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Item icon
Adyr's Mark Ring

The Adyr’s Mark Ring is a ring in Lords of the Fallen that increases…

At the top of the burning building after the Lydia the Numb…

Increase Inferno attribute.

Item icon
Berinon's Ring

The Berinon’s Ring is a ring in Lords of the Fallen that increases…

A stained and corroded ring engraved with various alchemical…

Grenades and flasks cost less ammunition and deal additional damage.

Item icon
Blackfeather Ranger Ring

The Blackfeather Ranger Ring is a ring in Lords of the Fallen…

Skyrest: Either start as the Blackfeather Ranger class, or…

Deal additional damage with bows and crossbows.

Item icon
Bloodbane Ring

The Bloodbane Ring is a ring in Lords of the Fallen that allows…

A ring which constantly oozes a foul liquid. Inflicting poison…

In a hut just past the Vestige of the Pale Butcher (after the…

Inflicting Poison buildup simultaneously inflicts bleed buildup.

Item icon
Brawn Ring

The Brawn Ring is a ring in Lords of the Fallen that increases…

Those who were present and survived never forgot that day near…

In the Bellrise area, found in the red pit that the paladin…

Increase Strength attribute.

Item icon
Cavalry Pendant

The Cavalry Pendant is a pendant in Lords of the Fallen that…

A carved wooden pendant representing a cavalryman of Mournstead.…

Skyrest Bridge (through Upper Calath) - Other side of the closed…

Reduces mana cost of shout and buff sorceries.

Item icon
Charred Root

The Charred Root is a ring in Lords of the Fallen that allows…

Skyrest: Purchase from Molhu for 10 Umbral Scouring.

Cast Inferno Sorceries with a non-Inferno catalyst.

Item icon
Cursewyrm Ring

The Cursewyrm Ring is a ring in Lords of the Fallen that increases…

A ring bearing a crude depiction of a cursewyrm. Increase Strength…

Hidden behind vines past the shortcut, to the right at Valade…

Increase Strength and Agility attributes.

Item icon
Defiance Ring

The Defiance Ring is a ring in Lords of the Fallen that increases…

The neighbouring states of the Sterleveaux Commonwealth make…

Looted from a chest behind a soul flay wall in the Bellroom…

Increase resistance to all status effects.

Item icon
Empyrean Pendant

The Empyrean Pendant is a pendant in Lords of the Fallen that…

Skyrest: Purchase from Exacter Dunmire for 4,500 Vigor.

Increase Holy damage and Holy defense.

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Faceless Carving

The Faceless Carving is a pendant in Lords of the Fallen that…

Skyrest: Purchase from Molhu for 4,500 Vigor.

Increase Wither damage and Wither defense.

Item icon
Glacier Ring

The Glacier Ring is a ring in Lords of the Fallen that increases…

Found on a corpse sitting at the edge of the plank in the open…

Increase resistance to frostbite.

Item icon
Grievous Ring

The Grievous Ring is a ring in Lords of the Fallen that recovers…

A ring featuring a broken tooth. Regain health and a soulflay…

Drops from a Soul Flay character in the city. Look for a fence…

Regain health and a soulflay charge upon performing a grievous strike.

Item icon
Hallowed Triptych

The Hallowed Triptych is a pendant in Lords of the Fallen that…

A triptych displaying three images related to the Hallowed Sentinels.…

Looted from a chest on top of a square tower in the Manse of…

Holy damage deals additional posture damage.

Item icon
Holy Blood Ring

The Holy Blood Ring is a ring in Lords of the Fallen that increases…

A simple, bloodstained metal band adorned with a damaged crimson…

Pilgrim’s Perch - Soul Flay a corpse in the Umbral Realm just…

Increase resistance to bleed.

Item icon
Inner Serpent Pendant

The Inner Serpent Pendant is a pendant in Lords of the Fallen…

An intricately carved stone pendant. Dodging reloads your crossbow…

Looted from the rafters of the barracks/kitchen area of the…

Dodging reloads your crossbow automatically.

