear path until you reach the open area that’s filled with lava, and follow the right side while defeating the abundance of enemies. Eventually, you’ll go through a collapsed tower. On the other side, head up the stairs, and continue following the path until you reach the area where there is a blaze of fire blocking your path to your left; which is near the Infernal Enchantress enemy. Defeat the nearby enemies, and enter the Umbral Realm as it will create a stone bridge across the lava just past the Enchantress. Head across the newly formed bridge to the other side, and you’ll find a well-hidden Umbral Belly on the wall in between two protruding crystals in front of you; Soul Flay, and collect the item for the Eye.

(1 of 4) From The Forgotten Guardian Vestige, enter Bramis Castle, and follow the path until you reach the lava-filled area. From here, head to the end while following the right path.

Umbral Eye of Lydia the Numb Witch Location

Area Nearest Vestige
Bramis Castle The Bloody Pilgrim (Castle)

This eye can be found near the main boss of Bramis Castle, so make your way through the area until you get to The Bloody Pilgrim Vestige. From the Vestige, go through the nearby door and up the stairs to reach the crystal area. Walk along the crystal until you reach the intersection, and then take the path on your right. Follow the linear path to reach an open area with a Ruiner at the back, to your right. Defeat it, and head up the stairs to the left which leads to the boss, and after the second set, take a right and enter the Umbral Realm. There will be a moth lady, and a Bringer of Stillness here, so defeat them first, then Soul Flay the Umbral Belly on the wall for the Eye.

(1 of 5) From the Bloody Pilgrim Vestige, enter the doorway and head up the stairs to your right.

Umbral Eye of Marco the Axe Location

Area Nearest Vestige
Anywhere Anywhere

This eye is easy to find, but hard to acquire. The reason for this is it drops upon defeating a Scarlet Shadow enemy, yes, those scary red reapers who ambush you in the Umbral Realm. Your best way to get this eye is to wait until later in the game when you are strong enough to take it down. When you’re feeling powerful, remove any item, eye, or rune that reduces Dread resistance. Once that’s done, find an area that has a Vestige in an open area like Marco the Axe for example, and wait around to your dread eyeballs fill up as that will trigger the Scarlet Shadow to spawn. Now, you have to defeat it. It more or less has the same attacks as the Bringer of Stillness, but it will have more health, and deal more damage. The hardest mechanic to deal with though is it can stop you from using your "Sanguinarix" iconSanguinarix, so make sure you have some other form of healing like throwing items, or spells. If you want an in-depth strategy on how to defeat it, check out our Scarlet Shadow Guide.

The Scarlet Shadow will appear when your dread multiplier hits 3.0. Defeat it for the Marco the Axe Eye.

Umbral Eye of Olleren Location

Area Nearest Vestige
Tower of Penance Brother Jeremiah (Leprosarium)

Unfortunately, there isn’t a Vestige near the Tower of Penance, so you’ll have to get there from either the Brother Jeremiah Vestige (Leprosarium) or the Vestige of Rosamund (Abbey), both of which are not near it. When you reach the Tower of Penance, head through the main doors if you’ve opened them before, if not, you’ll need to work your way down to it from the top which can be accessed via the elevator at the side of the tower. Whatever way you choose to get there, make your way to that level of the tower. The Umbral Belly that contains the Eye can be found to the right next to the door, against the wall.

(1 of 2) Enter the front door of the Tower of Penance.

Enter the front door of the Tower of Penance. (left), Enter the Umbral Realm, and look to the right of the door to find the Umbral Belly containing the Eye. (right)

Umbral Eye of Rosamund Location

Area Nearest Vestige
Pilgrim’s Perch Blind Agatha (Bellroom)

Warp to the Blind Agatha Vestige, and proceed down the cave where you’ll find some water to your right. Defeat the nearby mages, and then enter the Umbral Realm and drop into the pit. Go up the stairs to your right, and follow the path around where you’ll find a moth lady. Defeat her, and Soul Flay the Umbral Belly for the Eye.

(1 of 3) From the Blind Agatha Vestige, head through the cave until you reach some water on your right.

Umbral Eye of The Bloody Pilgrim Location

Area Nearest Vestige
Upper Calrath The Forgotten Guardian (Calrath)

Warp to The Forgotten Guardian Vestige in Upper Calrath. Progress the area past the boss/Ravager arena and head right. Go up the stairs, jump over the small gap, and take the path on your right. Follow the path to the bottom, and go through the doorway to find a dark tunnel area. Here, you’ll face a few tough enemies such as two Manglers (one fire), and a ranged serpent enemy. Defeat them, while exiting the tunnel and take a left at the Emergence Effigy. Take this path to the square where you’ll find a Skinstealer roaming. Defeat it, enter the Umbral Realm, and Soul Flay the Umbral Belly for the Eye.

(1 of 4) From the Ravager arena, head through the door it came from and go up the stairs. Take the shortcut if you have it.

Umbral Eye of The Pale Butcher Location

Area Nearest Vestige
Forsaken Fen Valade (Fen)

Progress through the area until you reach the large bonfire where you’ll find a few Shuja Warriors. Run past it, and follow the path until you reach the area just before the next bonfire which requires you to go across a bridge. If you’ve been here before, go across the shortcut, and enter the Umbral Realm on the bridge just before the bonfire. Drop off the side to the left, and follow the path right until you can turn left (just past the cages above).

(1 of 4) Follow the path to the first bonfire. Now, follow the path past it, and keep going until you reach the second bonfire.

Here, you’ll find a moth lady guarding a small hut that hosts the Umbral Belly containing the Eye. If you haven’t been here before, you’ll need to make your way to the area by going into the water before the bridge and opening up the way by destroying an Umbral Tumor which can be found around the area. Read our in-depth Forsaken Fen Guide to find out how to do this.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    CI Games
  • Platforms,
    PS4, PS5, Steam, XB One, XB X|S
  • Genre
    Action RPG
  • Guide Release
    11 October 2023
  • Last Updated
    8 November 2023
    Version History
  • Guide Author

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Lords of the Fallen introduces an all-new, epic RPG adventure in a vast, interconnected world more than five times larger than the original game. After an age of the cruelest tyranny, the demon God, Adyr, was finally defeated. But Gods… do not fall forever.

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