Item icon
Magma Ring

The Magma Ring is a ring in Lords of the Fallen that increases…

A ring featuring an ever-molten bead of magma. Increase resistance…

From the Vestige of Sebastian, head left then right, kill the…

Increase resistance to ignite.

Item icon
Mineowner's Ring

The Mineowner’s Ring is a ring in Lords of the Fallen that increases…

An old, tarnished ring. Increase maximum stamina and stamina…

Redcopse Village - After the Marco the Axe Vestige, you’ll need…

Increase maximum stamina and stamina regeneration rate.

Item icon
Miner's Pendant

The Miner’s Pendant is a pendant in Lords of the Fallen that…

The two enchanted crystals which form part of this pendant are…

Hidden behind a wall in the second half of the Sunless Skien.…

Gain additional catalyst slots, to a maximum of 5 slots.

Item icon
Mother’s Watch

The Mother’s Watch is a ring in Lords of the Fallen that increases…

Skyrest: Purchase from Molhu for 3,000 Vigor.

Increase resistance to Dread.

Item icon
Nimble Ring

The Nimble Ring is a ring in Lords of the Fallen that increases…

While the imperial assassins of Yisugen focus on stealth and…

Increase Agility attribute.

Item icon
Paladin's Pendant

The Paladin’s Pendant is a starting pendant in Lords of the Fallen…

A simple but durable pendant bestowed upon all Paladins of the…

Starting pendant for the Dark Crusader class. This is a Deluxe…

Increase Strength and Endurance attributes.

Item icon
Panoptic Ring

The Panoptic Ring is a ring in Lords of the Fallen that increases…

Hanging off a tree just past the Vestige of the Pale Butcher…

Increase Inferno and Radiance attributes.

Item icon
Pendant of Burden

The Pendant of Burden is a pendant in Lords of the Fallen that…

A pendant incorporating several claws and a small, mossy skull.…

From the Pale Butcher Vetsige at the end of the Fen region,…

Deal additional damage for every status effect inflicted on an enemy.

Item icon
Pendant of Induration

The Pendant of Induration is a pendant in Lords of the Fallen…

This old pendant has been worn by numerous people since its creation…

Reward for rescuing Kukajin behind the shortcut door next to…

Increase physical defence.

Item icon
Pendant of Infernal Oblation

The Pendant of Infernal Oblation is a pendant in Lords of the…

A pendant incorporating a small, severed hand bearing the mark…

Found outside the dining room building in the burning Bramis…

Deal additional damage to burning enemies.

Item icon
Pendant of the Blood Sun

The Pendant of the Blood Sun is a pendant in Lords of the Fallen…

A pendant crafted from incredibly old, bloodstained metal that…

Inside the Tower of Penance, accessed via one of the parkour…

Temporarily increases the damage of sorceries upon killing an enemy.

Item icon
Princess' Sting

The Princess’ Sting is a pendant in Lords of the Fallen that…

A pendant of solid gold, fashioned into the image of a particularly…

Found inside a hidden wall at the bottom of the stairs in the…

Deal additional damage with a smaller equip load.

Item icon
Puissance Root

The Puissance Root is a ring in Lords of the Fallen that boosts…

A ring deceptively innocuous in appearance, aside from the faint…

Can be purchased from the Tortured Prisoner vendor after rescuing…

Increase power of sorceries.

Item icon
Queen Verena II's Ring

The !Queen Verena Il’s Ring is a ring in Lords of the Fallen…

A ring once worn by Queen Verena II of Mournstead. Health regenerates…

Health regenerates over time.

Item icon
Relic of Perpetuation

The Relic of Perpetuation is a pendant in Lords of the Fallen…

By the time the Hallowed Sentinels outlawed all other religions…

Pilgrim’s Perch - Warp to the Blind Agatha Vestige in Pilgrim’s…

Increase maximum health.

Item icon
Rhogar’s Delight

The Rhogar’s Delight is a pendant in Lords of the Fallen that…

A pendant incorporating a piece of bloody, flayed skin. Increase…

Skyrest Bridge/Calrath - Spurned Progency Boss area: Purchase…

Increase fire damage and fire defence.

Item icon
Ring of Bones

The Ring of Bones is a ring in Lords of the Fallen that increases…

This ring was painstakingly crafted from numerous tiny bones…

On a corpse floating in the huge water area in the second half…

Increase maximum equip load.

Item icon
Ring of Brilliant Protection

The Ring of Brilliant Protection is a ring in Lords of the Fallen…

Forsaken Fen - Hanging off a tree just past the Vestige of the…

Increase resistance to smite.

Item icon
Ring of Duty

The Ring of Duty is a ring in Lords of the Fallen that increases…

Knightly culture has long been a significant aspect of the kingdom…

Skyrest - Purchase from Stomund for 3,000 Vigor. For more information…

Increase Vitality and Endurance attributes.

Item icon
Ring of Night's Fire

The Ring of Night’s Fire is a ring in Lords of the Fallen that…

In the courtyard of Fitzroy’s Gorge just past the Watchmen Enemy…

Deal additional fire damage and wither damage.

Item icon
Ring of Nourishment

The Ring of Nourishment is a ring in Lords of the Fallen that…

A ring featuring a bloodstained tooth. Regain health upon killing…

On the outer side of the bridge leading to the Calreth Slums…

Regain health upon killing an enemy.

Item icon
Ring of Radiant Preeminence

The Ring of Radiant Preeminence is a ring in Lords of the Fallen…

A ring stained with the blood of its former wearer. Cast Radiant…

Cast Radiant sorceries with a non-Radiant catalyst.

Item icon
Ring of the First of the Beasts

The Ring of the First of the Beasts is a ring in Lords of the…

A ring bearing an image of the First of the Beasts. Increase…

Along one of the mine tracks as you explore deeper into the…

Increase Endurance attribute.

Item icon
Scornful Effigy

The Scornful Effigy is a pendant in Lords of the Fallen that…

Along one of the pathways towards the blacksmiths in the Umbral…

Reduce maximum health but deal additional damage.

Item icon
Shrunken Skull Pendant

The Shrunken Skull Pendant is a pendant in Lords of the Fallen…

A pendant incorporating a small skull bearing the mark of Adyr.…

Inside the small library room inside the burning Bramis Castle,…

Fully-charged ranged attacks deal additional damage.

Item icon
Shuja Harmony Hoop

The Shuja Harmony Hoop is a pendant in Lords of the Fallen that…

After each spell cast, further spells temporarily deal increased…

From the Fen Vestige point, follow the pathway into the first…

After each spell cast, further spells temporarily deal increased damage.

Item icon
Unblinking Root

The Unblinking Root is a ring in Lords of the Fallen that allows…

A ring featuring a tiny, unblinking eye. Cast Umbral sorceries…

Sunless Skein (Below Skinstealer) - On a corpse against the barred…

Cast Umbral sorceries with a non-Umbral catalyst.

Item icon
Unbridled Focus

The Unbridled Focus is a pendant in Lords of the Fallen that…

While some branches of Orism eschew Radiant sorcery entirely,…

On the roof of the square-shaped garden abbey in the Hallowed…

Reduce the mana cost of channelled sorceries and aura sorceries.

Item icon
Verdure Ring

The Verdure Ring is a ring in Lords of the Fallen that increases…

Found in Forsaken Fogfen, behind some vines.

Increase resistance to poison.

Item icon
Vessel Root

The Vessel Root is a ring in Lords of the Fallen that increases…

A ring deceptively innocuous in appearance. Increase maximum…

Hanging from a tree near the square area of the Blacksmith area…

Increase maximum mana.

Item icon
Warrior's Claw

The Warrior’s Claw is a pendant in Lords of the Fallen that increases…

The focal tenets of most religions formed around worship of Judge…

Looted from the Pilgrim’s Perch doorway in the Bellroom cave…

Increase physical damage and defence.

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